I too from personal experience know OBE to be much different than a lucid dream. Same as Aum_Shanti said, I see lucid dreaming as a virtual reality inside you where you can try out different scenarios and test your results before trying them out in the physical world, and also you will get information, teaching, and even guides will visit you in the dream world. Also you will get a chance to just play and try out different ego desires that you could never do in real life. For instance, if you always wished you could have been a brain surgeon, a rock star, a movie director, these are things you can do in the dream world and fulfill those desires. Your brain registers it as a real experience. Also, the dream world is safer, no real danger there.
However, OBE's are entirely a different realm. It's best if you aren't able to astral project until you have truly conquered your fears and aren't afraid of dark spirits and such and you know how to handle them and tell them to scram because you aren't afraid of them, or you will be in a load of trouble in the astral realms! So work on fears and how to deal with dark entities before you venture into the astral worlds. You do need real skill there for traversing these dimensions.
OBE's deal with different dimensions. The dream world is in your head, your own world. All the dream characters as actually parts of you. OBE, it's not that way. These are real entities and places in dimensions, physical and non physical, that you are dealing with, and the astral realms are HIGHLY populated with good, bad and everything in between.
When having an OBE, yes, it's like an electrical vibration first, and then you're out of your body. When there's a surprise in the astral worlds, yes, it's like slamming back into your body like you've been pulled by a stretched rubber band. You don't experience that with the dream world so much.
Yes, it can be very disconcerting once you astral project a lot, the physical world and the astral world are both things you can see, and it's not all pretty, although some is! It gets harder to tell what is physical input and what's not, but that skill comes with practice and time.
Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on this conversation! I LOVE astral projection stuff! It's something different than just living as a regular human. You can see stuff others can't see, and know stuff that isn't in any books, and honestly, astral projection goes waaaaay beyond any medicine psychedelic journey I have ever had. This is the real reward for the medicine journeys and ceremonies.