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All About Aya <3

Migrated topic.
I would brew for sure 1000g if you want 10 doses..I have been brewed and drunk alllooot of ayahuasca and as you do the same you will find that at times 50g is either not enough or you will want to redose after an hour or so..so with 1000g you might find that you want 100g every time and you will have 10 solid doses there, or that you will be fine with 50ish g, but you will have some left to redose or to just drink another time. It is always better to have some extra there in case you need more.

I add chaliponga to my brews but only 10g of chali to a kilo of vine..and a few grams of mimosa for the hell of it..I then brew 30-40g of mimosa seperatily and reduce to down so that 1tsp is 2g of mimosa tea. I dose the mimosa after the brew has kicked in now becasue minxx likes it that way and it seems to hit me harder. I used to brew them together but the mimosa can be more hit or miss that way I find.

Forget about tea bags..just brew the mimosa and BEFORE you reduce it, filter and bottle it and stick it in the fridge for like 5 days..then decant it. It should be clear purple at that point..then reduce it. Yes reduce it..the more liquid you have to drink with it the less comfortable it gets I find.
fractal enchantment said:
Forget about tea bags..just brew the mimosa and BEFORE you reduce it, filter and bottle it and stick it in the fridge for like 5 days..then decant it. It should be clear purple at that point..then reduce it. Yes reduce it..the more liquid you have to drink with it the less comfortable it gets I find.

How do you filter your mimosa, Mr. Enchantment? Why do you put it in the fridge for so long before decanting, if it's already filtered at that point?
I suppose he just chunk out solid on the bottom, drink the clean top layer
do you frac' do the same with caapi tea ?
uhh filtering will NOT take out all of the sediments. It might look clear after filtering, but after a bit in the fridge you will notice that it clouds again..and after a few days EVERYTHING has dropped out and at that point you can decant the liquid right off and the sediments will stay at the bottom of the jar. The tea remains clear at this point. If you are just brewing and then filtering right before you drink, odds are you are drinking sediments even if you cant see them and they will bother the stomache more.

I filter through an old t-shirt or cotton balls.
rOm said:
I suppose he just chunk out solid on the bottom, drink the clean top layer
do you frac' do the same with caapi tea ?

For cappi yeah I do the same, but it takes longer for the sediments to fully drop out with caapi I find, becasue I brew up a kilo at a time, with the chaliponga..the oils I guess in the chali leaves hold the sediments in solution for longer. If it takes too long you can add more water to the brew and put it back into the fridge..then they should drop out-decant and reduce again.

And rebrew the sediments--always..DONT throw them away!
^yeah that too, been there enough times. Bring your bucket.

Also, I follow the same steps when I brew with rue..I filter it, bottle it and let it sit in the fridge and then decant it once the sediment fully sticks to the bottom.
fractal enchantment said:
uhh filtering will NOT take out all of the sediments. It might look clear after filtering, but after a bit in the fridge you will notice that it clouds again..and after a few days EVERYTHING has dropped out and at that point you can decant the liquid right off and the sediments will stay at the bottom of the jar. The tea remains clear at this point. If you are just brewing and then filtering right before you drink, odds are you are drinking sediments even if you cant see them and they will bother the stomache more.

I filter through an old t-shirt or cotton balls.

OK, I will give it a try. I still have not taken more than 1g of miomsa without barfing, so this is something that needs to be addressed this week. Do you have a dose of mimosa where it's guaranteed you will throw up, even if it's totally decanted and filtered?
^ I am not prone to puking at even 3-4 grams of mimosa really with 80g of caapi..not sure why that is...I get nausea sometimes but not super bad. I just almost never puke at all. Maybe if I did not decant the mimosa I would I cant say.
I believe there is a psychological element that causes people to puke. I hardly ever puke, but i'm also not burdened with any 'pre-flight anxiety' as some have called it.
I have gotten the slight urge to puke a few times lately and it always seems to coincide with the presense of open eye visuals from the mimosa..but it is not strong enough to make me puke and passes real quick. If I felt it was going to happen I let it happen but I dont care to force puking. I dont get it with rue either. Some say that rue makes you real sick but it is harder to puke with rue. That for me has not been true.
How is the emesis of ayahuasca compared to that of the emesis of excessive alcohol drinking? Are they both of the same caliber, or is one worse?
alcohol is far far far far far worse. Alcohol is like being very literally poisoned and after ayahuasca I wont touch alcohol ever. Stuff makes me feel like I am dying.

