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Amanita muscaria preperation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all,

Anyone have any facts or experiences as to whether a hot water boil or cold water soak would be better for entheogenic use of Amanita muscaria? I kept reading to boil them but my encyclopedia of psycoactive plants keeps mentioning soaking them in cold water. any comments? I'd like to know at what temps do the psychoactive constituents break down and what temps to the toxic constituents break down. which are the first to go? what is lost when cooking?

PsilocybeChild said:
Hey all,

Anyone have any facts or experiences as to whether a hot water boil or cold water soak would be better for entheogenic use of Amanita muscaria? I kept reading to boil them but my encyclopedia of psycoactive plants keeps mentioning soaking them in cold water. any comments? I'd like to know at what temps do the psychoactive constituents break down and what temps to the toxic constituents break down. which are the first to go? what is lost when cooking?


iv never eaten amanitas myself..
however iv heard that they need to be dry and you just eat em... oh and besure to drink your piss :p
but dont take my word for it im not at all sure id check here though and browse the rest of the erowid archive on amanitas... if you search you will find...
I am alos interested in these mushrooms..Im getting really interested in all the old plants of europe actaully..but most are deadly so I want to start low..what would be a good low dose starting point with amanitas ordered online?? I was thinking maybe a tea with .25 grams and work up, as I am mostly interested in the effects they would have on concious dreaming/astral travel.
I usually do a warm oven bake 200f oven off. Then powder and boil cool enjoy impossible to filter but a little mushroom fiber never hurt anyone. Gotta love these guys the only thing I ever got a buzz from that actually makes your spit flow instead of cotton mouth is a refreshing change. But all I get is seditive effects its pleasent but I dont consider it a trip.

SWIM uses 1/4 tsp of dried Amanita pantherina. It's more potent and has less side effects than Amanita muscaria.

SWIM loves Amanita pantherina.

SWIM hates Amanita muscaria. It makes you sweaty and nauseated and barely does much else until a lot is taken.
69ron said:
SWIM uses 1/4 tsp of dried Amanita pantherina. It's more potent and has less side effects than Amanita muscaria.

SWIM loves Amanita pantherina.

SWIM hates Amanita muscaria. It makes you sweaty and nauseated and barely does much else until a lot is taken.

Never tried Amanita pantherina besides the lack of unpleasent side effects how do you compare it to muscaria. All I get is sedation tried 10 to 20g dry several times. Even went to sleep for a couple hours as some recommend you will get the trip upon awakening but nothing but sedation. I felt like I had wasted the 2hours sleeping I could have been enjoying the relaxation wile awake.

I have read many sources say the mushrooms from the old world have different effects than those in the Americas. Anyone have tried both and could compare. I have tried american variety 25 times or so it was pleasent relaxation but a bit pricey at 30to40$ a oz.

For me effect are noticed at 8 grams but a med to high dose is 12 to 20g so I find it not realy worthwile. I have collected them for free but I am done paying for it.
Aminita Formosa 1: Had an unknown dose, eaten straight with water to chase. Effect: Pleasant sedation, no nausea, sweating. Had a nap, woke up very refreshed, very intoxicated. Vision was beautiful, just a soft blurry glow to everything. Felt great, like I had the best sleep of my entire life.

Aminita Formosa 2 (tea): Low rolling boil with unknown amount of mushroom for 15 minutes. Drank the tea with a spot of honey, wasn't bad at all. Less sedation, blurred vision, less intoxication, still felt incredibly peaceful, everything had meaning. After a couple hours I went to bed, woke up feeling better than ever.

Aminita Muscaria: Nothing to worry about here toxicity wise. As long as it is properly identified. Some people are lucky (like me) and experience a pleasent connection with life and being, a weird distortion of vision (imagine seeing everything blurry, and sharp, at the same time), no nausea, and a body high. No crazy visions (maybe I didn't chomp enough down), and the only adverse side effects worth mentioning was sweating, sedation (not too heavy to be honest), and gas (burping and otherwise).

