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Acuminata phyllode backsalt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all :)
Ok so I've done an extraction on some Acacia acuminata phyllodes.
- acid boil phyllodes several times
- filter
- add salt
- base

From the base solution, I put my naphtha pulls into a bottle with vinegar and water and shake the life out of it untill the solvent is clear again.
The solvent is then pipetted off the acid water and the process is repeated with a new pull from the base soup.

After several of these cycles, when I felt the acid water is fairly heavily saturated with DMT I based the acid water with NaOH. It went white like milk as it should, but after a few mins it started to clump and settle out, much like when freebasing harmalas.

My question is, why is it necessary to pull this sediment with naphtha or other np solvent? As fb dmt is not soluble in water, couldn't the solution be left to settle out and the base water pipetted from the sediment and then wash the dmt sediment with water several times?

Any help appreciated,
Thanks :)
It would be great if you could report back with the end result of this A. Acuminata extraction.

I'm positive there are more nexians who wish to see the alkaloid isolate from this tree.

Also, the more details provided about the procedure the better the report i.e specify the age of the tree, if wild harvested or not (home grown), year period of harvest, harvest time of day, extraction procedure and total yield.

Hope i'm not asking for too much, but i find this information valuable as Acacia Acuminata seems to become the more sought after variety of acacia trees when it comes to cultivation, due to it's potentially high tryptamine content also present in phyllodes.
Oh wow! Full member :D a huge thank you to everyone!!!

More than happy to provide more detail, although I lack in pictures and some details as I didnt think I would be sharing the results.

Here goes,

I was sent a box of acuminata material (phyllodes and twigs) from a friend in Western Australia, approx 2kg.
Upon recieving said box I inspected the material and found that some small parts were showing signs of moulding, these were discarded. Due to my worry of the rest of the material going mouldy, I decided to process the whole lot in one go. My original plan was to do bits and pieces over a long period of time as needed.

The material was from trees that are approaching 20 years old and are plantation grown for use as hosts for sandalwood. Harvested this year 2018. Time of day unknown, average alkaloid % unknown due to not weighing starting material.

The material was put into a 25L stainless steel boiler with approx 1L of white vinegar. The material was whole, due to the large ammount and not having the means to break such a quantity down into smaller pieces.
The material was boiled twice for 12hrs with fresh water and vinegar and the collected acidic soup was combined and reduced to 10L

From the 10L a 1L glass bottle was filled around 3/4 full and the remainder was filled with diggers brand shellite to defat the mix, rolled around gently for 10 mins and then pipetted off.
To the bottle 45 grams of rock salt was added and the bottle was rolled untill the salt was dissolved. Then 65 grams of NaOH was added in small portions untill dissolved, ph paper showed a colour that was around the 12/13/14 shade.

In a warm water bath of 58 degrees C (my household hot water temp), six pulls were done with the same shellite. Pulls were done back to back for the first 4 then 2 more the next morning.
The pulls were combined and left to evaporate to the half the original volume in a glass baking dish.
The dish went into the freezer for approx 48 hours, this is the strange part. I expected the goods to precip out quite quickly as the shellite was very very saturated, but as I checked a few times thoughout the freeze, I could not see a great deal of crystals forming but there was a LOT of clear goo. It took the 48 hours for the shellite to become clear.

From the freezer, the remaining shellite was transferred back to the bottle for reuse and the dish was placed upside down on a teatowel untill the dish came to room temp. It was then put in front of a fan for around a half hour. There were quite a few crystals however they mostly melted into the clear goo.

The goo was scraped, weighed and infused with at a 1:1 ratio with dry catnip flowerheads/buds using 100% isopropyl alcohol. The weights were not recorded and I cant remember sorry. A guess would be approx 4g total weight once infused. The infusion never fully dried... even over 7 days. My thinking is that this is because the product itself was a goo and the oils in the catnip. Still quite effective and usable though.

Some days later the process was repeated with 2x1L bottles but with some changes, instead of an initial defat I decided to try a mini ab / backsalt.
This is more or less the procedure in my first post in this thread.

The product from this was a touch over 3 grams. 3.043g and had the appearance and texture of thick honey (attached pictture). Infused in the same way as said above.
Although many more crystals had formed in this freeze, they still mostly melted back into the goo whilst drying.

To test the waters, a small ammount was smoked in a pipe, 25mg = 12.5mg goo + 12.5mg herb only small changes in perception and visual feild were noticed.
An hour later 60mg = 30mg goo + 30mg herb was smoked. A very strong change was beginning to take place, I put my pipe down and went and sat on the couch and proceeded to fly through time, space and a universe of light and infinite expanding and collapsing geometry.
When I touched down back on earth there were ingering effects for the next 20 or so mins, some confusion, spacial awareness/distortion and a pleasant glow.

In comparison to my other experiences (obtusifolia) the acuminata was less colouful, a lot more confusing afterwards and longer lasting with the after effects. But with DMT being so variabe in effect (at least for me) im unsure if it the nature of the batch or if it was just this particular experience.

So this brings me and everyone who has read to the present point of my extraction journey. I still have more acid soup to process aswell.

Many thanks again for the membership promotion, and I hope this has been a helpful and interesting read. If I thought I would be sharing this I would have recorded much more information.


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Thanks a lot for posting!

There's some valuable information on A. acuminata that can be found on the wiki. Worth taking a look as there are some mass spectra presented too. It could help you in better id'ing what variety of acuminata you are working with, also could help with a better understanding of what potentially active constituents might be present in your extract (worth finding out at some point since alkaloids can vary so much) although a much better approach in that regard would be reagent testing, TLC or even lab analysis if possible.

I find it very interesting to experimentally connect with the spirits of these trees and i would definitely like to read more on the nature of the experiences these extracts provide.

To aid in rendering a less resinous extract you could try to pull at room temperature. Making a concentrated base solution before hand that you let cool down prior to adding it to the plant matter should help. At least for the first 2 pulls you could try a light mixing of the nps until it gets a slight yellow tint and not a deeper one, then keep these batches separate and slow cool + freeze precip. Also worth mentioning that slow cooling + freeze precip aid in bigger crystal clusters formation which tend to not trap so much nps, nps which when trapped within xtals will melt them as it reaches room temp.
Thanks for the info Nereus :D I'll have to give the room temp pulls a go and see how much difference there is :) cheers.

And Leratiomyces, it is the regular broad variety :)
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