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"Are You A God?!?"

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
B sounds alot more intresting then A , that being said; I think that its very important to have your own sets of value and how sensitive you are to other peoples story''s affect how you see the world.
Being able to see that, whatever you say is in your experience and can only come into my experience when i fully undergo that same process. I know im not being clear here, but being firm here in your own mind about what is happening (without speculation) then one can see the things for what they truely are.

We are so used to being emotionally spoon fed with these great storys that breaking those half truths and having an open mind of what is infront of you
Then there are so many more possiblities because the ball is your hands!
sounds to me like your girlfriend can just keep her shit together while tripping, i can relate to everything she said.
Humans are amnesiac God . DMT possibly other psyches bring us back to where we "belong" or "Home" .

Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .

Shes prolly not pondering dumb Crap like what am i , what is i, where am i . These things dont poison her on her trips .

Also you have way too much doubt in you and you allowed yourself to be Disempowered by putting others higher then you or more wise or some other Ape BS. chances are your friend does not &/or doesnt give a Crap about that crap .

You should hear some of my DMT Trips . Gods & Goddesses i transmute with . I even have Sex with Serpent Goddesses on DMT .

l8r m8
Final Incarnate said:
Humans are amnesiac God . DMT possibly other psyches bring us back to where we "belong" or "Home" .

Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .

Shes prolly not pondering dumb shit like what am i , what is i, where am i . These things dont poison her on her trips .

Also you have way too much doubt in you and you allowed yourself to be Disempowered by putting others higher then you or more wise or some other Ape BS. chances are your friend does not &/or doesnt give a shit about that crap .

You should hear some of my DMT Trips . Gods & Goddesses i transmute with . I even have Sex with Serpent Goddesses on DMT .

l8r m8
Dude. I understand you have an opinion that is quite strong on this topic but you really need to formulate it using less playground language.
i don't think i misunderstand, i just think she is good at tripping:d .

in the last 6 years the vast majority my DMT experiences have been crazy fun adventurous journeys with only a couple (2-3) that i would say approached bad trips, but nothing i wouldn't do again.
I have never had a bad trip on anything else in the last 20 years, regardless of dosage or set and setting, its all been rainbows and happiness.
I don't mean this to sound boastful in a "look at me, i'm really good at taking drugs" way, but psychedelics just do to me what they do to other people i have met, i have taken triple the dose that other people have taken, they have been left crying under tables, while i just sit about and enjoy a lovely time. i can take 300-500 mics of acid and no one will notice if i don't want them too. Your GF sounds like she has a similar reaction to them.

i don't think this is anything to boast about, its just that these things don't work the same way on everyone.
the spirituality you link to psychedelics is not misplaced if it works for you, but just remember that because you think that's what the experience is all about, doesn't mean that's what the experience is all about.
It seems that many people think that because they have a specific type of experience then thats what psychedelic experience is, when it seems to me that psychedelics are just an experiences to be had and then people tag on the meaning they want.

i don't class DMT experiences as spiritual, I class them as adventures, magically fuelled romps into the depths of whatever and wherever it is we are taken by it. i have tolkienesque journeys into other landscapes and adventures with other beings, spaceships, time machines. I'm not sure i can class that as spiritual.

I highly doubt your GF is a demi God, she just has a different experience to you.
That would annoy me. In hindsight all of the "gold" in my past experiences were from me being out of my comfort zone and having different eyes etc. If everything was all bright and sunshiney I would feel as though I missed out on about 90% of potential returns.

Personally though, I'm in it to learn something though so that changes what I would consider a positive return. I already know what I know, I'm after what I don't know come hell or high water. It's all perspective.
Koornut said:
Final Incarnate said:
Humans are amnesiac God . DMT possibly other psyches bring us back to where we "belong" or "Home" .

Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .

Shes prolly not pondering dumb shit like what am i , what is i, where am i . These things dont poison her on her trips .

Also you have way too much doubt in you and you allowed yourself to be Disempowered by putting others higher then you or more wise or some other Ape BS. chances are your friend does not &/or doesnt give a shit about that crap .

