My friends who know these things have never tried boiling down the volume of acid extract, but it makes sense if you can evaporate with out 'boiling' (a fan placed over warmed water will work too). Swim says that 55 Deg C is the most she'll heat the acid-extraction to. Anyone else heard this ..? Someone said that higher temps (>55 deg C) can break appart the dmt molecule, or let it react with other stuff in solution. Swim used to wonder if heating the acid-phase was able to make 5-Me-O-dmt from the alkaloid mix in the filtered, acid extracxt...? Some of the spice from these heated extractions were wickedly potent. Swim always used to put the acid-extraction jug in a bath of hot water (55 Deg C) for 8 - 12 hours, but the last time she tried extracting from MHRB she did it at room temp, using a pH of 1.6 - 2.0, allowing 24 hours between acid-treatments. The yeild was phenomenal, and she now believes that with pulverized MHRB, a strong acid soak (pH 2 or 1.5) at room temp is all it takes. But she's still learning all the tricks...