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Bufotenine IPA Extraction & Bufojam Changa Tek

Migrated topic.
^ I sort of feel this way as well..vilca is vilca..the nausea is a part of it..just like the purge that comes along with aya..you have to be ready to accept it..

This is why some people dont like ayahuasca and yopo/vilca..

I know a lady that is really into psychedelics..LSD, DMT, muchrooms etc..she told me she will NEVER take ayahuasca because of the purge..to each their own though..not everything is for everyone.

I also know people who dont like mushrooms becasue of the stomache effects and having to eat a bit lighter...and will take LSD instead every time..not me though..I just go for what works best for me.
No, I used to take LSA which had a lot of nausea, I am not afraid of it or anything, I was just hoping to make a tryptamine blend that would not induce too much nausea, you know, one good for on the go.
I have never had any experience with bufotenine, so I am just overly cautious is all.

If one was too order these seeds, would the correct baking temp be 450-500 in an oven?

is 30 minuets too long to bake. I do not have a hotplate, but I do have an oven, and no, not for the isopro
maxzar100 said:
No, I used to take LSA which had a lot of nausea, I am not afraid of it or anything, I was just hoping to make a tryptamine blend that would not induce too much nausea, you know, one good for on the go.

Yeah the nausea with bufo only lasts like 2 or 3 minutes for me..never more than 5.. You can smoke it while sitting down somewhere for a few minutes and then go about your way when the trip is hitting..

You wouldnt want to smoke it while riding down the street on your bike or something like that..but I can walk around and do things when on it..I am always sitting down for the first few minutes though..it can be very visually intense though and I have had times where I feel real scrambled..but in a more controlled way than DMT..and it usually only lasts like 30 seconds..hard to describe really.
hmmm really. If I just bake the seeds once, then add sodium carbonate to 1 to 4 ratio, would that be enough to reduce nausea, or should I bake after I had the sodium carbonate
i recommend baking it as often as you can..because when you freebase the seeds...you are freebasing EVERYTHING..so that means you are reducing the boiling points of all the alkaloids..so yes..baking AFTER freebasing is very necessary..

one thing that i would like to point out...is that...while you MAY get nausea...it REALLY depends on the seeds...how well you toast them..and how fast you smoke it...the slower you smoke...the less nausea

and when mixed with dmt..in a joint...bufojam changa style...you smoke it soooo slowly..you may be getting between 0-1mg per hit or per few hits...but the dmt harmalas..and bufotenine all combine just so...to get you to a nice visual experience...slowly...without causing such STRONG side effects..because your intake is so slow...

seriously...the nausea..is NOT that bad...the constriction is more of a side effect for me..and i barely mind that at all...

dont let the nausea throw you off from this amazing molecule...its really got some wonderful properties..and is REALLY one of my favorites...ESPECIALLY mixed with dmt
jorkest, are you sure about the 450-500f toasting temperature? for swim this results in blackened seeds and black freebase and smoke... haven't had that with 350f....
hey fractal yeah, I had in the oven and it was at 450f.. but the seeds were blackened coming out and the freebased seeds started burning at that temperature complete with smoke....

can I also suggest the tek clear up any ambiguities with regards to toasting/hotplate/oven and also writes up some idea of what to expect in terms of appearance/smell

the boiling point of bufotenine is just about 600F...no if you stove has an accurate temperature gage..then there should be no problem...but the toasting IS getting rid of a lot of not so happy chemicals...ones that cause a lot of side effects..such as severe nausea...so its going to stink..and smoke a bit..but just remember...that this is the stuff you dont want to be smoking
np.. just checking... SWIM was worried because it almost looked like it was about to catch fire, quite a bit of smoke actually....thanks for your help.
SWIM wonders if you were to convert the freebase to salt with fumaric acid then rinse a few times with IPA or acetone if this might get rid of some of the nausea causing nasties. It seems to work in the jimjam tek to get rid of the oily jungle but tell SWIM if anybody knows if the bufotenine n-oxide would convert to salt or would be soluble in the IPA or acetone? Guess any SWIM could try and see if the IPA or acetone changes color when the salt is washed.
soulfood said:
I don't think it's smoke as much as toxins boiling off.

Awful smell :)

Yes, the first toasting always smells nice like fresh roasted coffee..after I freebase it though and do more toasts it smells gross..I dont know why that is..maybe some other alkaloids are vaping off in freebase form that didn't when in salt form..
so swim smoked a bunch of this changa tonight, shared with friends, went through the whole gram... everyone agreed it was a nice smoke, and definitely off baseline, nice warm feeling throughout the body... but overall quite mild... not sure if it was the seed content or the burning... but no visuals..
so let's say someone's got bufochanga and they wanted to add an herb to the mixture without starting all over. could they soak the bufochanga in IPA, add the new herb, stir and dry? the intent would be to maintain potency throughout.

on an almost unrelated topic, how does white sage go with bufo?
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