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Bio-Alchemy and the Ultimate Super Stack

Migrated topic.


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Here is the current stack that I can say has had ASTOUNDING results....

Most things are taken 3 times per day, some of the herbs 2 times per day as indicated.

Some things are lipophilic and require fat to absorb, so right after dosing I eat 1/5 of a bar of 80%+ Dark Organic Chocolate mixed with a tablespoon of Raw Coconut Oil.

Racetams & Complimentary Compounds



Pramiracetam (No more then one day per week)

Alpha GPC

NALT (N-Acetyl-Tyrosine)
ALCAR (Acetyl-L-Carnatine)
Potassium Citrate

Herbal Nootropics

Huperazine A
Bacopa monnieri
Celastrus paniculatus
Ginkgo biloba

St Johns Wort
5-htp (only taken at night)


Rhodiola rosea
Tumeric (1,000mg+ Curcuminoids)
Schizandra berry
Eleuthero root

BDNF Agents

Lions Mane Mushroom Extract
Kirkii (every night)

Nerve/Neuron Growth Micronutrients

Methyl-B12 (sublingual)
B-Complex w/ folate (whole food based)

Nutritional Components

Vitamin-D (sublingual)

Hemp Oil Capsules
Coconut Oil

Whole-Food Liquid Multivitamin
Camu Camu Powder (Vitamin C)
Rainbow Vibrance Superfruit Powder
Green's Superfood Powder

RAW Vegan Protein Powder Blend

Raw Cacao Powder
80-100% Dark Chocolate Bar

Flora Enhancement

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Usually one or the other

Alchemical Components

ORMUS (sublingual)
Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Platinum

Stimulant Beverages

Gotu Kola Tea

Green Tea
Yerba Matte


Gotu Kola daily, then typically no more than one source of caffeine per day, most commonly green tea and rarely espresso. Some days no caffeinated beverages are consumed

Very Nice CL.

My pantry is very similar to yours as well, although I don't stack so many so often.

I sometimes make morning smoothies and dump everything in the following order, layering up the blender as it goes.

Flax seed
Frozen Blueberries
Raw Cocoa powder
Gotu Kola
Lions mane mushroom powder
freshly made Almond milk

Then dose the following tablets/capsules

Fish oil capsules

and the following racetams/compounds


and occasionally i would also include

Huperazine A
LSD (microdose)
Psilocybin mushrooms (microdose)


Although, the days I took most of these things it felt like too much. A The smoothie alone kicks things into high gear! Cocoa is powerful. I stopped taking centrophenoxine, even though I liked it a lot as a choline source and the neurological health benefits, it was too hard on my stomach. It was only tolerable taken after a meal with lots of fat.

Often now I will take simply

Fish oil

and sometimes include


and of course the daily staples

85% dark chocolate

and of course the smoothies too. they are great.
Most excellent Mindlusion!

Was definitely looking into brewing a days worth of Gotu Kola tea to carry in my water bottle to sip on.

Caffeine is hit or miss for me... I like a single shot of espesso w/ almond or soy milk, iced latte... I also like green tea... but sometimes it makes me tired, sometimes too wired and edgy, and sometimes but not always a crash that effects my mood.

I found that chocolate works good as a caffeine source, plus the theobromine, and how the phenols in chocolate increases blood flow through the heart by 30%

I'd like to see if I can get by with chocolate + gotu kola tea + green tea...

I also enjoy a good iced Yerba Mate latte with almond or soy milk.

The overall bliss of Nootropia is present with this stack... Feeling awake, passionate, motivated and focused on the things I need to do. Having a great mood and a positive outlook and an overall "with-it" organized forward-thinking approach to short and long term goals.

Also the dreaming has been pretty incredible, even beyond the intensity that Kirkii provides on its own.

While studying, I can often remember things after the first time through. Also a noticeable increase in photographic memory. Going over powerpoint slides from class and being able to re-visualize seeing the slide and write out what was on it.

Working on material that is conceptual and requires problem solving also seems more effortless. I instantaneously and intuitively remember the toolbox of techniques and approaches necessary to solve whatever problem it is while being able to envision multi-step processes in a way that allows a bigger picture to be drawn around whatever the topic is.

Spiritually, doing energy work has been great... I have been able to recall techniques that I had practiced months or years ago that I had forgotten to keep working with. Also being able to hold more of a full panoramic astral perception in all directions has become more automatic.

