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Ayahuasca Spirit Cleared my sinuses!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
For as long as I can remember I had a hard time breathing through my nose. I had a mixture of mimosa hostilis and red b. Caapi.

I felt like my conciousness had been pulled through my left ear, I heard a high pitch buzzing, my body became extremely cold and I saw the spirit...as a robot! It then transformed into some kind of wierd insect alien looking thing. I went to my nose and I saw the snot molecules (I know..ewe). Then suddenly a physical and audible ”snap!” or like a click as If a surgeon had taken a knife and cut through a ligament with great ease and presision. And suddenly! I could breath! Through my nose...and with great ease. It has been a few months it has been the same effect.
After Ayahuasca healed my nose it showed me some social dynamics at work and who to watch out for.
Each and every time the molecule clears my lungs, so I'm not surprised. But I never have such a visual context of how such happens, it just happens. I consider it possible that the visuals-explanation (operating robots) is self induced under the influence but that doesn't take away from the final results. I mean someone else might see something completely else while having same healing effects in the end. I believe the physical processes do happen and our pumped up visual cortex is filling it in with a visual fitting story. Maybe I'm wrong as co-axing stories might indicate.

I can add that my lung clearings occur independently from maoi presence, so much for the caapi-is-everything-and-dmt-is-pffff dudes ;)

Over time I've noticed these healing things cannot be generalized, some people end up different.
Awesome story though :thumb_up:
Jees said:
Each and every time the molecule clears my lungs, so I'm not surprised. But I never have such a visual context of how such happens, it just happens. I consider it possible that the visuals-explanation (operating robots) is self induced under the influence but that doesn't take away from the final results. I mean someone else might see something completely else while having same healing effects in the end. I believe the physical processes do happen and our pumped up visual cortex is filling it in with a visual fitting story. Maybe I'm wrong as co-axing stories might indicate.

I can add that my lung clearings occur independently from maoi presence, so much for the caapi-is-everything-and-dmt-is-pffff dudes ;)

Over time I've noticed these healing things cannot be generalized, some people end up different.
Awesome story though :thumb_up:

I think it showed up as a robot because I work around machinery and electronics. I thought I was cute...it made me laugh
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