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Casual Conversation

Migrated topic.


All posts are imaginary.
Hello everyone! This topic really doesn't have a point except for everyone to speak their mind on the World of today. I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope to hear what you all have to say about wisdom, psychedelics, and how/what they have shown us throughout our use and life after them.
Unfortunately I'm not having the greatest of days, as I got in a minor car accident earlier today. Luckily no one was harmed, and I was the only one involved. Car slipped on ice, and while I managed to decrease the severity of the crash, I still hit the pole of a fence and knocked off my right side bumper/lights. An unfortunate twist that is most likely going to make the future quite a bit more difficult for me. Fortunately, it could have been a lot worse.

I find that you can learn a lot from sadness. A quote that I really love is that "Sadness is the shovel that digs the well, and happiness is the water that fills it" :).

You can't truly know what it means to be happy if you don't know what it means to truly be sad. Nevertheless, whichever emotion it is that you are feeling, be content that the universe can even allow for you to feel so deeply! It's wonderful, isn't it?

How has your day been OP?
Well mine has been good! Took 24mg of Loperamide and am feeling pretty nicccce. Nothing to eventful besides that. Sorry about the crash! Hope everything is going well.
Thank you for the reply!
JohnIce2 said:
Well mine has been good! Took 24mg of Loperamide and am feeling pretty nicccce. Nothing to eventful besides that. Sorry about the crash! Hope everything is going well.
Thank you for the reply!

Loperamide? Never heard of it. Just googled it and did some research but I'm still not super knowledgeable about it. It seems like it's just a medicine- did you take it because you were feeling sick or does it produce some kind of high?

Everythings going a lot better now, nothing was too serious. Time works things out :)
JohnIce2 said:
Well mine has been good! Took 24mg of Loperamide and am feeling pretty nicccce. Nothing to eventful besides that. Sorry about the crash! Hope everything is going well.
Thank you for the reply!

What is your reasoning for taking loperamide? Pleasure or combating withdrawal?

I have heard there is a light opiate type effect from large doses but i`d have thought you need far beyond 24mg to notice anything.
Global said:
Are you guys sneaker people? I wonder how many Nexians wear sneakers. Now that's the mystery!

Usually flip flops, even in the winter. :p

I have a pair of hiking shoes and a pair of minimus running shoes. Last time I wore sneakers was in like 2002 I think :p.
always snow white high tops or choo heels.

always dabs never opiates.

of course its a good day.
as usual i woke up to lovers and treasure and ocean breeze,

the maid was even awake when i got up.........
pretty much have only worn these for the past fifteen years


can't be bothered selecting a new style of shoe to wear
decided to beat the dead horse a little extra today and decided to entertain a thought that I have juggled for quite some time now... Why do we even have to question if there is a God? Like seriously people quit bantering about whether or not there is an omnipotent source for a moment. Step back and inspect the inquiry itself. It's a strange and quite silly circumstance to be had, don't you think? I think asking this new question allows you to abstractly pull yourself out of the duality of perspective so you can look at the nature of the phenomenon just a tad bit bigger. nothing like climbing the philosophical ladder folks.
Naut said:
decided to beat the dead horse a little extra today and decided to entertain a thought that I have juggled for quite some time now... Why do we even have to question if there is a God?
God or not-God the result is always the same = Death. The question becomes an obsession when the consequences of the result are not fully comprehended.
When the consequences of the result are understood in their entirety, the question goes away.
When the question goes away, death is overcome.
And we all become the gods, gods of mud and metal and rain and electricity.
Questioning the existence of ourselves.
Global said:
Are you guys sneaker people? I wonder how many Nexians wear sneakers. Now that's the mystery!

Dirty leather boots. Thick soles.
Or the rare Chuck Tay days...

John ice did you survive your lope exp? FWIU it doesn't pass the blood brain barrier but is an opioid. Did you just overload and get an effect? IYE, is it dependence causing?

Wondering if it could be a useful adjunct for sleep, which since I got off methadone a couple months ago don't actually think I've done. :?: Kratom doesn't help sleep, not gonna do dope or methadone, but DAMN, I need some freaking ZZZZs. Big fatties before bed don't help either.

Shoes, drugs, sleep. Good convo, y'all, Ty. :thumb_up:
I sure do like me some Chuck Tays. :D But then again, in the winter I'm more for shoes.

Anyway, speaking of which, I was having this train of thought recently after reading the long and detailed experience report of hyperspace entities from @NGC_2264... (which you should probably read)

As a teen, I was totally hooked on Japanese cartoons and JRPGs... and I can't not notice that most Japanese pop culture has a subtext that seems almost to prepare one for meeting such entities as @NGC_2264 had the misfortune being conned by (or hallucinating being conned by as he developed paranoid schizophrenia, not my place to judge or decide). As YouTube celeb Matpat once said on Game Theory, "it's not Final Fantasy unless it's about teenagers using the power of friendship to kill God."

In the New Age subculture, there seems to be a consensus that anyone not having a body is automatically right, and automatically trustworthy. Just read up about "spirit guides", "angels", "light beings" and all that. Even when I was most deeply immersed in Magick and spirituality, I was like "why would I even consider to believe some random voice and accept it as my superior?!"

Well, in the typical Final Fantasy storyline, the protagonist is usually pulled into fighting for some holy cause against some enemy, only to realize around two-thirds of the game that he was completely conned, and the "holy" people he believed until then are the real villains. Also, usually anyone who seems "too good to be true", simply isn't. A lot of anime too, is about a hero opposing some goody-two-shoes, pseudo-divine (or actually divine) bureaucracy based on personal sense of justice and love.
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