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Migrated topic.
I think, at some point, a good translator is all that is needed.

"Deoxyribonucleic acid."
"Oh, you mean the TWIN SERPENTS!!!"

"The seven sacred notes of the universe, vibrations creating everything~"
"Oh, you mean STRING THEORY!"

Maybe some of the closest concepts to mystical thought that have evolved out of language over time can be rediscovered through science. :shock:
ms_manic_minxx said:
I think, at some point, a good translator is all that is needed.

"Deoxyribonucleic acid."
"Oh, you mean the TWIN SERPENTS!!!"

"The seven sacred notes of the universe, vibrations creating everything~"
"Oh, you mean STRING THEORY!"

Maybe some of the closest concepts to mystical thought that have evolved out of language over time can be rediscovered through science. :shock:
WELL SAID MS MINXX!!! Ha! I can't even begin to enumerate the number of times I have SEEN higher physics principles while on entheogens. It is truly mind blowing and has helped me understand physics/quantum mechanics much better as well as made me see the similarities between the discussions and concepts engaged by modern quantum theorists and various indigenous shamans.

Mckenna's allusions to being able to "see what you're saying" comes to mind with your talk of a good translator. Language truly can be incredibly limiting...

It's great to hear you're up to good things burnt, the nexus really misses you and your absence has been very noticeable.

The Traveler said:
DMTripper, you are walking on thin ice with your ridiculing...

Please try to behave in a debate.


The Traveler

Well I might have overdone the "hahaha" but I just did actually laugh when I read this statement I was laughing about.

I'll stay out of this thread.
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