It's worth a try for everyone. Just take with a good bit of water (a whole bottle did well for me), be prepared in case it does flip your stomach, and hope for the best. If you feel tired but don't want to risk sleeping through the experience (if any), just take the nap. Either you will have a good experience, or you won't. Everyone is different, as we all know. I love A.M., and wish that everyone could love it as much as me. ;)
...I don't think you'd feel anything at all from .25 grams of amanita.
MagikVenom, what kind of effects do you get off 1/4th tsp pantherina?
and how much muscaria would it compare to, intensity wise?
Leap, I'm guessing you like eating them straight better than boiling?
thanks for the replies guys
I made a tea with a tsp kratom and a tbsp muscaria. seems to have a nice synergism n kinda brings out the effects of the low dose muscaria.
1/4 tsp of panther is like 1 tablespoon of fly. At least in SWIM's area that's how it is.

The effect is quite different. The fly makes you sweat a lot. You get lots of nausea. Those are the primary effects of the fly. The psychedelic effects of the fly and panther are pretty much identical though. The panther is much more potent by weight. It has much more muscimol and ibotenic acid. The fly is quite high in other toxins. There's little point in using the fly. The panther is superior in every way.

I'm talking about Western US mushrooms here. SWIM never had any other kind.
I always heard that the panther was higher in toxins and should be used with care. Thanks for your input. I will start looking into panthers. I have heard that they are a sleeping giant compared to the muscaria and will very easily kick your ass. I've heard someone say it's much more intense than ayahuasca. That's why, like ayahuasca, I've put this experience on hold till I feel more prepared.
MagikVenom, what kind of effects do you get off 1/4th tsp pantherina?

never tried that one yet to run across it. Effects begin a 8grams fly for me
PsilocybeChild said:
I always heard that the panther was higher in toxins and should be used with care. Thanks for your input. I will start looking into panthers. I have heard that they are a sleeping giant compared to the muscaria and will very easily kick your ass. I've heard someone say it's much more intense than ayahuasca. That's why, like ayahuasca, I've put this experience on hold till I feel more prepared.

You've heard that they are more toxic because the "toxins" being referred to in the literature are muscimol and ibotenic acid. Make no mistake. They are toxins and can and do kill people. The only reason the panther is considered more dangerous is because it contains a high amount of muscimol and ibotenic acid. One whole mushroom could kill you if it’s a potent one solely because of the muscimol and ibotenic acid content.

SWIM uses 1/4 tsp of powdered mushroom. He learned to use this amount from another SWIM online. It’s just enough to feel mild psychedelic effects from it. At 1/2 tsp, the trip is quite psychedelic.

The trip is very different from all other psychedelics. There’s a slight alcohol intoxication like feeling to it. The visuals are sparkly, similar to the visuals from tetrahydroharmine (THH).

The effects are very difficult to describe. It’s somewhat sedating like alcohol, but also energizing. SWIM never got sleepy from it, usually he feel energized slightly. You can easily perform physical tasks without feeling tired.

SWIM never got true hallucinations from it, but has experience visuals similar to watching fireworks, very sparkly, abrupt, electric. It some ways the visuals are similar to bufotenine, but more like THH.

It’s a very interesting effect. It’s definitely similar to being drunk. I think the best description I’ve heard about it’s effects are that it’s like psychedelic wine.

There are insight effects present which can be very rewarding.

SWIM has never really gone too deep into the experience. He’s worried about the potential toxicity of ibotenic acid and muscimol.
I've never tried Amanitas but here is how my friends prepare it:
-they turn on the oven and leave the door ajar so that a flow of hot gas comes out
-they line the mushrooms on a string and hang it into the flow of gas
-they leave them until dry (maybe overnight), perhaps shifting them around if necessary

This dries them quickly and is also said to destroy the ibotenic acid. From what I've read this is neurotoxic but does not cross the blood-brain barrier, so I don't know how dangerous it is.

Be wary of overdosing though, as a friend of mine bugged out and spent a night strapped to a hospital bed (no physical complications or lasting damage though).
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