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Research Acacia floribunda - Workspace and information

Research done by (or for) the DMT-Nexus community
Migrated topic.
Thanks for sharing your experience @brendan

How was the extract after removing the alkaloids? Did you achieve a crystaline structure or did it remain an oil? Which don’t prefer? With other alkaloids or without?
It would get to sticky medium brown crystals after about 2 weeks. I tried to recrystalise but it took another 2 weeks to end up where it was and was mostly a waste of time. Much preferred without the other alkaloids. But definitely recommend trying the phenethylamines by themselves. It would be nice to see some clever person do a Column chromatography and then see what the phenethylamines/phenythylamine actually are/is. It would also be nice to hear some other trip reports.
How do you know that what you removed were phenethylamines? Did you have the extract tested or do TLC? Do you mean attempting crystallizing was a waste of time or just that you don't really like the extract from this species?

I've also only been able to get sticky crystals.. but enjoy the effects very much. I find a dose of around 80mg is the sweet spot with floribunda. There should be a few trip reports on the nexus of floribunda. I know I posted some years back.
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How do you know that what you removed were phenethylamines? Did you have the extract tested or do TLC? Do you mean attempting crystallizing was a waste of time or just that you don't really like the extract from this species?

I've also only been able to get sticky crystals.. but enjoy the effects very much. I find a dose of around 80mg is the sweet spot with floribunda. There should be a few trip reports on the nexus of floribunda. I know I posted some years back.
I read somewhere that phenelthylamines pull at higher PHs than tryptamines and that this is a way of separating them from tryptamines. From the trip although it only lasted the same length as a DMT trip it was kinda like a black and white mescalin trip to be honest. And mescalin is a phenelthylamine. Not 100% sure if they were phenelthylamines and I have no clue about how to do TLCs or get things tested, which is what I am hoping someone else can do. Crystalising the DMT was not a waste of time but recrystalising didn't give me any better crystals, but I'm no expert. I do recommend that people at least remove the NMT from the extract as the trip is nicer in my opinion.
Hm.. I'd have to differ in opinion here and recommend that they don't remove the NMT hehe. May as well embrace it or just find a species with a purer profile.. there's a point of tinkering where it will hardly be floribunda extract anymore. The extra alkaloids are what give these trees a unique signature IMO.. for me if I can get the extract refined enough that it vaporises well and is easily stored then I'm happy.. as long as the DMT effects are still there of course. If I'm after pure DMT I just work with a different species. I like floribunda so much because it has this interesting mix of alkaloids. But that's just me. :)

Also are you 100% sure you removed the NMT? Was there a visible precipitate removed after bubbling with CO2? And did you do some kind of analysis on the removed precipitate? Its fairly speculative otherwise.. do you know for certain that NMT was the variable in your compared experiences?

Reason I say this is because backsalting floribunda extracts does clean them up considerably even without removing the NMT. That's the only way I've ever gotten crystallisation is with this method. But the other alkaloids were still in there .. and prevented the DMT from properly solidifying. I do think with Acacia floribunda backsalting extracts is essential. Thanks for sharing your experiments. Its jsut as likely you left behind a bunch of fatty acids that altered the experience as well.. your thoughts?
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I did have some incredible trips without removing the NMT and some incredible ones with only removing just the NMT but personally I wanted a cleaner trip. I had no access at the time to any other sources only floribunda. Yes there was always quite a lot of precipitate that came out with the CO2 . I'm just going off things I read about how to clean out different things. Whether they were those things or not I can't be 100% certain. I had no access at the time to any other sources only floribunda.
To me the raw floribunda extract trips felt like there was a black background to everything.
That's interesting.. I've not had that sensation with floribunda. It can be physically quite heavy for me but as far as visionary content I find it very colourful .. with plenty of impossible 'prismic' forms.. I find it a little more mysterious than other Acacias.. there's a sort of quietness to it sometimes. Have you compared it to other Acacia extracts? If so what are your thoughts?

I tend to need around 80mg to get really deep with it due to the large ratio of NMT... at that doseage it really shines.
Recent find of some detailed anastomisation, likely the most interconnected nerve network I have seen on a floribunda phyllode so far. There's an abundance of tiny appressed hairs too, middle nerve slightly more prominent and this tree exhibits a whitish glow around the perimeter of its new growth which all seems very promising.


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And just for comparison, here's an example of a floribunda phyllode with no anastomosis (from a different tree).


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