Also, I have been utilizing Rapé on a daily basis too with this stack...

Rapé is a powder you blow into your nose using a Kuripe... It is made up of Amazonian Jungle Tobacco (Mapacho) mixed with ashes of medicinal plants. Also different varieties contain powders of various plants, too!

Aside from the strong nicotine content, the Mapacho contains a fairly potent dose of MAOI's as well.

With Rapé you pray over it and apply some to each nostril. Typically you pray for something to be removed, and something to be brought in. Such as removing fear or negativity and bringing in love, light, discipline, focus.

It really stimulates the flow of Chi in the body and is an incredible tool for removing blockages and re-aligning yourself and others.

It should be explicitly noted, though, that it is a sacred medicine and should be used as a ceremony only once or twice a week.

Admittedly, the manner in which I am using it is abuse which could be considered disrespectful to the plant spirit while being unhealthy as one is insulfalating ashes regularly that contain possibly carcinogenic PAH's (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)


Any nootritional or supplement regimen is incomplete without proper exercise to go with it. With this stack I engage in:

15-20 minutes Meditation daily
30 minutes High Intensity Interval Training aerobics 3 times per week

The meditation has been proven to increase BDNF and neuroplasticity...

High Intensity Interval Training has been shown to increase BDNF substantially more then just slow and steady aerobics.

Yoga isn't critical but it helps stay fit and train the mind to be still while keeping the flow of Qi optimized and free from blockages that manifest as various points of tension or soarness. These types of blockages stimulate an inflammation response which can have negative effects on ones level of alertness and mood.

Something I have rather enjoyed recently is combining chocolate with coconut oil.

All the capsules are taken with a shot of the powders mixed with water. You don't want too much food on the stomach as some things digest better without food, and some things with food. Also some of the substances are not water soluble, but fat soluble, such as aniracetam.

The strategy has been to consume the powders + capsules then let 1/5th of a bar of 80%+ Dark Chocolate dissolve completely in my mouth, followed by a tablespoon or so of Raw Organic Coconut Oil that I mix around with the liquid chocolate before swallowing.

This is especially good in the morning as a starter boost of theobromine, caffeine and healthy Coconut calories.

The colloidals come out to about 1.5 tablespoons and are taken as a shot right when I get up as they are best on an empty stomach. The sublingual ORMUS and Vitamin D are taken next as the powders are weighed and capsules are divided for the 3 servings of the day and put into tiny 5oz tupperware containers. This is about a 15-20 minute process which is a good time to let the sublinguals kick in.

Then, the powders and supplements are taken w/ the chocolate + coconut oil blend. I wait 30-45 minutes or until a meal is taken. With breakfast, this usually involves a smoothie

The current smoothie breakfast blend is:

1 Cup Unsweetened Organic Almond Milk
1 Cup reverse osmosis water
1 Scoop Vegan Protein Powder
1 Scoop Super Greens Powder w/ Rice Bran
1 Scoop Rainbow Vibrance Superfruit Powder
1 tsp Camu Camu
1 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
1/4 heaping tsp Lions Mane Mushroom 8:1 Extract
1 Cap-full Whole-Food Liquid Multivitamin

The taste is alright, definitely not bad. But the dankosity factor is quite high in how it starts the energy levels for the day combined with that previous mouthful of Chocolate + Coconut Oil.


Just be careful of herbal teas and supplements heavy metal toxicity.
Bacopa is especially notorious in this regard.

I would also suggest Ginkgo Biloba, worked wonders for me, and I'm delighted that most of what I use is mentioned here.

Are you guys into aromatherapy?

Here is a nice study:

To quote a comment:

"Lavender, Lemongrass, Vetiver, Melissa Oficinalis, and Rosemary (or Eucalyptus) are the essential oils with the most scientific evidence at the cognitive level. I love the aroma of Bergamot but you can try those others too"

Also, I like to add the Wim Hof method to Exercise and Meditation, with occasional saunas :)

Lastly, here is a neat review on how to learn from some very realistic perspectives and easily understood explanations:

Currently I have been fascinated with 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methyl-phenethylamine and it's ethoxy homologues.

