Spock's Brain
Rising Star
hhhooooollllllyyyyyyy ssshhhhiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! folks, swim is unable to describe or even remember for that matter how astounding it was.... it was absolutely the most astonishing thing swim could possibly image X100,000!!!! swim had a discussion with his buddy about how many hits he might be able to do, and what his plan was... take one moderate hit, sit back for a few seconds, and then let''er rip on the second... NOT!!! OK, now swim honestly cant remember much of anything about it............sssshhhhiiiiiiittttttt!!!!!!!!!!!! all swim can remember now was it was a rocketship boarding 80% into the 1st hit!!!!! PS: the stuff was from a heptane pull of a second acid soak of some stuff..... it was an white oily powder broken up into peices with some crystals that appeared on the plate also... can't understand friends who shy away from this... missing out bigtime X10,000 with no bad effects, only healing and expanding the mind.... bumming swim out... happy tho, can't beleive it, cant understand... 5th time or so, but experience X 10,000, sat up straight when smoking heavy smoke, was like "!!!!!" ASTONISHED.... The more times you do it, the crazier it gets? "breakthru" someday soon???? aliens????