Note..alcohol is one substance that we are trying to discourage the discussion of here becasue it is too far away in relevance to DMT. So lets not have a discussion here about alcohol beyond the fact that it is NOTHING like ayahuasca.
polytrip said:
easyrider said:
How is the emesis of ayahuasca compared to that of the emesis of excessive alcohol drinking? Are they both of the same caliber, or is one worse?
With alcohol, you feel sick. With ayahuasca this isn't realy the case.

I think I know what he's sayin. With alcohol, it feels like you throw up because you've been poisoned. With ayahuasca, you just throw up because the plant oils or acids are agitating your stomach and then you feel good after you throw up. With alcohol, you're still poisoned after you throw up. Alcohol is in fact used as poison, and is well known for its universal toxic effects on every system and organ of the body.
hi there!
I am prepareing for another aya session now and i really want to get it right!
So my question is about the diet. I know it isnt totally necessary but i guess i can get a better outcome if i follow one.
so im gonna eat boiled rice, white meat fish and some vegetables for 3 days before.
Ive read about traditionall diets and always the word plantain comes up. since my first language isnt english this word isnt one i know, but ive searched the internet and found out its with the same family as bananas. but is the plantain traditionally used regular bananas or is it some special kind of fruit in the same family?
and i would be really greatful for any tip on good diets aswell!
thank you!
probe said:
hi there!
I am prepareing for another aya session now and i really want to get it right!
So my question is about the diet. I know it isnt totally necessary but i guess i can get a better outcome if i follow one.
so im gonna eat boiled rice, white meat fish and some vegetables for 3 days before.
Ive read about traditionall diets and always the word plantain comes up. since my first language isnt english this word isnt one i know, but ive searched the internet and found out its with the same family as bananas. but is the plantain traditionally used regular bananas or is it some special kind of fruit in the same family?
and i would be really greatful for any tip on good diets aswell!
thank you!

Hey probe! A MAOI safety diet is an important part of the whole experience. In a nutshell, I advise you not to drink any alcohol at least 1 week before the session, and stay away from pork. Your plan for the last 3 days before the event is fine, however, on the day of drinking the brew, try not to eat anything after a light breakfast, yet drink plenty of water. It is essential however, to continue the diet after the session. No alcohol, heavy, greasy food, stimulating teas / coffee for a few days after ayahuasca.
Regarding the bananas: I read that over-ripe ones are not ok, and their peel (but I guess you don't regularly consume its peel, right? :) ) Anyway, bananas are great, as any other fresh fruit during the session, and a nice hot veggie soup after!
Tank you drishti! I hardly ever drink alcohol anyway since a couple of years ago so thats not going to be an issue :)
its worse with my idea to stay away from sex tho :p
if my diet plans are ok then im confident and are going to go thru with it!
thanks again! Be safe!
Hi Probe, sounds like you've got a good plan going there. Plantains are very similar to bananas, but larger and have their own particular flavor, though the texture is similar.

While a mindful diet is very important, for most people an MAOI-diet is completely unnecessary. I have had coffee with ayahuasca many times, and it was completely fine. While the diet drishti suggests can be used as a helpful model for mindfully going into the ayahuasca experience, there is no universal dieta amongst indigenous users of ayahuasca, and many of them completely contradict each other. Also, because ayahusaca's beta-carbolines are RIMAs, the MAOI-diet does not apply from a health perspective. There are two people I'm aware of on the Nexus who have reported some sensitivity, but it is not common.
thanks ragabr! like i wrote i know its not necessary but what ive read and watch and heard from traditional shamans and experiences with shamans ive understood that its more about cleaning out the body with fresh natural foods before and after to get more out of the experience. everything we put in our bodies affect us in one way or another. it stimulies the body in one way or another, so minimize stimulie to enhance the effect. also what ive understood and ime if you commit more aya will give more. for me aya is sacred its my religion even tho ive only had a few sessions it has changed me profoundly. i feel she has intelligens so if i commit whole heartedly she will show me more you see? im not very scientific but rather philosophic and spiritual! :)
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