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Blood Moon SHE

Really looking forward to this one . . . it's been two months since my last voyage, can't wait to shed the flesh again. I'm also happy to see all the people who will be bending and slicing reality into confetti.
۩ said:
It has been two years almost since I have eaten some LSD.
And about a year since This thread.
It's about damn time I take my own advice!
Haha I had never seen that thread before. Excellent advice! :lol:

It has been a few months since my last journey as well. I have to work very early the morning of the 15th, so I will have to stick with something with a short duration of effect, but I am very excited to take part in this SHE! :)
On day three of an apple fast, got a fresh batch of enhanced leaf ready to go along with pharma . . . preparing to drink the Blood of the Moon.

Yeah, that doesn't make much sense, but it's colorful image.
Supposed to get a delivery, and half has already come. If all goes.. I could be there too.

One question: Is it the night of the 15th or 1am in the morning 15th?

۩ said:

Lifted from the Interwebz:

April 14, 2014 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Larry Ciupik, Adler Planetarium astronomer, joins us to talk about the ''blood moon'' lunar eclipse that will be visible early Tuesday.

A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs only if the entire Moon is in the Earth's shadow.
-About an hour before the Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon enters the umbra (or dark portion) of the Earth's shadow. This is known as a partial phase of the lunar eclipse and begins at 12:58 a.m. CDT on April 15th and ends at 2:06 a.m. CDT.
-The Total Lunar Eclipse (when the Moon is completely immersed in the Earth's shadow) begins at 2:06 a.m. CDT and ends at 3:24 a.m. CDT on the morning of April 15th. The middle of the eclipse occurs at 2:45 a.m. CDT.
Continuum said:

Lifted from the Interwebz:

April 14, 2014 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Larry Ciupik, Adler Planetarium astronomer, joins us to talk about the ''blood moon'' lunar eclipse that will be visible early Tuesday.

A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs only if the entire Moon is in the Earth's shadow.
-About an hour before the Total Lunar Eclipse, the Moon enters the umbra (or dark portion) of the Earth's shadow. This is known as a partial phase of the lunar eclipse and begins at 12:58 a.m. CDT on April 15th and ends at 2:06 a.m. CDT.
-The Total Lunar Eclipse (when the Moon is completely immersed in the Earth's shadow) begins at 2:06 a.m. CDT and ends at 3:24 a.m. CDT on the morning of April 15th. The middle of the eclipse occurs at 2:45 a.m. CDT.

The official start is around midnight tonight, exciting! I'll be taking my pharma around nine, peaking around midnight, which is when I usually introduce enhanced leaf to kick things up several notches. Unfortunately, it's going to be overcast where I am, so I won't get to smoke while staring at the moon, but when the smoke hits my dome-piece I'll be ON the moon and beyond.

So the official start is early this morning, but feel free to partake of your sacrament of choice anytime on the 15th; I'll probably smoke again tomorrow night to continue the SHE Wave.

Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, for the beginning of the Tetrad!


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Will be dipping into a powerful example of S. Divinorum

And some enhanced leaves.:lol:


Never mind,
Xtals and 40x salvia in the VG :want:
I wish it weren't still so cold in my part of the world so I could spend the entire night outside sky-gazing... Oh well, I could probably use an inwardly-focused journey at this point in time anyways. Safe travels, my friends! <3
How was it, folks? Any good pictures?

It was raining here. Too many clouds to see. O wells. I elected to remain in this body since I didn't get to see the moon, but I hope that I'll be able to see it next time. I guess the universe didn't want me to see it this time around. Maybe some instant karma for being in a poopy mood yesterday morning.
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