I think what it is is that she's just not interested and therefore not open to receiving such 'cosmic messages'.
If I let my crazy side take over I would say she is indeed further developed incarnation
I woulden't say dmt is spiritual but life certainly is. For some reason when I did salvia. It works only once. And any further attempts of smoking it have resulted in dulls. The one time I took salvia it was a peculiarly minimum amount, seriously puniful amount and it removed all bodily senses and a conversation what I remember saying for some reason that I'm on on of my last incarnations. About 5-6 more. Which is weird because I do not think about this much except Mckenna's words about Eschaton and Hyperspace ascencion.
Furthermore I learned a peculiar amount about the term Boddhisattvas and it's mechanics what it all comes from. Which I did not think much of. Then for some reason a voice said to me to promise to become Boddhisattva before I was 'allowed' to partake for which I vowed yes and saw this buddha figure on the wall. And then had a very enjoyable trip on quite a lot of mushrooms. Then later on I took a large dose of LSD and tranformed into a multi-armed deity and invited my family/friends into heaven in some kind of spherical space made of fractals I think, I'd say spiritual matter.
So yea, and then I relate to ur friend that I need two-triple the dose to get same effects. I get bored and anxious because of simple social insecurity I think and I spiral into bad headspaces a lot. But then again this doesn't have much to do with tripping it just can happen all the time. Same with DMT I had a lot of agonizing experience. Until I learnned to go with the wave and it transforms the negative emotion into bliss. I think that she does this naturally. And maybe I think she learned to develop this optimism with lifetime(s) of experience. And it's natural to assume (because it is right) that he/she is a more developed soul. That is if you believe in that.
Then again I get into a lot of ego-games and have to cleanse myself a frightful amount before partaking but never had I have to give myself up completely. A sense of self has always been present.
Your friend is special because she is not stupid, she isnt poisoned by ZEN BS and Egoology . shes prolly not one of those idiots who try to bring logic to Psyche exp .
I find this peculiar and slightly ironic namely because precisely Zen and Ego(less-ness) as used in (what I understand) it's original meaning describes a way of living that is pure and blissfull as I understand that we are talking about here. And she/you fit this mark imo
lol sorry if I seem odd I hope not
syberdelic said:
null24 said:
i thought this thread would give some help with my smiting problem. :?
Sorry to disappoint you. The title is a reference to Zule from Ghostbusters. It's a bit of an inside joke we have, but I found it fitting for the thread.
And lol, I did not get that title either but that is a very fitting scene for this