litrium i would like to address your points. Excuse me for rambling as I am sick with a headcold.
I will take your assumptions at face value. I may or may not believe them myself (I probably do). For example you believe the DMT-verse is a real place full of real entities. But this begs alot of questions that I think would be far more interesting to study than to condemn.
As far as DMT itself is concerned, I am worried about your choice of language, for example: "DMT takes your wherever it wants to". DMT is simply a molecule. We should not anthropormorphize it. DMT simply sits around, doing relatively nothing on its own. It is only when we COMBINE it with our brain, that stuff occurs. So I think if you look at it from this point of view (a scientific frame of mind) you can see that this subtle distinction is important. Our minds are using DMT to do things, not the other way around. DMT is not using us.
So if you think about it this way, then our minds have a major role to play in our experiences. The DMT itself doesn't change from person to person (unless it is impure). If you aren't smoking pure white crystals, I would highly recommend NOT smoking it. That's just me. I wouldn't pop an e pill mixed with meth either. But if you want to fuck with yourself, you will get a fucked up experienced.
Now assuming we are truly entering an alternate reality, we can find a plethora of experiences. As you have done, I could compile a list of positive experience to counter your negative ones. So this raises the question: how does one induce a positive experience?
Mental state: are you obsessing on negative/horrible emotions? get your life in positive order before jumping into the spiritual realm. I think if you are watching a lot of horror movies, are obsessed with evil conspiracy theories, thinking about terrorism, bad past experiences, living in shit, or are generally around alot of awful people, your trip is going to reflect that. You are going to naturally drift towards that kind of emotion, and attract that type of spiritual entity towards you. So DMT therefore is not an "upper" or a "downer" but more of an "accelerator" (psychedelic).
The other thing I would like to mention is your location. If you truly believe you are in a spirit realm, then you should be making trip location a top priority. DO NOT trip in a bad place. Do not trip in a place where you had a bad trip before. Go to somewhere very peaceful and relaxing, where good spirits would be, like a mountain stream or wherever.
Anyway I think you have picked up a negative aspect of a psychedelic and drilled towards it too deeply. You get what you deserve with psychedelics. They are not "good" in and of themselves. Psychedelics simply don't work like that. If you want GOOD from a psychedelic, you will find it. But you have to WANT it lithium. You have to work for it.
So I would disagree totally with you on this: "the DMT realm nothing is determined by you". It does depend on you. If you are weak and obsessed with evil, then you will be left to the fate of malevolent spirits. You need to be strong and willful and reject anything negative, and seek the positive with no hesitation.
my two cents