Rising Star
Hey all,
Anyone have any facts or experiences as to whether a hot water boil or cold water soak would be better for entheogenic use of Amanita muscaria? I kept reading to boil them but my encyclopedia of psycoactive plants keeps mentioning soaking them in cold water. any comments? I'd like to know at what temps do the psychoactive constituents break down and what temps to the toxic constituents break down. which are the first to go? what is lost when cooking?
Anyone have any facts or experiences as to whether a hot water boil or cold water soak would be better for entheogenic use of Amanita muscaria? I kept reading to boil them but my encyclopedia of psycoactive plants keeps mentioning soaking them in cold water. any comments? I'd like to know at what temps do the psychoactive constituents break down and what temps to the toxic constituents break down. which are the first to go? what is lost when cooking?