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Any experience with MET?

Migrated topic.


Traveling light
I have some years of (sparse) experience with DMT. Recently I've been reading about MET and was curious to know if anyone could offer their experiences of vaporized MET. Some have described it as "DMT lite", though I've also read much that leads me to believe that it's totally different. Certainly the idea of a longer, less intimidatingly intense experience has peaked my interest...
do you mean 4-HO-MET?

if so, i tried a small oral dose, it was very mushroom like. i have no idea if it can be smoked/vaped
do you mean 4-HO-MET?

I think he means just the base trypt MET.

For me MET has the typical "serious" awing DMT headspace, just really not as strong. E.g. DPT has a completely different headspace for me (more dissociative, with thought loops). But it definitely isn't as potent dosage wise as DMT (with my few experiences, I would say about factor 2-3). Didn't find the time yet to go for a high dosage MET, to see where it goes regarding BT. Will report when I did...

Vaped, the peak is a bit longer for me, with a long (about 0.75-1h) residual lingering afterwards. Hmm, so for me, the time profile is very similar to vaped DMT on MAOIs.

The headspace can be different for other people, as e.g. for me also 4-HO-MET has quite a headspace, but others report almost no headspace from it. So I would expect the same difference for MET.
Yes, indeed I meant the base tryptamine MET freebase.

Thanks for the response, that's helpful! Your description intrigues me. I will definitely be exploring in the coming months, if I can find the time.
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