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AMBIL question ... chimo/mapacho

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Have procured some Ambil ... special mapacho paste from colombia.

It's usually consumed with coca powder which i don't have.

Realizing tobacco is a powerful medicine, would like some advice from experienced ambil navigators before consuming.

Can I use the ambil on its own?

Have you found it harmful or debilitating in your experience?

Do you think it can be used for microdosing?

Thank you
It goes well with cacao powder too and a little honey to sweeten it up doesn't hurt either. It can be used on it's own if you like, generally other materials are added during the process of making it.

This is very strong medicine, and as we well know overdoses of nicotine can be dangerous, so start with very very tiny amounts, talking less than a matchhead. Rub it across the inside of your bottom lip.

Recipe is basically boil tobacco and reduce the tea to a resin, add powdered herbs/materials to the end of the reduction to make it easier to collect and work with. Careful of the steam from boiling tobacco, use proper ventilation and keep people/pets away from the cooking area.
Dreamer, as always Deeply Grateful for your wisdom.
I continue to benefit enormously from your cubensis tincture recipe.
As a side note, I have found my favorite microdose combination: micro-dose of LSD, combine with several drops of the cubensis tincture. Blissful Heart!
Again, THANK YOU for your help in making these tincture.

A friends gave me a little ambil made by the Cofan in colombia, so haven't made it myself.

Was wondering Dreamer what uses or benefits you see with the ambil?

Is it like caffeine, that can used to get energized, think clearly, and do functional work?
Is it something to be used only sparingly because of the level of nicotine or can it be used weekly?
Is it only to be post big journeying to ground oneself?
I'm very pleased to hear the tincture has been treating you well, I've never tried combining microdoses of both LSD and mushrooms, that's pretty intriguing, I may have to do some experimentation.

Do you know if it's just a tobacco paste (I'm guessing it's probably from mapacho/rustica) or if they added other materials? The reason I ask is because if there are ashes/bases involved, the freebased material is even moar potent than just the regular paste, so a little extra caution is advised.

Yep, you got the gist of it, light stimulation, mental clarity and focus are the main effects. It's a bit moar gentle in effect than smoked tobacco, but also lasts a bit longer.

It's useful both pre-ceremony for clarity and post-ceromony for grounding. I'd recommend not using it moar than 1-2 times in a day, and taking decent breaks between usage days, as like other tobacco products, it can be quite habit forming.

As a reminder not to underestimate the power of this stuff, here is a hilarious anecdote from Jeremy Narby about an experience eating an old shaman's tobacco paste in the jungle. It starts right at the beginning and goes till about the 5 minute mark (but the whole talk is very good).
Interesting talk dreamer :thumb_up:

Tobacco is also a very good digestion aid; if you gotta go the the bathroom and there's none around don't smoke a cigarette. .

I've rolled smokes on and off for years and used dip but never heard of tobacco paste.. it sounds interesting. . I know they use tobacco in some ayahuasca ceremonies too.
LOVED the video!!! Amazing

I will give the ambil a very very gentle try in a weeks time and report back.

BTW, I highly recommend the microdose of LSD and cubensis tincture ... truly one of the most healing combinations.
It seems that the LSD is like a little generator, and the cubensis tincture is the Heart. So its this generator of Heartfulness combination. Also i usually make an intention, ask a question before ingesting the sacred mushrooms, and I must say, with this particular combination the answers come within a space of 24 hours. It's amazing ... I think it can heal so many people.
dreamer042 said:
I'd recommend not using it moar than 1-2 times in a day

Dreamer for first time users (like myself) of the concentrated ambil, do you recommend more of a evening use or day time use?
explorer7 said:
dreamer042 said:
I'd recommend not using it moar than 1-2 times in a day

Dreamer for first time users (like myself) of the concentrated ambil, do you recommend more of a evening use or day time use?
2Cents: they come in a variety of weak to very strong, one should adapt to the strength and personal sensitivity, hard to make generalizations.

Even for sigs it is advised not to consume tobacco near sleeping time.
How do nicotine and smoking tobacco affect sleep?
The Effects of Smoking on Sleep
Goolge is your friend, you can do it too ;)
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