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a GOOD youtube DMT video!

Migrated topic.
"If you're not ready to have your brain cleaned, you will go insane, and that's a fact"! He could've been more positive. There's a difference between respect and fear. How does he know that you'll 'lose your mind' if you haven't studied 'cosmic law' beforehand? I think that people 'obsessed with Britney Spears' could benefit from the wake-up call... well, an aya session, maybe not freebase. He said how he was in a carcrash at the start, which I hope was a metaphor.

Cheer up dude in video! :)
Well...I think the point he was trying to get across was that it is SERIOUS...and that it's a mistake to not understand that it's SERIOUS. The "Brittany Spears" thing was meant to show that this is not some silly party toy.

The overall message is that this is a (positive) life changing experience, which shouldn't be taken lightly.

I think he did a good public service by that.
Winners of being the most idiotic replys on the vid! Winners are!

page 17 said:
If you can handle salvia, you can handle DMT.

page 25 said:
Dmt is nothing to abuse. The first proffessor to studdy the chemical compound died of a brain tumor from access use of Dmt. Dmt is the chemical in your pineal gland that controls your dreams and alows you to determine whats real and what is not. 25mg of this ingredient shoots out of your brain when you are born and when you die let alone all you need of it is 5mg of the synthetic crystaline, any more than that will make you lose your mind. I'm looking forward to dying.

Bravo to them! Everyone make sure they marked down as they should be.
Holy Crap I fear ignorance could be transmitted from one person to another. Im scared..............

That person is a child and far to immature for dmt

If you are scared of the truth and think pop culture is real DMT is not for you TRUTH IS SCARY one must be brave or get out of the kitchen.

Hey Cartman every one shits smoking dmt. no way .......... Fools Fools Fools go back to church if you cant handle the TRUTH

I bet this guy could not add 10+11=21

SF with great respect i must say your research is wrong you can not simply observe and learn it wont work.

Its quantum is the cat dead or alive.

We should not fool ourselves with false answers to questions that have yet to be asked.

I posted this vid link a few months back also. I believe that the power of DMT was intentionally EMPHASIZED in an effort to counter some of the lame-arse "DMT the new party drug" videos that are out there. I personally really appreciate this man's effort to "tame the hype" so to speak, and to take the time to put this vid together. This is only speculation, but I believe this seemingly super cool dude is ONE OF OUR OWN! Props to you man! You know who I'm talking to.

Depends on how deep of a person you are. I'm 14, and I'm always thinking about life, why we're here, does time exist, are we humans with the ability to have spiritual experiences, or spirits plagued by human experiences, is violence caused by human delusion, why are we naturally born with plant psychedelic receptors in our brain,does emotion really exist and things like that. I'm already pretty deep, and into medition. Deep meditation.

idtravlr said:
I posted this vid link a few months back also. I believe that the power of DMT was intentionally EMPHASIZED in an effort to counter some of the lame-arse "DMT the new party drug" videos that are out there. I personally really appreciate this man's effort to "tame the hype" so to speak, and to take the time to put this vid together. This is only speculation, but I believe this seemingly super cool dude is ONE OF OUR OWN! Props to you man! You know who I'm talking to.


Thats cool he is a brave man for taking the hit but why he should have thought young people must realize Everthing is better than it used to be. In my time someone under 18 was lucky to have a car, I remember high school the parking lot 20%full of old beaters now packed with cars most less than 5 years old.

Becarful the world will fuck you up if you dont respect it. No one had a hope in hell of finding dmt in high school or early 20s in my day.

Today its great you have acess to things that were unimagineable in my early years. Be carefuf just as man has atomic wepons to destrot the earth 10 times over.

You the new generation have early acess to many wonderful and dangerous things.
Dont take things lightly your it Its your world I can not help you.

Ok I know it sounds like I was dissing him, but I don't have anything against him- he seemed like a cool guy. It's just that I'm going to be critical of most people who makes a video like that because DMT is very close to SWIM's heart. I understand the 'be cautious' line but it can easily play into the government's negative propaganda machine if not done badly. Sorry for being overly critical- I forget to point out the good bits as well as the not.

All DMT requires is respect, and if you give it just that it will give you healing, happiness, emotional intelligence and love. (And even sex haha!) No fear required ("of the Dark Side that is" ).
Haha they've only teased SWIM so far but there's a real sex vibe in there sometimes. Boobs and fingers caressing etc. Some people on here have actually ended up being made love to by beautiful female entities. This is the main reason why SWIM wants to get some THH- he gets pulled out too early at the moment for any alien shenannigans!
Haha. Yep. It can also be a good aphrodisiac if you're lying in bed having a smoke with a girlfriend.

I don't know. I'm a 25 years old virgin. That's why I need my avatar: to project enough manliness so it can fall back to me. :surprised
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