2,5-dimethoxy-4-methyl-phenethylamine has some fairly amazing nootrooic potential, there are claims of being able to read large amounts of information and being able to remember it all, there are claims of this coumpound being able to induce the ability to grasp concepts which would have been otherwise "over your head", it's said to improve memory, attention, focus concentration, understanding, creativity, productivity, and so on. There have been claims of increased ability to learn new tasks, increased musical ability and creativity, increased language and conversational skills, and most agree that this compound is a superb aid to study and research, as well as writing reports and problem solving...

Some did report uncomfortable stimulation, however, Darrell lemaire comments that the 2,5-diethoxy homologue of 2C-D (2,5-diethoxy-4-methyl-phenethylamine) retains these nootropic abilities while eliminating tendencies towards stimulation or intoxication...

Meg, found that 2CD was a little too strong for them; they mostly felt that it "wired them up" excessively. The compound was tamed by replacing the two methoxy groups on the ring with two ethoxy groups and resulted in 2CD-DiEt (4-Methyl-2,5-diethoxy-phenethylamine) which retained the smart pill activity and eliminated the tendency towards states of intoxication. https://erowid.org/chemicals/2cd/2cd_smartpills1.shtml&replacenum;2ct2-diet

Below, are many excerpts from Certain Exotic Transmitters as SMART PILLS
or Compounds that Increase the Capacity for Mental Work in Humans
A story about LAZAR as told by Hosteen Nez (Darrell Lemaire)

* Steven: University professor, age 65.

I ingested 10 mg before approaching a new project. At a conference last year an overseas friend and I co-chaired a symposium. It received such positive feedback that she suggested we co-edit a book on the topic. So my project was to write a proposal to send to prospective publishers. The writing was surprisingly fluid. I had innovative ideas that I had not conceptualized previously. I worked on my word processor, and the next day found that I had to do very little editing before sending the book proposal to four publishers, one of whom recently accepted it. Good material for creative thinking and writing.

* Rod: Business man, college graduate, age 59.

Rod was studying for an aircraft pilot's license so that he could fly his own plane to business meetings, etc. He was having a difficult time studying and learning all of the information that he needed to know for the examination. Ten 10 mg 2CD tabs used over a period of about one month were of great assistance in studying for the examination, which he passed with flying colors. He was amazed at the ease of learning and the degree of retention, and he commented that he wished he had had some of these "smart pills" when he was in college.

* Arn: Professional musician.

He was learning the five string banjo to expand his repertoire of instruments played. He would listen to records of the best five string banjo players and would play along with them. When he got to the very difficult parts he would "lose it", and have to start over. He just could not seem to get past the difficult parts. Arn was telling his problem to LAZAR, who said, "Take this pill now and go right home and do your play-along thing with your banjo." He reported as follows the next day:

I went home and put on a record and tuned up my banjo to the record. I had never gotten it tone perfect before, but I got it exactly on. I then put the needle back to the start and proceeded to play along with it. After a few moments I realized that I was playing better than ever before. When I got to the difficult parts I played right along with them, not behind or ahead, it was right on. When that side was done I turned it overand played the other side, then another record and another. I played all night into the wee small hours of the morning. I played with authority and I could do it the afterwards without the 2CD


He had heard of a visiting lecture series on "Photo Chemistry" at one of the universities and thought that it might have some applicationin his synthetic chemical work. He went to the first lecture in the morning and found that the content was way over his head and that his comprehension was not very good. On the lunch break he felt that a smart pill would be worthwhile trying for the afternoon lecture. He took 10 mg, a little ahead of time, so that it would be working when the lecture started. The lecturer began with a recap of the morning lecture for those who may have missed it. LAZAR then understood what had been said in the morning and also understood the content of the afternoon lecture. Occasionally the lecturer would be standing at the black board, chalk in hand, and would be groping for the correct word. LAZAR knew what the word was before it was spoken and these were words which were not in his common vocabulary. He finished the two day series with a good understanding of the principles and techniques involved in this area of chemistry. Unfortunately it didn't seem to be useful for his work. What was interesting was the possibility that he was tuning into the lecturer's thoughts, as the latter was groping for the correct word, and somehow, LAZAR knew what the word was before it was uttered.

4-Methyl-2,5-Diethoxyphenethylamine 5

As mentioned earlier, this compound was synthesized to eliminate some unwanted side effects in some individuals and yet retain the smart pill activity. In this respect the effort was very successful and this compound was used more than 2CD for general learning tasks. The dosage used with this material was a little wider than for 2CD and was generally in the range of 5 to 15 milligrams orally. Again each individual selected their own dosage based on usage, optimum results and intuition.

