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Are there any tips for keeping the PH base enough? (dmt extraction)

Migrated topic.
Ok yall, i hyjacked my own thread from the shroomery just ta see if i could get a little more imput over here on the dmt nexus(only my second time posting over here btw), So thats why its so crazy,... lol but anyway,......... i took out all the random sigs and gibberish so it was easyer to read tho :)


Are there any tips for keeping the PH base enough? (dmt extraction


Like, say, espeshly if swim was planning on using something other than lye, like mabie
sodium carbonate? Cuz from what Entropy said,
with a low ph i can get lots of emulsions N stuff,...any help would be a thousand times appreciated,


if you are doing a STB extraction you want the PH wicked high...and sodium carbonate is a basic...but the reason for lye is because its WICKED basic..it just rips right through...you just want to make sure there is enough base to freebase your spice...all of it...and if the PH is low...its gonna be a bitch to pull...make sure your liquid is very aqueous..and just basify the fuck out of it...its really hard to over do actually



What if SWIM just does a A/B , with vinager. Filters really good, and simmers down to 200 ml er so? Then OVER DOES it with some Sodium Carbonate to make sure it basifys, and uses Alota warm naphtha to pull.(like 10 times, lol). Do you guys think this might work for Mimosa? If not possible, does anyone know if it would be worth it to do it on chaliponga? Heard they were pretty potent, and that you dont need such a high ph with em, as you would for mimosa. Dont really plan on doing a STB, cant find a strong enough one anywhere other than the internet, and SWIM is NOT ordering that shit with his/her credit card.




"make sure your liquid is very aqueous"

should i try to basify like this?



actually what you talked about seems like a good idea...over basify with the sodium carbonate...make like a paste or something...and make sure to really get it all together..add a little water so that everything is in contact with the base...and then let it sit to do the freebase stuff...and then dilute it with water..distilled would be best i think..and then do the naphtha pulls..and freeze precip.



Should probably let it sit a while when attempting to base, no? How long might be too long to make sure? Theres no problem with taking time to make sure, but i dont wanna hurt it by over doing it,...

SWIM is really worryed about the pull later with the naphtha,...seeing as sodium carbonate might not have a high enough ph....

So you think if i do a good fridge decanting overnight,
- Then defatting with 100 ml of warm naphtha x 3
- then the "paste" thing for a hour or so with the sodium
- then water it down good and add some warm naphtha to do each
pull for somewhere around two hours(too long? how long should i do
it with the lowered ph in mind?) about 5 to 8 times
with warm naphtha , and then proceed to crystalizing in the
freezer for a couple days?

Will I end up successfully basing and pulling the molecule from
the bark, or end up staring at a big healthy jar of emulsions
after half a week?

Would it be a good idea to make a Naphtha/Sodium Carbonate paste to base it? Like how people mix the acidic extract with a pre-mix of lye and naphtha to base, Or just a sodium carbonate paste from the reduced Acidic water i used to extract the dmt? What would YOU do? lol

BTW, thank you for helping me out, people on this forum are always informative and willing to help out thier fellow bro.

Shroomery gets 5 shrooms from me!!!!! lol



SWIM thinks its a good idea to let it sit for at least 6 hours...you cant really over do it with the TEK you are trying

so this is what SWIM thinks

-do a/b and then evap till you have a little bit...but dont let it get too hot!
-add lots of sodium carbonate..to make a paste like stuff...and add a bit of distilled water...and mix reallllly good
-let sit for at least 6 hours...
-add more distilled water to dilute the mixture a bit...so its all liquidy
-do warm naphtha pulls..
-put all naphtha in freezer for twelve hours or so
-should have some snow in the morning!??!?!

SWIM has never attempted this tek before...so dont know exactly how well it will work...but it should! SWIM is pretty sure it should do the trick to some extent...it would be good for science to try it...figuring out how to make spice using lower ph's seems like a good idea..and go over to the dmt-nexus.me/forum soooo much awesome info there...great community as well



also..one thing you could do is let some of the naphtha evap...and then after it starts to get kinda cloudy..throw that in the freezer...and BAM...spice
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