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absolute rocketship

Migrated topic.

Spock's Brain

Rising Star
hhhooooollllllyyyyyyy ssshhhhiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! folks, swim is unable to describe or even remember for that matter how astounding it was.... it was absolutely the most astonishing thing swim could possibly image X100,000!!!! swim had a discussion with his buddy about how many hits he might be able to do, and what his plan was... take one moderate hit, sit back for a few seconds, and then let''er rip on the second... NOT!!! OK, now swim honestly cant remember much of anything about it............sssshhhhiiiiiiittttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! all swim can remember now was it was a rocketship boarding 80% into the 1st hit!!!!! PS: the stuff was from a heptane pull of a second acid soak of some stuff..... it was an white oily powder broken up into peices with some crystals that appeared on the plate also... can't understand friends who shy away from this... missing out bigtime X10,000 with no bad effects, only healing and expanding the mind.... bumming swim out... happy tho, can't beleive it, cant understand... 5th time or so, but experience X 10,000, sat up straight when smoking heavy smoke, was like "!!!!!" ASTONISHED.... The more times you do it, the crazier it gets? "breakthru" someday soon???? aliens????
Swim used a glass bulb type pipe... realized that if swim breaks up the substances into granules like powder covers more surface area of the inside of the pipe = huge hit upon heating immediately heavy smoke, blast off begins.... ok, today swim smoked the good amount of residue that was left over... it was an insanely wierd alien metomorphisis of reality that just seemed to linger and linger... the TV was on and swim rolled onto the floor and just started rolling around, alone, and was like, "what? what? what is this..." and then swim thought he was returning to normal and then it re-emerged. It wasn't a blast off like above, the residue gives this wierd internalized alien presence, and melting intricate technological visuals, much more cognizent (sp?) not so fast geometrical unfolding of reality about swim... TV character's voices proceeding and then re-winding thru time? some disconcertion about the experience, not quite panic... just like "what the hell? what the hell... whoa.... ahhhhhhh!!!! and then about 10 mins of pacing about and shaking swims head in disbelief... what's up with the leftover's?
Spock's Brain said:
Swim used a glass bulb type pipe... realized that if swim breaks up the substances into granules like powder covers more surface area of the inside of the pipe = huge hit upon heating immediately heavy smoke, blast off begins.... ok, today swim smoked the good amount of residue that was left over... it was an insanely wierd alien metomorphisis of reality that just seemed to linger and linger... the TV was on and swim rolled onto the floor and just started rolling around, alone, and was like, "what? what? what is this..." and then swim thought he was returning to normal and then it re-emerged. It wasn't a blast off like above, the residue gives this wierd internalized alien presence, and melting intricate technological visuals, much more cognizent (sp?) not so fast geometrical unfolding of reality about swim... TV character's voices proceeding and then re-winding thru time? some disconcertion about the experience, not quite panic... just like "what the hell? what the hell... whoa.... ahhhhhhh!!!! and then about 10 mins of pacing about and shaking swims head in disbelief... what's up with the leftover's?

Leftovers are weird IMO. I don't much care for them. I get weird, weird OEV's on them...and the smoke is so darn harsh.
acolon_5: "Leftovers are weird IMO. I don't much care for them. I get weird, weird OEV's on them...and the smoke is so darn harsh."

Well, swim has yet to encounter smoke that's too "harsh," (wants too tho?), but I think swim would take the leftover's just as eagerly as the intital, and wants to smoke them eagerly, insatiably curious, cool with the prospect of the alien disconcertion, wants to go further either way... wants to do an maoi and then...

It occoured to swim that after yesterdays blastoff was like emerging from a deep sleepy restful vivid dream awaking centered and refreshed grounded focused... it's like pushing the reset switch and rebooting swims brain (alien medicine)?
Spock's Brain said:
acolon_5: "Leftovers are weird IMO. I don't much care for them. I get weird, weird OEV's on them...and the smoke is so darn harsh."

Well, swim has yet to encounter smoke that's too "harsh," (wants too tho?), but I think swim would take the leftover's just as eagerly as the intital, and wants to smoke them eagerly, insatiably curious, cool with the prospect of the alien disconcertion, wants to go further either way... wants to do an maoi and then...

It occoured to swim that after yesterdays blastoff was like emerging from a deep sleepy restful vivid dream awaking centered and refreshed grounded focused... it's like pushing the reset switch and rebooting swims brain (alien medicine)?

Have you or this SWIM charecter tried melting down some spice and then sticking it in the freezer for a few....that changes the experience too. Less weird than leftovers, but different nonetheless.
melted frozen substance sounds like something to take your word for and add to the list of things to try. now focusing on how to take a second big hit in that alien realm, still holding the pipe and lighter, but seems more like wierd blocky things in my hands, and can't remember what to do with them... might really be able to tear a hole open and blast thru it if I could remember what to do... any advice?
The predicament of trying to hold the initial toke in for as long as possible but not so long that one is already in transit to hyperspace and unable to remember to take another toke confronts me too.
Take the second hit when you just feel you can hold the pipe. It may be after few minutes but anyway the spice will 'cumulate' in your blood and brain and you will reach a new 'level' :shock: There is no need to wait that the effects totally vanishes.
your pretty much trying to beat the clock.

i take a normal sized hit, hold it for about 5 seconds or so...
then i take another..
then a huge last rip(like your smoking cronic), and hold it as long as u can.

Ive also had sucess with two huge rips, held in as long as u can..

things will get very weird after that second hit, u really gotta push yourself... "through"
It is really a race against the clock. I ususally take a small hit at first and my second two or three are bigger. This seems to allow me enough time to get them all in.

Also giant rips and hold that last one in until you cannot feel your body anymore.
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