Alright, thank you!
I've ordered the stuff and I'll most likely contribute some data as soon as it arrives.
I've ordered the stuff and I'll most likely contribute some data as soon as it arrives.
endlessness said:To be honest I havent read or heard, appart from you, of many people experiencing elemicin by itself and saying its psychedelic.
It is mainly used as antioxidant in anti-tumor effect. And it can permeate the blood-brain barrier to affect the cardiovascular. Meanwhile, it can be used to manufacture antibacterial synergist. It can stanch and as a kind of drug on nerve, it can cause a sense of slight hallucinations. So it is useful in the nerve synapses research.
69ron said:Endlessness, we also have another member on this forum who says he’ll also be trying pure elemicin soon. He’ll be able to give you confirmation on this I’m sure. But until you try it yourself, how can you be sure we’re not full of shit?
As for getting pure elemicin, SWIM tried and can’t get it, but his friend can easily get it because of where she works. If you work at a drug, flavor or perfume manufacturing company, it’s a simple matter of ordering a sample.
rOm said:69ron, SWIM got some elemi resin at home (the one you distill to make stem distilled essential oil), he'd like to try it, but what dosage should he do ?
69ron said:Endlessness, I can prove it’s a hallucinogen without a doubt. Buy some and ingest it. It’s 100% legal. It’s not like bufotenine, in that it works very well for everyone SWIM knows who’s tried it. The effects are unmistakable, similar to LSD and mescaline, but not as visual or mental as either.
Yeah, it's a phenolic compound, or an allylbenzene if you want to be specific.endlessness said:Question. What is elemicin classified as? Its not an alkaloid, so what is it? A phenolic compound? What is the right classification for it?
69ron said:SWIM has a friend who works at a drug manufacturing company and she has recently obtained a pure elemicin sample from one of those suppliers in China and given it to a dozen people at a party.
obliguhl said:It also seems to be the cause for some bronchoconstriction, having difficult times to breathe, but nothing danngerous yet, i think.
obliguhl said:Ok, I tried the tek and took the equivalent of 4 drops. I noticed it almost immediatly after swallowing, it took no longer than 5 minutes to feel it. After 1-2 hours i felt a prickling sensation on my head and some slight nausea. It was stimulating at first but now i feel tired and not so well. It also seems to be the cause for some bronchoconstriction, having difficult times to breathe, but nothing danngerous yet, i think.
But i can say that its definatly active. Not sure if psychedelic but i feel likee im coming up on something...
imPsimon said:I have also felt this previously and confirmed it yesterday with 30drops of oil.
Will some d.stramonium clear up bronchoconstriction?
still waiting for my dmso though.
obliguhl said:I havn't tried DMSO on its own, no. Its 99,5% DMSO but I've added some water to it during the extraction process and drank the result with lots of water. Nausea was very low and could have been due to other things. It was definatly euphoric at first and i experienced some kind of body high. A little wobbly but mostly heavy, like mushrooms, but not so jumpy and lightweightish. I think i can't really judge the oil yet with a low dose of 4 drops. Mine is also fabricated in the philipines and says therapeutic grade. It tastes strongly like nutmeg.
imPsimon said:This last time I tried it I got some new oil from FV and it was pretty consistent to what
I had from my previous tries. Maybe a little less sedative.
Next time I will sacrifice some good mood for a cup of coffee to see if it gets better.
At what time do you ingest the coffee?
I do get good effects but that heavy breathing is quite bothersome and quite
In order to duplicate the tech using 99% DMSO instead of the kind diluted with 30% water, you need to add 30% water to it of course. SWIM’s DMSO is 30% water. So you’d simply mix 70 ml of DMSO with 30 ml of water. I assume you already know that and that’s what you did.