For as long as I can remember I had a hard time breathing through my nose. I had a mixture of mimosa hostilis and red b. Caapi.
I felt like my conciousness had been pulled through my left ear, I heard a high pitch buzzing, my body became extremely cold and I saw the a robot! It then transformed into some kind of wierd insect alien looking thing. I went to my nose and I saw the snot molecules (I know..ewe). Then suddenly a physical and audible ”snap!” or like a click as If a surgeon had taken a knife and cut through a ligament with great ease and presision. And suddenly! I could breath! Through my nose...and with great ease. It has been a few months it has been the same effect.
After Ayahuasca healed my nose it showed me some social dynamics at work and who to watch out for.
I felt like my conciousness had been pulled through my left ear, I heard a high pitch buzzing, my body became extremely cold and I saw the a robot! It then transformed into some kind of wierd insect alien looking thing. I went to my nose and I saw the snot molecules (I know..ewe). Then suddenly a physical and audible ”snap!” or like a click as If a surgeon had taken a knife and cut through a ligament with great ease and presision. And suddenly! I could breath! Through my nose...and with great ease. It has been a few months it has been the same effect.
After Ayahuasca healed my nose it showed me some social dynamics at work and who to watch out for.