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Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Ecstasy report

Migrated topic.
This may not have got much press outside the UK but the UK scientific body which reports to the government on drug classifications and science of drugs has produced a Report on Ecstasy. It recommends it be declassified from class A to class B, though the government has rejected this out of hand (as they did last year with its recommendations on Cannabis). Interestingly over the next year the ACMD will be considering all psychedelic substances currently criminalised, so DMT is likely to get a mention then.
The pill gives SWIM such an incredible insight with the people that surround him. However, there are evident cases of overdosage..

Like most entheogens one must handle their body with care, and to be quite honest, I'm not surprised government takes action over MDMA. Because it's all they know how to deal with the situation. Slap a warning label on it and destroy everything valuable about it.
All psychedelics should be available OTC to adults. Alcohol is. Tobacco is. Put a warning label on them stating their potential side effects, possible dangers, etc. Tax them like crazy like alcohol and tobacco. Make sale to minors a serious crime.

Possibly require a license, much like a driver’s license, to purchase them. If you’re caught intoxicated in public causing a nuisance, or committing a crime, then you have your license suspended. I think that’s a very simple approach. That way people that can handle psychedelics can buy them OTC. People who use them recklessly would get their license suspended.
69ron said:
All psychedelics should be available OTC to adults. Alcohol is. Tobacco is. Put a warning label on them stating their potential side effects, possible dangers, etc. Tax them like crazy like alcohol and tobacco. Make sale to minors a serious crime.

Not to mention those taxes going toward education, education that may help prevent negligent abuse of these substances.

69ron said:
Possibly require a license, much like a driver’s license, to purchase them. If you’re caught intoxicated in public causing a nuisance, or committing a crime, then you have your license suspended. I think that’s a very simple approach. That way people that can handle psychedelics can buy them OTC. People who use them recklessly would get their license suspended.

Or even if they are putting themselves in the hospital. This way there could even be a medical screening process.
The Advisory Pannel told the government MDMA was no more dangerous than riding a horse. I don't see parents rushing to stop their kids from getting too close to horses. I pay my taxes to the government to commission reports the same government says it wont act upon!
Actually the horse riding comparison isn't in the report, it was in an article written by a member of the ACMD some time ago, before he joined the ACMD. However in typical fashion the tabloid press has jumped on this as a 'sensational' comparison and proceeded to make fun of it rather than dealing with the serious and factual comments of the recent report.

Fully agree though, whats the point of paying experts to consider the scientific and medical merits of a piece of public policy if you're not going to act on it, or at least debate it on a higher level than 'we won't do it because it would send the wrong message'.
SWIM loved MDMA but it made him depressed for days afterwards. He's very jealous of people who don't get this. He was also concerned by all the scary brainscan reports of how it destroys serotonin receptors etc... and he hopes one day to hear that it isn't bad for you at all. Then he'd start taking it again, albeit in low doses.
ohayoco said:
SWIM loved MDMA but it made him depressed for days afterwards. He's very jealous of people who don't get this. He was also concerned by all the scary brainscan reports of how it destroys serotonin receptors etc... and he hopes one day to hear that it isn't bad for you at all. Then he'd start taking it again, albeit in low doses.

Swim never got this with pure mdma powder, afterwards he felt amazing for a week, both times hes been lucky enough to have it. When hes took pills hes had this depression your talking about.

Swim read a report years ago saying authorities would give mdma to people with alzheimers and dimensia in a county in california. It would apparantly get rid of their depression and help improve their mental health, they would give it to them every six months.
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