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cactus san pedro identify ?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
wonderful day my friends

i found this in store sell plants

what is it ?


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There is no San Pedro in the pictures, these are classical ornamental cacti.

You should ask one of the store employees, they can propably tell you what their names are.
Depending on the country, that you live in, mescaline cacti may be legal, so don't be shy.
Ulim said:
This little chart helps

Great chart. Thank you.

I often have people come to me with Polaskia chichipe thinking that they have a trichocereus species, it resembles trichocereus peruvianus, Maybe a Pachanoi, one key difference is that Polaskia chichipe has dark red spines... any way, I often encounter many of the cacti listed below that some individual had thought in error was a trichocereus, I hope this can aide in teaching others how to recognize trichocereus cacti and their look alikes.

The link in the quotation box below elucidates common trichocereus look-alikes, and provides photographs, it's not the best, but it's a good start.


Gymnocereus Altissimus)

Browningia pilleifera (Gymnanthocereus pilleifer; Gymnanthocereus macracanthus)

Browningia utcubambensis

Browningia hertlingiana

Stenocereus (Ritterocereus) Griseus

Heliabravoa (Polaskia) chende

Polaskia chichipe

Seticereus chlorocarpus

Subpilocereus repandus

Stenocereus Griseus


Myrtillocactus geometrizans

azureocereus spp.

Stetsonia coryne


Corryocactus brevistylus




Cereus Peruvianus

Pilosocereus arrabidae (of Brazil)

Pilosocerus quadricostatus (of Brazil)

Cipocereus minensis (of Brazil)

Christ said something similar to "give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him to fish he eats every day"

You can ID cacti for people, or you can teach them how to do it themselves...

(Though I do enjoy the challenge of plant and fungi ID, it's a more productive use of my time to offer resources to teach others how to ID)

This PDF lists cactus species and their chemistry, it has been a valuable tool in my research, there is a better version packed with photos, but it takes up a good deal of space.

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