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Bufotenine IPA Extraction & Bufojam Changa Tek

Migrated topic.
its possible first toast is enough but... the second one came out MUCH cleaner... What do you guys think? dont know if this means a lot if nasties were left after first IPA toast but not after IPA pull on that, or it was inactive impurities or it was lost of yield, but it was quite obvious that first IPA left something BLACK, second left some nice clear reddish goeey stuff, like jungle spice, quite pretty...

didnt bioassay it yet, though, and also wont have the other stuff to compare as I retoasted and redissolved everything
Yeah sometimes 2 toasts are necassary because the charring and melting of other alkaloids can trap some of the stuff that's trying to evaporate. Recently I had an issue when I toasted 8 grams of bufotenine fumerate and then coudln't get it to disolve no matter how hard I tried. I didn't throw it out but didn't hold high hopes for it, however the other day I poured a solution of boiling water and sodium carbonate over it and it disolved like a dream.

This was obviously caused by the charred matter enclosing literally ALL the alkaloids. I think this was because I toasted too hot and too quickly, but I now realise if you toast slowly but gradually increase the heat, stuff doesn't get trapped inside.
"its possible first toast is enough but... the second one came out MUCH cleaner"

That is a good point..I was only thinking that 1 good toast seems to get rid of most of the toxins that you can remove that way..but it does clean it up re-roasting it and pulling again.
Also it's been observed that the black stuff pools in the middle after each bake, shrinking... maybe some kind of aggitation plus slow rampup in temperator during baking would help... swim friends will try a few different things and take notes... actually haven't noticed any kind of real sickness to think of, but at the same time I cant imagine having extracted everything out of the burnt seeds, the iso doesnt darken very much at all, acetone more so, I believe it probably is this encasing that has been mentioned before.
the reason for the ISO is because acetone seems to pull more toxins...which are darker in color ;)
Can't wait to finish this tek. I have freebased 40 grams of Cebil seeds and dried. However cannot pull the bufotenine out till my IPA arrives in the post and its taking aegis to come. :cry:

Thanks Fractal, for creating such a simple easy to use method to extract such an amazing compound. :d
69ron wrote this some time ago. It is a clean up step for the sticky IPA extractions of vilca/cebil seeds. Jorkest, you may want to add this step to the end of your tek. It allows for less baking, and a much more pure product, something like 90% according to 69ron. Here is the link if anyone wants more info. An easy way to remove toxins from a Yopo/Vilca extract!!! - DMT Allies extraction - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

You take your gummy amber sticky extract (the kind that causes nausea and tension when you smoke it) of mixed freebase alkaloids (they must be freebase or this doesn't work) and you mix it in a solution of 40% MEK and 60% heptane (naphtha might also work, SWIM didn’t try that). Use maybe 10 ml for 100 mg of sticky extract. Mix it thoroughly. You will probably need to scrape at the extract to get most to dissolve. The toxins will NOT dissolve and may be wrapped around the good stuff, so mix it really good. The sticky toxic material will stay behind. Pour off the solvent mix and evaporate at room temperature.
yea ive done that step...and it DOES work...but its tricky and you need MEK and heptane...if you dont have those..you have to figure out the ratio..and its rather difficult...i have been able to get fluffy white crystals this way..but to tell you the truth...i didnt find them very active...maybe it was my smoking tek...

also i was only ever able to get white crystals ONCE with this method...was never able to replicate it
...you're Yopo goo needs to be pretty pure to begin with or you won't get crystals.

SWIM is going to try using xylene or MEK:Heptane mixture to purify his bufo extract, his results will be posted in a week hopefully.
cover them when you toast them the first time..because they tend to pop all over the place
The aliens wonder what the popping could be?? Maybe they will have to try them right after they are done popping and see how tolerable they are. Or could it just be air escaping the sealed pod?
Im pretty sure it's just air being super heated inside the brown shell, and popping when the pressure gets too high.
Sorry for the double post, it's been a few days and I have a question.

Would a D-limonene boil after the IPA tek have a noticble change in effects? What about an MEK:Heptane wash?
Ever since Jorkest described bufojam changa, i've been salivating.

So my cebil seeds arrived and were sampled: first time, one was chewed and held sublingually for about ten minutes giving a mild sense of euphoria and a slight brightening of colours (accompanied by a nasty bitter taste). Second time, three seeds were deshelled, chewed and held sublingually after drinking a pint of guinness and chewing two datura stramonium seeds. Nice euphoria and deepened colours followed by recycling the guinness into the bathroom sink :( Nice cev when falling off to sleep. Conclusion: they are active and contain bufotenine.

So onto extraction. I am following this toast, base, ipa extract, toast, ipa extract tek. Weighed out seeds and broke them all in half to avoid the popcorn effect... it worked, no popping.
The whole kitchen smelled of peanut butter coffee and the toasted seeds were ground to a coarse powder and mixed with sodium carbonate and water, mixed and left to dry.

Tonight I want to perform the second toasting but I am worried about some reports of the smell being even stronger than the first toast, I guess windows will have to be opened and the winter air allowed to freeze my sorry butt ;)

Wish me luck

OriginalFace said:
Tonight I want to perform the second toasting but I am worried about some reports of the smell being even stronger than the first toast, I guess windows will have to be opened and the winter air allowed to freeze my sorry butt ;)

Good move.

The smell's foul. The fumes are also quite abrasive so be careful not to breathe them in to close to where you are toasting.
"So my cebil seeds arrived and were sampled: first time, one was chewed and held sublingually for about ten minutes giving a mild sense of euphoria and a slight brightening of colours"

I am getting more and more interested in trying these seeds sublingually..did you toast or freebase the seed first..I would think that it would be more visionary if it was freebased with sodium carbonate first(might burn a bit though)..and less nauseating if toasted..

I bet a seed sublingually would be a good predose for both smoking bufo and smoking DMT..
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