In general the results obtained with 2CD-DiEt were not quite as dramatic as those with 2CD, indicating a reduction of smart pill activity, but still made it a good general purpose aid for learning. Several people have used this material daily for periods of two or three weeks, without noticing any adverse effects from a physiological standpoint. LAZAR feels that this is a very worthwhile compound and for future investigations the diethoxy substitutions should not be overlooked.

4-Metyl-5-Ethoxy-2-Methoxyphenethylamine (5)

This was synthesized as part of the exploration of position analogs of 2CD and was found to have some different properties than 2CD or 2CD-DiEt. At doses of from 5 to 10 milligrams (in a few individuals up to 12.5 mg) it was found to produce a state very well suited for reading with incredibly good understanding and retention. Some persons reported that they could "grok" or understand very deeply the intent of the author when she/he wrote the material being read. Others reported basically the same thing, but expressed it in a different way: "I could tell where the author was coming from when the material was being written." This compound had a longer time span of activity than the two mentioned previously, with some people reporting the material active for up to ten hours. This fits in with tests done with the compound at levels as high as 40-50 mg which produced a psychedelic experience lasting approximately 12 hours. There was no visual distortion, and color enhancement was noted by most. All agreed that it could best be described as an "art gallery tour", as paintings, drawings, sculptures, and just ordinary "knick knacks" took on a life of their own and one could spend many minutes gazing at an object with intense fascination. No negative feelings were experienced by any of the testers and everyone agreed that it was a very smooth and positive experience. Most felt that they had gained important insights into their lives. The 2CT2 series of compounds were investigated for smart pill activity. The parent compound 2,5-Dimethoxy-4- Ethylthio-phenethylamine was tested for smart pill activity and the results were not very interesting, so various methyl/ethyl positional isomers were made to check out this area. The three compounds that resulted and were evaluated to some extent were: 2CT2-2EtO, 2CT2-SEtO, and 2CT2-DiEt.

2-Ethoxy-5-Methoxy-4-Ethylthiophenethylamine (6)

This was tested at levels of from 10 to 20 mg. Test subjects reported a general heightening of sensorial awareness and some, but not all, felt it could be most useful for creative enterprises. Exploring dosage levels of less than 10 mg may prove to be interesting, but at levels of more than 20 mg hallucinogenisis was noted and this condition was not appropriate for studying. In all cases the duration of action was shorter that other compounds tested; about four hours duration was noted in most cases.

2-Methoxy-5-Ethoxy-4-Ethylthiophenethylamine (6)

This was tested at levels of from 5 to 10 mg and a very interesting property of this material was noted: The effects lasted for 22 to 23 hours and with most subjects no sleep was possible during that time unless some Halcion or Valium was taken to allow a few hours sleep. This compound was classed as very insightful and useful for forming new concepts and writing them down. One disadvantage was that it was so long acting.

2,5-Diethoxy-4-Ethylthiophenethylamine (6)

This was tested at levels of from 5 to 15 mg. The effects lasted for only three hours and users reported that reading was very easy with good concentration and assimilation. The three thio compounds listed above were the only ones checked for smart pill activity. LAZAR feels that the manipulations with ring substituents on a dozen or more other thio compounds could be most interesting and rewarding. The reason more work was not done in this area was the passage of the "Controlled Substances Analog Bill".

entheogenic-gnosis said:
Below, are many excerpts from 'Certain Exotic Transmitters as SMART PILLS or Compounds that Increase the Capacity for Mental Work in Humans: A story about LAZAR as told by Hosteen Nez (Darrell Lemaire'

So awesome!!! Great info thanks!!

I recently discovered that book, about a month ago, and have been absolutely fascinated and drawn to it. It started when I watched an interview with the book's author conducted by Hamilton's Pharmacopeia on VICE.

I have since been very interested in the compounds mentioned in this book... They seem VERY promising!! I just don't really have the access to them...



justB612 said:
Are you guys into aromatherapy?

I love my essential oil diffuser! I use all types of oils, but I love how refreshing the citrus blends are. Probably has something to do with the mild psycho-stimulant properties of inhaling vaporized d-limonene!

