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All About Aya <3

Migrated topic.
endlessness said:
ms minxx, this is an awesome post indeed, much appreciated for all the effort in writting this down!!

If I may make one suggestion (as mentioned by another member elsewhere), maybe add a small disclaimer in the 'adding acid' part, that this is not strictly necessary and that traditionally it is done so without acid... ? Not a big deal but I just think its important that people know it is the way you and others do but not an necessarily essential step, and that in the amazon and traditional brews there is no acid added, since alkaloids are already water soluble in natural form.

Although it also might be worth adding a link to the study that Snozz did a while back:

Not to say that it CAN'T be made without acid, or that the addition of acid will DRASTICALLY affect the potency, but we do have some hard evidence regarding the differences; it should be up there!
Thanks so much for this. Ayahuasca has interested me for some time but I never had the patience, know-how, or maturity to make it. That has recently been changing though!

Thanks again for this post, it will definitely help a newbie through their first experience with it.
Thanks to the help of this site and this thread my Doppleganger is almost complete with his first caapi brew.

Unfortunately after 9+ hours of 3x3 he made the mistake of combining the two different caapi brews he was working on. He had to laugh at himself (after a short bit of anger) for being so attentive only to lapse for just a second as he was preparing to set up his pots for reduction to pour the wrong container (water from 200g of shredded yellow) into a pot with 2/3 of his 200g fresh cielo brews. So he won't be able to experience the differences of the two and whether his technique for the whole vine worked very well. Perhaps the 50/50 caapi brew will be great regardless though :).

Edit: And he's all done. Reduced down to ~500ml. The brew went from a somewhat yellowish color to a brown like a very strong cup of coffee. He should be testing it out on Sunday and will report back.
kemist said:
Thanks Thousand times Cosmic Lion. This is a very interesting reading, much appreciated !!!!

Couldn't have been said better. That is one of the realest descriptions i read. A Shaman ones said "You see it in a different way how it really is".

Also a huge gratitude to ms_manic_minxx for putting in a lot of energy and effort into creating this and helping distribute the knowledge.
Hi all,

Im about to start my first batch of aya. Just a few quick questions...

Im using yellow caapi vine and MHRB. In the post it says to brew the two separately.

Is this done identically?

Do cooking times differ if less MHRB is being used?

Do i still use vinagar with the MHRB?

Thanks so much !

Love, Life, and Music,
Most people brew separately.

3x 3 hour simmers. filter them and change the water at the same time
pour into the same collection vessel
reduce to whatever volume you find manageable, i quite like a large glass full to sip, that way i can pace myself. a few gulps of a glass full of a strong brew will take you far, but you can sip from there and pace yourself.

acids are entirely optional during brewing.
i like to brew them together myslef. Minxx doesnt though and since everything brewed in this apartment both of us will be drinking, our caapi and mimosa are brewed seperatily. Not a big deal but I dont like waiting too long to dose the mimosa or it is less active for me it seems. It is nice to able to take caapi only brews also when I want to.
Great, thanks guys. i just finished my first wash... there was a delay in starting the process, so its looking to be quite a long night. i would rather get it done in one shot i guess.

Looking forward to next week. My friend and i plan to drink next sunday. Its been a long time comin' ! We have been working with just crystals for a couple of years getting to know the spice and can't wait to really work with it. (just had my third changa session yesturday! idk why i waited so long, lol)

Love, Life, and Music,
Malaclypse said:
Thanks to the help of this site and this thread my Doppleganger is almost complete with his first caapi brew.

Unfortunately after 9+ hours of 3x3 he made the mistake of combining the two different caapi brews he was working on. He had to laugh at himself (after a short bit of anger) for being so attentive only to lapse for just a second as he was preparing to set up his pots for reduction to pour the wrong container (water from 200g of shredded yellow) into a pot with 2/3 of his 200g fresh cielo brews. So he won't be able to experience the differences of the two and whether his technique for the whole vine worked very well. Perhaps the 50/50 caapi brew will be great regardless though :).

Edit: And he's all done. Reduced down to ~500ml. The brew went from a somewhat yellowish color to a brown like a very strong cup of coffee. He should be testing it out on Sunday and will report back.

see the thread "don't throw away your brewed caapi " ( smt like that...) for planning a further mono-dose extraction with the two strains and so recovering the possibility to try them separately.
ms_manic_minxx said:

*Store in sterilized glass jars. Reduced brew can be stored for several months in the fridge, and be frozen indefinitely.

