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Borreliosis, babesia and coinfections


Esteemed member

I myself am not suffering from this but two people close to me are(long term). Even after IV antibiotics and supplementing with Buhner protocol they not seem to get better (at least one of them, other one was ok for a year after IV). My questions would be:

Is there anyone here who overcome this? (I have seen some people mentioning it here)
What have you done to heal yourself?
What plants, mushrooms and/or pharmaceuticals would you recommend or you have taken?
Any seldomly used stuff worth trying?

Thank you for your time and help.

I am also thinking about agarikon, lions mane and turkey tail extracts to help with the immunity (yes I am a P. Stamets fan). I gave one of them some mushroom supplements before, but it was the case when I question supplements quality - it was mix of 5 (chaga, maitake, lions mane, cordyceps and reishi).

To elaborate on situation, one of them is suffering close to 4 years, there is multiple tolls its taking which complicates entire situation. Its basically 4 years of antibiotics which I consider terrible by itself. After 4 years of that ordeal you can imagine the mental state.
Im sorry to hear your friends are suffering from post treatment lime, it’s a horrible ordeal. Where I live we have a specialist group that treats mostly forestry workers that continue to be sick even after having been treated with antibiotics.

From what my friend with post treatment lime told me they have limited success but where able to treat him. From what I remember he was was on a mixture of antibiotics and an anti rheumatoid medicine for a year. This did work and most of his symptoms have now disappeared.

Before that he tried all sorts of different things, non worked, it’s all quackery. My advice is to search for a specialist center for post treatment Lyme and stick with the science. People with chronic Lyme disease are a great target for quacks because of the poor understanding of the disease, unpredictable symptoms and utter desperation of its sufferers.

Take care
I have read up on studies. Those friends read up as well. I have even given some recent books about treatments for example: Healing Lyme Beyond Antibiotics by Timothy Lee Scott.

Friend of mine, is currently treated in private clinic, used almost everything you can get in this country, even some things that need to be imported. She is considering SOT therapy, but that is currently not done in EU.

Mostly I see it as combination of mental state and immune and disease problem. Things are interconnected, improving mental would improve others and so on. I am thinking about - combinations to inhibit spirochetes multiplication, improve immune response and reduce inflammation. I would also want to sneak in something that works against depression.

Also I consider some amounts of herbal tinctures she is taking daily - too small. That's the thing, If someone here got better with ramped up dosage, I could have proof to change things... Any recommendations have to be done on some base, because she is starting to refusing the idea of getting better or things working. After so much time of that I can understand that but also its sad that she is not able to be more stoic.
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