Rising Star
Hi Nexus,
I have been lurking as a non member here for probably a few months now.
To share my wider story: I became a little depressed in the Summer of this year, I found I had been lacking direction or meaning for some time. Its easy to get lost in the day to day, and despite have a great job and family and fairly good health (basically nothing to complain about compared to 99% of the population) something was missing.
This is the rabbit hole I went down:
I am a scientist by education, and so I tend to be analytical about everything (this matches nicely with my Briggs Myers personality type).
The rational approach was to find myself again. I spent time looking into things that used to interest me as a child, oddly this was stuff I always wanted to know more about - old folklore, this is where most people I know would start to consider me a nutter as I started to realise that this old folklore stuff sounded really like modern alien abduction. So I sought out others who had made the same connection - which brought me to learning of neo-platonism and the works of Carl Jung.
This all gave me the spark I needed, reality had gained a number of potential new dimensions. I sought a way to explore this. DMT started cropping up in my research - the state of mind related to these Daimonic experiences, and to ancient religions all pointed to shamanism as a doorway.
This is obviously now much later in the story, and as many will probably know - I have no answers, but something deep inside which transcends the question, and sort of an instinctual guide which I am learning to listen to.
I am making space for my/the subconscious to talk to me - dreams are really important, I have probably had more direct sense from these - if there are answers, the ones I need right now are not outside of myself. Hinduism makes far more sense to me now, Buddhism also - but the direct route to enlightenment does not feel like my goal, there is far more beauty in this reality and nearby realities to experience and explore first.
I look forward to contributing back here, as I have gained so much from reading all of your posts - and felt reassured that I am in the right place, surrounded by such a bunch of well adjusted individuals. I can understand why though as I am going through such adjustment myself
I have been lurking as a non member here for probably a few months now.
To share my wider story: I became a little depressed in the Summer of this year, I found I had been lacking direction or meaning for some time. Its easy to get lost in the day to day, and despite have a great job and family and fairly good health (basically nothing to complain about compared to 99% of the population) something was missing.
This is the rabbit hole I went down:
I am a scientist by education, and so I tend to be analytical about everything (this matches nicely with my Briggs Myers personality type).
The rational approach was to find myself again. I spent time looking into things that used to interest me as a child, oddly this was stuff I always wanted to know more about - old folklore, this is where most people I know would start to consider me a nutter as I started to realise that this old folklore stuff sounded really like modern alien abduction. So I sought out others who had made the same connection - which brought me to learning of neo-platonism and the works of Carl Jung.
This all gave me the spark I needed, reality had gained a number of potential new dimensions. I sought a way to explore this. DMT started cropping up in my research - the state of mind related to these Daimonic experiences, and to ancient religions all pointed to shamanism as a doorway.
This is obviously now much later in the story, and as many will probably know - I have no answers, but something deep inside which transcends the question, and sort of an instinctual guide which I am learning to listen to.
I am making space for my/the subconscious to talk to me - dreams are really important, I have probably had more direct sense from these - if there are answers, the ones I need right now are not outside of myself. Hinduism makes far more sense to me now, Buddhism also - but the direct route to enlightenment does not feel like my goal, there is far more beauty in this reality and nearby realities to experience and explore first.
I look forward to contributing back here, as I have gained so much from reading all of your posts - and felt reassured that I am in the right place, surrounded by such a bunch of well adjusted individuals. I can understand why though as I am going through such adjustment myself