Store in sterilized jars you say? You mean sterilize the jars and then add the brew- not sterilize the jars with the brew in it, right? I would think this could ruin some of the actives, and would also be unnecessary for a reduced brew.
Would just like a clarification on what you meant here if possible, thanks!!
skullhuman said:
ms_manic_minxx said:

*Store in sterilized glass jars. Reduced brew can be stored for several months in the fridge, and be frozen indefinitely.

Store in sterilized jars you say? You mean sterilize the jars and then add the brew- not sterilize the jars with the brew in it, right? I would think this could ruin some of the actives, and would also be unnecessary for a reduced brew.
Would just like a clarification on what you meant here if possible, thanks!!
no my freind pasteurize the brew in the jars. use sealed mason jars and boil them for 5 min and let cool. then freeze. it will keep for years this way.

if your just storing for a month maybe a bit more simply refrigerate the tea but for long term storage you must use pasteurization .

this wont affect the brew potency one bit.

*edited the word sterilization for pasteurization to be accurate. thx phantastica
^^hmm..the confusion prolly arose from the term "Sterilization," because to sterilize means to kill *almost* all contaminants, which in this case would require a pressure cooker. I also originally thought that jars were supposed to be sterilized first (in the pressure cooker), and then the brew was supposed to be poured in; because otherwise, the high pressure+heat from the PC would kill the alkaloids.
but boiling the jars with brew is actually pasteurization, not sterilization. Thanks for clearing that up Olympus; boiling in pot makes much more sense:)
thank you so much for this thread. thank you for your time and wisdom. i feel that my time to brew my own aya is coming very soon. again thank you very much

sending lots of love
Phantastica said:
^^hmm..the confusion prolly arose from the term "Sterilization," because to sterilize means to kill *almost* all contaminants, which in this case would require a pressure cooker. I also originally thought that jars were supposed to be sterilized first (in the pressure cooker), and then the brew was supposed to be poured in; because otherwise, the high pressure+heat from the PC would kill the alkaloids.
but boiling the jars with brew is actually pasteurization, not sterilization. Thanks for clearing that up Olympus; boiling in pot makes much more sense:)
yes you are quite correct phantastica, i used the term sterilization when i should have said pasteurization. i just treat the aya as food since its organic material. a pressure cooker and such would be overkill imo. we are not concerned with microbes such as hepatitis and other tough bugs that require high pressure and heat to kill them. were just trying to sanitize the brew from bacteria that will make it spoil in long term storage. same as making jams or preserves.
sorry to confuse things. :d
I was directed here by ۩'s ayahuasca visual diagram. Originally, I wrongly thought that ayahuasca would be too complicated to brew, but ۩'s simplified instructions inspired me to endeavor in the oral route. I have some inquiries before I commence, though. I would like to concoct a brew that would result with about 10 doses so I can store them in the fridge, to avoid constantly making brews. Exactly how much B. caapi and M. hostilis would I need to use, in grams? Exactly how much is one dose of admixed ayahuasca in milliliters? Why is there a need for reduction? That just decreases the yield, doesn't it? I plan on using empty tea bags with both vine and admixture, so is the egg white method still required for mimosa? Also, is there a need for decanting my mimosa brew if I'm using tea bags?
I would use 500 grams of caapi minimum for 10 doses. 750 for medium to strong doses. and 1000 grams of caapi for 10 strong doses.(like incapacitating.)

And figure 5 grams of mimosa per dose... that's a decent amount. Any higher and you are getting into breakthrough territory. That would equate to 5 x 10 = 50 grams of mimosa for 500 - 1000 g of caapi. Brew slowly and make sure to watch your pot! Don't want to burn/ruin a big batch.

Decanting is optional. Egg white tek is optional as well, although I can see it helping if you do it on your filtered brew before you reduce it down.

Reduce each dose to 50-100ml. So that's 500-1000ml total.

Does that help? Glad you were inspired easyrider. It really is easy and can be very gentle. I love ayahuasca. Let us know if you need any more help, and also how your experiences go.
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