Good evening! I am a new member here and just wanted to post a quick introduction. I have a reasonable amount of experience with traditional psychedelics. I have tripped on acid around 30 times, Shrooms around 30 times. MDMA around 10. I have always enjoyed tripping at a level of 2 hits of blotter for LSD and my preferred dose for psilocybe is around 2.5 to three grams. I have experience with salvia and the one time that I have experienced ego death, melding with inanimate objects and oneness with the universe was after smoking some 55x. So I can say that I have been to hyperspace at least once. I have always felt that psychedelics have valuable things to teach us. I am also cognizant of the fact that these are chemicals that effect our perception by plugging into receptors in our brain. I don't want to underplay their significance but I do not want to become deluded to the point that I no longer consider them drugs. I am half pragmatist half mystic as I see them both as a tool for self exploration and a possible window into the nature of the universe/spirit world/other dimensions. These two perspectives -- one scientific/skeptical/pragmatic and one spiritual/mystical/hopeful? --
are totally compatible in my opinion. I have not tripped in about 6 years and I am feeling a call back. Lately I have been noticing how fast the time passes especially with a 5 yo son and 6 month old daughter. The daily grind and fast passage of time has led to some existential angst and I feel a reboot is in order. I need some perspective and maybe a glimpse back into the mystic. Thanks in advance for what I'm sure will be a warm welcome. Thanks again!
are totally compatible in my opinion. I have not tripped in about 6 years and I am feeling a call back. Lately I have been noticing how fast the time passes especially with a 5 yo son and 6 month old daughter. The daily grind and fast passage of time has led to some existential angst and I feel a reboot is in order. I need some perspective and maybe a glimpse back into the mystic. Thanks in advance for what I'm sure will be a warm welcome. Thanks again!