Essential oil of Rose smells awesome! Lavender is great too, as well as Eucalyptus oil. I love trying new oils and new blends!

I like Rosemary and also am familiar with its benefits as a cognitive enhancer when eaten as a food, too! I nibble on some here and there just out of principle whenever I pass a wild bush.


I am very big into incense also... I love clearing with White Sage then saying prayers over resins burning on a hot coal. I prefer Copal and Frankincense but I have tried and enjoyed many others.

Here is an interesting scientific study regarding inhaling Frankincense:

Burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses.

I typically like to open a window on one side of the house, then start on the OPPOSITE end with a clearing incense such as a White Sage smudge. I will open a portal of white light just outside the window, then start working my way through the home with the White Sage moving all dark energy though the home out the window into the portal. I work my way through the house, closer to the window, with the home increasing in vibrant luminescent energetic intensity with each clearing.

I also make sure to Sage my hands, bottoms of my feet, and body. During which I pull the vapors into my body using the energetic system and swirl it around my physiology utilizing the spiraling motion of the main chakras and all the micro-chakras within the body. During this process, dark energy can be sucked out of the body and through the window into the portal of light.

More advanced methods I've learned from others include Saging each of the 4 corners of every door and walkway entry in a home, also, opening all doors, cabinets, drawers, and fireplaces and making sure to cleanse those too. One could also use the smudge stick to trace an outline of some kind of personally meaningful symbol in each doorway and walkway while infusing it with some kind of protective intention. This can also be done on the walls of the home.

Once the clearing is complete, the window is closed.

Other clearing incenses include Cedar and Sweetgrass.


Once the cleansing is done, the window is shut and a hot coal is lit for an invocation incense such as Copal, Frankincense, Myyrh or Dragons Blood. Or any combination there of. Palo Santo sticks or shredded Palo Santo on the coal are also used sometimes. Again, many other plants and resins have also been experimented with.

These incenses are used for invocations and prayers, anything you want to pray for. Light, love, peace, motivation, calm, strength, purification, balance, discipline.

The vapors fill the room but one can also apply the vapors to the body, hands, bottom of the feet, and again, use the chakras and the energetic body to permeate these medicines into your Qi structure to help solidify and manifest your intentions.


It should be mentioned that candles play a tremendous role in sacred practice, universally. Having candles lit, even just one or two, is critical when when doing this kind of work.

Because of the level of smoke this produces, I try to limit this type of activity to no more then once a week, but around two to three times a month.


As an extra scientific tidbit regarding smudging with White Sage...

It actually kills harmful germs in the air!

The truly elite typically use some kind of feather or bunch of feathers attached to a handle to waft the sacred smoke around a room and around the bodies of themselves and others present. It is also common to place a smudge stick, or even burning loose leaf white sage, in an abalone shell.

Check out this article:

"Killer Germs" Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals

The ritualistic use of plant smoke stretches back to the prehistorical era and is still used, the world over, as a way of 'cleansing' the spirit. Now modern scientific research reveals that the practice may actually have life-saving implications by purifying the air of harmful bacteria.



justB612 said:
Just be careful of herbal teas and supplements heavy metal toxicity.
Bacopa is especially notorious in this regard.

I would also suggest Ginkgo Biloba, worked wonders for me, and I'm delighted that most of what I use is mentioned here.

I have no good reason for why Ginkgo is not included in the stack... I have considered it heavily though.

Also, in regards to heavy metal buildup... doing occasional detoxes helps remove excess metals. Especially detoxing with Bentonite Clay, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), and high dose Niacin.

When doing an NAC detox I will take upward of 4-6 grams a day.

Performing semi-regular Niacin flushes is actually really good for a range of health benefits.


CosmicLion said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
Below, are many excerpts from 'Certain Exotic Transmitters as SMART PILLS or Compounds that Increase the Capacity for Mental Work in Humans: A story about LAZAR as told by Hosteen Nez (Darrell Lemaire'

So awesome!!! Great info thanks!!

I recently discovered that book, about a month ago, and have been absolutely fascinated and drawn to it. It started when I watched an interview with the book's author conducted by Hamilton's Pharmacopeia on VICE.

I have since been very interested in the compounds mentioned in this book... They seem VERY promising!! I just don't really have the access to them...



These compounds have been in my focus for many years...

