I sure do like me some Chuck Tays.

But then again, in the winter I'm more for shoes.
Anyway, speaking of which, I was having this train of thought recently after reading the
long and detailed experience report of hyperspace entities from @NGC_2264... (which you should probably read)
As a teen, I was totally hooked on Japanese cartoons and JRPGs... and I can't not notice that most Japanese pop culture has a subtext that seems almost to prepare one for meeting such entities as
@NGC_2264 had the misfortune being conned by (or hallucinating being conned by as he developed paranoid schizophrenia, not my place to judge or decide). As YouTube celeb Matpat once said on
Game Theory, "it's not Final Fantasy unless it's about teenagers using the power of friendship to kill God."
In the New Age subculture, there seems to be a consensus that anyone not having a body is automatically right, and automatically trustworthy. Just read up about "spirit guides", "angels", "light beings" and all that. Even when I was most deeply immersed in Magick and spirituality, I was like "why would I even consider to believe some random voice and accept it as my superior?!"
Well, in the typical Final Fantasy storyline, the protagonist is usually pulled into fighting for some holy cause against some enemy, only to realize around two-thirds of the game that he was completely conned, and the "holy" people he believed until then are the real villains. Also, usually anyone who seems "too good to be true", simply isn't. A lot of anime too, is about a hero opposing some goody-two-shoes, pseudo-divine (or actually divine) bureaucracy based on personal sense of justice and love.