You should hear some of my DMT Trips . Gods & Goddesses i transmute with . I even have Sex with Serpent Goddesses on DMT .

l8r m8
Dude. I understand you have an opinion that is quite strong on this topic but you really need to formulate it using less playground language.

u mean Profanity ?

edited my 1st post in this thread after i re read this thing Attitude Page - DMT-Nexus Wiki
I think what it is is that she's just not interested and therefore not open to receiving such 'cosmic messages'.

If I let my crazy side take over I would say she is indeed further developed incarnation

I woulden't say dmt is spiritual but life certainly is. For some reason when I did salvia. It works only once. And any further attempts of smoking it have resulted in dulls. The one time I took salvia it was a peculiarly minimum amount, seriously puniful amount and it removed all bodily senses and a conversation what I remember saying for some reason that I'm on on of my last incarnations. About 5-6 more. Which is weird because I do not think about this much except Mckenna's words about Eschaton and Hyperspace ascencion.

Furthermore I learned a peculiar amount about the term Boddhisattvas and it's mechanics what it all comes from. Which I did not think much of. Then for some reason a voice said to me to promise to become Boddhisattva before I was 'allowed' to partake for which I vowed yes and saw this buddha figure on the wall. And then had a very enjoyable trip on quite a lot of mushrooms. Then later on I took a large dose of LSD and tranformed into a multi-armed deity and invited my family/friends into heaven in some kind of spherical space made of fractals I think, I'd say spiritual matter.

So yea, and then I relate to ur friend that I need two-triple the dose to get same effects. I get bored and anxious because of simple social insecurity I think and I spiral into bad headspaces a lot. But then again this doesn't have much to do with tripping it just can happen all the time. Same with DMT I had a lot of agonizing experience. Until I learnned to go with the wave and it transforms the negative emotion into bliss. I think that she does this naturally. And maybe I think she learned to develop this optimism with lifetime(s) of experience. And it's natural to assume (because it is right) that he/she is a more developed soul. That is if you believe in that.

Then again I get into a lot of ego-games and have to cleanse myself a frightful amount before partaking but never had I have to give myself up completely. A sense of self has always been present.

Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .

I find this peculiar and slightly ironic namely because precisely Zen and Ego(less-ness) as used in (what I understand) it's original meaning describes a way of living that is pure and blissfull as I understand that we are talking about here. And she/you fit this mark imo

lol sorry if I seem odd I hope not

syberdelic said:
null24 said:
i thought this thread would give some help with my smiting problem. :?

Sorry to disappoint you. The title is a reference to Zule from Ghostbusters. It's a bit of an inside joke we have, but I found it fitting for the thread.

And lol, I did not get that title either but that is a very fitting scene for this 😁
I always thought it was spelled "Zool", but apparently it's in fact spelled "Zuul".

Concerning the OP's gf's psychedelic reactions; She is certainly anomalous, but out of 6 billion people on the planet there have got to be a couple of million or tens of millions like her. It's not inconceivable then that she should end up with you.

I'm not saying that your girlfriend is a psychopath, but for an overview of what might be a similar but pathological anomaly and how it might come about, psychopathy is a well studied condition.
Infectedstyle said:
Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .

I find this peculiar and slightly ironic namely because precisely Zen and Ego(less-ness) as used in (what I understand) it's original meaning describes a way of living that is pure and blissfull as I understand that we are talking about here. And she/you fit this mark imo

lol sorry if I seem odd I hope not

Not at all M8 . could mean buddhism in general but mostly from haiku n zen poems . Siddhartha had an Endogenous DMT exp, its how he got what he got .

people using the insight of few dead monks having 1 or 2 endogenous DMT exp were as nowadays we evolved past needing to have to close eyes n meditate for days . we can load pipe and smoke.

How Siddhartha was born , iin which a Humanoid Elephant God injected his Energy into his mom . on DMt you meet those elephant humanoid Gods , hindu decided to call them Ganesha.
Maybe your lady friend can create an account here sometime, it sounds like she has a pretty unique perspective on this whole bag.

