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Migrated topic.
Nexus I realized I need a break. I am wasting too much of my time debating with people about the danger of spreading myths about DMT and the damage it causes to legit scientific research. Regardless it doesn't matter what people think about dmt science will press on. Hopefully one day (probably after 2012 :lol: ) these myths will start to go away.

Ill be back one day (maybe soon) but for now adios.
burnt said:
Nexus I realized I need a break. I am wasting too much of my time debating with people about the danger of spreading myths about DMT and the damage it causes to legit scientific research. Regardless it doesn't matter what people think about dmt science will press on. Hopefully one day (probably after 2012 :lol: ) these myths will start to go away.
I know where your coming from man, just started hanging around again recently myself. Had to take a break for roughly the same reasons.

I've always appreciated the solid foundation you've tried to keep laid down!!


Gee I hope everybody who knows what they are talking about doesn't leave . Then all that will be left is us noobs who don't know squat yet .
deweeb said:
Gee I hope everybody who knows what they are talking about doesn't leave . Then all that will be left is us noobs who don't know squat yet .

ye so I guess its ok if burnt leaves then..

.. jokes - don't be gone for too long!
one thing that might help humanity is...stop trying to get other people to believe the same ideas that you do...because we all believe what we want to believe...and trying to say that what you believe is more true than somebody else's belief is just silly..let people think what they want..

this kind of thing is what religions have been doing for hundreds of years..making people believe the same thing as 'me' because my truth is more true than your truth..which is bullocks

i think this sort of idea may really help a lot of threads on this forum..there seems to be way too much bickering going on as of late which could be avoided if people stopped trying to press their beliefs(or Truths) onto others..but that is just MY belief
smokeydaze said:
wow, I like your beliefs - ill take two please..

I disagree with Jorkest because burnt never forced his beliefs to anyone. He just kept a more sceptical point of view and he was always welcoming other peoples' different opinions. What he has been argued against at is all those ill-defined mumbo jumbo crap that people throwed on him.

I pay solidarity to burnt for having made quite a lot of incredible posts throughout the nexus. I am leaving nexus for some time as well.
i wasnt necessarily saying that to burnt..it was to everyone..even myself! but i think people would agree that nobody threw anything on burnt..he became active in the threads where his belief system was different than somebody elses and he made his points..i dont feel that anybody can throw anything on somebody on forums without the other person becoming actively involved..i just think its too bad that people have to leave the forum so they dont argue with people about their beliefs..

who cares if somebody believes aliens are talking to them through DMT..let them think what they want...and who cares if somebody believes that dmt just changes your perceptions..let them think what they want..

and if you dont want to have to argue with people about all these things..it really is easy enough to just skip those threads!! i havent become too involved in any of them because nothing is really coming out of them except people arguing about little things instead of talking about their experiments they are(NT) doing or new things they have found out about DMT..

this is the DMT Nexus...lets talk about DMT..and leave the bickering out of hyperspace
I have noticed that i sometimes say something, a bit in a joking way, that other people are offended by. Sometimes there are issues that happen to be too sensitive for some people. Like whether the elves are real or not, whether the market is a perfect system or not, whether religious beliefs allow you more freedom then people who don't share these beliefs, etc.
It's a difficult issue.
But i think there are two basic rules. A; you can never enforce any perfect way of living, thinking or believing on others. This also means that everybody has the freedom to say whatever he wants because nobody could ever claim that there is no place on earth for someone else's beliefs. Even when they genuinely ARE offended by them.
B; trying to get along with others and trying to treat other people in a respectfull manner is just a civilized way of acting and people may always ask you to act civilized.

I had many discussions with burnt. Sometimes we agreed and sometimes we didn't. Sometimes there was a strong disagreement even. But it always remained civilized and respectfull.
I´ve got similar feelings like burnt, too. In the night, I cannot sleep, I toss and turn, thinking about posting on the forum. Am I normal? Or is it all caused by late night/early morning porn watching? :)
burnt & Infundibulum. I'll look forward to seeing you posting again. Remember there's no harm in just lurking without posting also. You can just check in and see what's going on.....but then how can you resist to put your 2 cent's worth in?? You both are really assets to the community I hope you'll come back soon.
Remember the words of Bokonon "Any man can call time out, but no man can say how long the time out will be."
.i just think its too bad that people have to leave the forum so they dont argue with people about their beliefs..

who cares if somebody believes aliens are talking to them through DMT..let them think what they want...and who cares if somebody believes that dmt just changes your perceptions..let them think what they want..
I don't think it has anything to do with trying to convince others, or not wanting to argue.
I think it has more to do with spending the time sharing some knowledge with everyone that took years of research & living to acquire, because of genuinely wanting to help others along the same path.
And wanting to have a worthwhile discussion about it, be it agreement or disagreement, at least on the same level.

Burnt gave rock-solid foundations for his ideas, that he didn't learn over night, that took some effort on his part.
I would guess that its very hard to take a return statement like, "wait & you'll see" as a worthwhile discussion after voicing time-tested evidence for what he believes.

At least that's how I took it, I obviously don't know what he was thinking...

warrensaged said:
.i just think its too bad that people have to leave the forum so they dont argue with people about their beliefs..

who cares if somebody believes aliens are talking to them through DMT..let them think what they want...and who cares if somebody believes that dmt just changes your perceptions..let them think what they want..
I don't think it has anything to do with trying to convince others, or not wanting to argue.
I think it has more to do with spending the time sharing some knowledge with everyone that took years of research & living to acquire, because of genuinely wanting to help others along the same path.
And wanting to have a worthwhile discussion about it, be it agreement or disagreement, at least on the same level.

Burnt gave rock-solid foundations for his ideas, that he didn't learn over night, that took some effort on his part.
I would guess that its very hard to take a return statement like, "wait & you'll see" as a worthwhile discussion after voicing time-tested evidence for what he believes.

At least that's how I took it, I obviously don't know what he was thinking...


it's the age old confrontation of mortality... the thought that length of time invested has any meaning towards the value of the knowledge.

I feel the teachings of the plant are solid... Don't get attatched to anything!

but that's just me.. lately I find most any argument or debate, or even most discussions to be completely silly. the human organ is capable of much more in the way of vibrations. everything is subject to taste, of course.
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