Yeah, swim still isn't sure what to do with his 150mg or so doesn't seem to be getting any cleaner with the MEK:Heptane washes. The MEK does in fact evaporate first leaving behind crystals in the heptane. There's just too little of them to actually pour off the heptane.
SWIM is also in the process of his 25g seed extraction. He defatted about 5 times with MEK first, then twice with heptane. SWIM didn't do a thorough defat, the solvent was still a little yellow, but swim couldn't completely tell since he didn't let the particles completely settle each time. Then he freebased using sodium carbonate. SWIM then did two heptane washes....the heptane is very yellow, swim stopped after two since he was running out of heptane (he still needs more for the MEK:Heptane pull).
Right now he is in the process of pulling with MEK:Heptane, waiting for the particles to settle enough so that it will gravity-filter at a decent pace.
The MEK:Heptane, after letting the particles settle, will probably be yellow. If that's the case, swim will evap the the MEK:heptane (praying for crystals to appear), and then try to separate the dirty heptane from them...possibly wash them. And hopefully swim will have enough MEK:Heptane to maybe wash it again.
EDIT: SWIM only has 250ml left of MEK:Heptane

The MEK:Heptane extraction is in fact piss yellow color..evaporating now...The solvent is cloudy...but swim can't really estimate anything until most of it has evaporated.
EDIT2: Crystals! SWIM will get the yield in a little bit. But at least this time they are the same color as the MEK:Heptane...a yellow color, rather than brown like swim's last stuff. SWIM will taste this stuff first...if it's too harsh..swim will wash the rest. Yay! SWIM likes this method so far...he's got results and the procedure was much shorter.
EDIT3: 650mg!! And it's way purer than swim's other bufotenine which was washed 4 times with MEK:Heptane!!! SWIM got a yield 4 times as high....and used 4 times less material. At least swim knows which tek he'll be using from now on.....yeesh.
It's kind of an orangish color (like those pictures of dmt on erowid)...he'll do some MEK:Heptane washes using the minimum required amount of MEK:Heptane.
EDIT4 (Last for the night): It's now sitting in a test tube in approx. 50ml of MEK:Heptane. Red, disgusting goo sitting at the bottom, but the MEK:Heptane itself is still a piss yellow...which means the final product will also be not so pure. Either way, swim's looking at this stuff compared to his other bufo....maybe this stuff will at least be smokeable.