I watched Hamilton's show on Darrell lemaire and Casey hardison and was quite impressed, it was an honest venture into psychedelic history which would have been all but forgotten, remaining as clandestine as the chemistry being practiced by these individuals. Hamilton did a good job, and I'm sure most of us can't thank Casey and Darrell enough for opening up and sharing their story with him...
(You know all those papers Hamilton digitized from the shulgin home? Did Hamilton ever give the public access to those?)

By pure coincidence, I had become quite involved in chemistry and psychedelic research by the time lemaire went public, placing all this information in my hands at the exact time when I needed it most...

The potential of some of these obscure phenethylamine and tryptamine compounds never ceases to amaze me...

While these compounds are rare, they are around...I don't think I'm supposed to talk about it though...

So I added Noopept and Ginkgo biloba to the stack...

I was hesitant to add Noopept since it is newer and has more complex effects.

I actually like how it acts on a different receptor profile then the other racetams and it is supposed to be better than the others for long-term formation of memories which is ideal. I also like how it stimulates NGF in addition to BDNF.

As far as Ginkgo, I've taken it before and like it but I also really vibe with how it is one of the most ancient plants we still use today.

Excited to add these into the mix!!



So I have been pre-weighing all the powders out each morning, for the 3 doses taken throughout the day.

I put the mid-day and late-afternoon doses in little 4oz Tupperware containers so I can take them with me on the go.

I have been filling the containers up with water, shaking them, then drinking it. I have found, though, that this often leaves behind some powder or a powdery residue around the lid and on the bottom of the container that takes more water run across it to get it all.

A very successful solution has been to add 1 capful of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar into each container with the water!! It dissolves all the powders perfectly!! Also, I'm sure, it aids in the digestion of all these powders...

Just a tip!!


CosmicLion said:
While studying, I can often remember things after the first time through. Also a noticeable increase in photographic memory. Going over powerpoint slides from class and being able to re-visualize seeing the slide and write out what was on it.

This sounds very desirable to me. My concentration span for studying is like 20 minutes, often forgetting things. It makes me wonder if a capacity for memory like yours would be possible for everybody, in a different environment with different diet.
Shop Qualia Mind - Neurohacker Collective

The most brilliantly designed formula for cognitive and empathic enhancement I have ever seen: Qualia.
I've tried all kinds of stacks from CILTEP to Nitrovit to Mind Lab Pro and I've also used Noopept, all of the Racetams, and I've played around with various individual nootropic substances for the past few years, and I've never seen anything so comprehensive and genius as Qualia. I've been on it for a couple of days now and I'm loving it. The founder of this neurohacker collective is Daniel Schmachtenburger, a brilliant evolutionary philosopher and complex systems theorist. He's one of the minds behind the created of Qualia, which is a term from the philosophy of mind which refers to the subjective experience of the body, our emotions, our hopes, our feelings, our inner world. They designed Qualia to lift the performance of the entire system rather than focusing on enhancing one aspect of the neurochemistry often at the negative expense of another aspect. What's so incredible about Qualia is they have included ingredients that will have the effect of optimizing the neurologic pathways that mediate empathy such as phenylethylamine and hordenine and theobromine just to name a few. Listen to on youtube all the interviews of Daniel Schmachtenburger and you will realize just what kind of intelligence is behind Neurohacker Collective and Qualia.

Anyway, I thought I'd drop this here because I am totally confident that in the future Qualia will become very widely known. They are still in their infancy. Get this stuff, you will not regret it.
Interesting posts guys, One day few years ago i found this strange website claiming that they found (Merlin's secret alchemical elixir) or something and i seemed to have all the ingredients so i made it and that day i never forget i felt like i was on a light dose of MDMA, uplifetment, energy, love for everyone and everything and my whole being felt as if it was at optimal performance both mentally and physically, it made me feel like i was living on a plane slightly higher than everyone else. Sadly i tried this multiple times again but did not work no where near as good as it did in the first time or maybe i forgot the exact amounts of the recipe who knows but it was something like this.

1 TBSP of Raw Cacao powder
1 Tsp of Maca powder
1 capsule of Ashwagandha extract
1 capsule of Mucuna extract
1 capsule of Shilajit and Chaga Mushroom
1 cup of either water or better plant milk of choice
1 tsp of raw honey and some hemp seeds.

I will try again one day and maybe higher dosage and see if i notice anything.
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