@Final Incarnate
I wouldn't throw the 'meditate for days' baby out with the bath water of dogmas. As a tool it is a potent one, and holds its own alongside today's plant-centric non-theistic paradigm. Requiring only discipline, not unethical rootbark sources.
syberdelic said:
Also, seeing how she has zero spiritual insights or cosmic connection on any dose of any psychedelic, it really makes me question my own psychedelic based spirituality as some nuerochemical mechanism that she is either missing or undone by another process that the rest of us don't have.
A good case for her continued contributions :thumb_up:
I don't doubt she can hold her own here.
As for your questioning, keep it up ;)
Koornut said:
Maybe your lady friend can create an account here sometime, it sounds like she has a pretty unique perspective on this whole bag.

@Final Incarnate
I wouldn't throw the 'meditate for days' baby out with the bath water of dogmas. As a tool it is a potent one, and holds its own alongside today's plant-centric non-theistic paradigm. Requiring only discipline, not unethical rootbark sources.

in darkness pineal gland will synth melatonin to pinoline ( bodies endo MAOI/RIMA), the organs that produce DMT will most likely increase production. all these dead monks n priests of past got what they got from psyches whether endogenous, or drinking teas to modern Apes smoking alkaloids.

ethics... lmao Apes are funny .
Final Incarnate said:
in darkness pineal gland will synth melatonin to pinoline ( bodies endo MAOI/RIMA), the organs that produce DMT will most likely increase production. all these dead monks n priests of past got what they got from psyches whether endogenous, or drinking teas to modern Apes smoking alkaloids.

ethics... lmao Apes are funny .

I think you are confusing Buddhism with something else?
syberdelic said:
She does have an account (RabidLabMouse) but is still limited to posting in the welcome area.
There's that and she's a bit put off by some of the comments she's seen on the forum. Let's just say that it's a bit of a self perpetuating sausage fest in here. She started posting about her Ayahuasca ceremonies in the jungle but has abandoned it.

Also, seeing how she has zero spiritual insights or cosmic connection on any dose of any psychedelic, it really makes me question my own psychedelic based spirituality as some nuerochemical mechanism that she is either missing or undone by another process that the rest of us don't have.

Well I don't visit here that often but I see a lot of individuals out here. She must be feminist and I agree there's a lot of male graffiti found here therefore it is to my mind nice to see a female perspective come through. Especially when it comes to tripping I find some of the female reports to be highly intrigueing and different. Anyway what you may read on the forum is not representative of the private opinions that each individual has for themselves. Do not be fooled by first perspective
Swayambhu said:
Final Incarnate said:
in darkness pineal gland will synth melatonin to pinoline ( bodies endo MAOI/RIMA), the organs that produce DMT will most likely increase production. all these dead monks n priests of past got what they got from psyches whether endogenous, or drinking teas to modern Apes smoking alkaloids.

ethics... lmao Apes are funny .

I think you are confusing Buddhism with something else?

This one is very easy (but also very off-topic) but zen mechanics, closed-eye meditations go hand-in-hand with DMT/Psychedelic experience. Why? Cus put a brain-monitor on Buddha's Enlightenment and you might have seen a psychedelic brain. Mainly Gamma-waves. As studies (santodaime) show that Ayahuasca increase Gamma-brainwaves. So does Meditation in monks. This however does not mean that they use exogenous DMT. They found a way to enhance their brain using internal means.. DMT is imo a faster way to either magnify ego-ic attachments or to facillitate spiritual experience. Or in my experience the lack of willing-ness to show what is 'behind to curtain so to speak' is indeed a kind way of letting us know that there are some ego-ic attachments that need to be dealt with. And some people literally have non of these problems so they have an easier time imo!
Infectedstyle said:
This one is very easy (but also very off-topic) but zen mechanics, closed-eye meditations go hand-in-hand with DMT/Psychedelic experience. Why? Cus put a brain-monitor on Buddha's Enlightenment and you might have seen a psychedelic brain.

Seems like a facile understanding of Buddhism in general and Zen Buddhism in particular.
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