Happy new year all!
I was thinking, what about programming an acacia ID program that is web based?
Would be great to be able to ID on the fly (out in the bush), using your smartphone
It would work something like this (it's gonna be hard to describe via text):
Using various drop down boxes eg
1) phyllode type (allow you to select the different phyllode types, whether single or bipinnate etc)
2) phyllode length (select different sizes)
3) flower type (ball or rod)
4) pods (straight, curved, clustered etc)
5) flower colour (yellow, pale yellow, red)
As you select each value, it narrows down your search to the acacias that contain those values
I'm sure it could be done relatively easy with a access or SQL/MySQL, and a web front end.
I'm not a programmer (not my field), but I would be happy to crunch out data entry to populate the database
House of Acacia, bring it on!