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'Coatl's Apology

Migrated topic.


Hey I just wanted to apologize to everybody at the Nexus I may have offened with my posts!

If a certain post offends you please let me know and I'll be glad to edit it!

I'd like to stay at the Nexus for a very long time and keep posting Cacti and other ethnobotanical information for you guys!

I hope I'm allowed to stay!

But if I'm not... please message me at www.myspace.com/templeentheogen

Again sorry for any offending posts or actions!
I'm not actually sure what I did!

I think the Traveler will send me a message and tell me tho!

He's always been a REALLY nice guy and I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding!
The Traveler explained to my why I was banned and I did break some rules...

However... I feel that a 3 + year ban is a little harsh... and I humbly ask that the ban is reduced to 6 months.

Traveler... is this suitable?

Again I am sorry for any offending post and when (if) I come back I'm going to follow all the forum rules!

The Nexus is great!!!

Have fun guys! Sorry for this disturbance!
It's quite weird, I would presume that banning a nexus user should occur on grounds known to the rest of the community. Not because we love gossip, sure we do. But simply because 'Coatl has made quite some good contributions and has helped other members with botanical identifications.

I feel that some people would find disagreeable the banning of 'Coatl. But on the other hand, he can be always revamped with a new nickname.

Personally I am more inclined to believe that there must have been a misunderstanding here. And I would like to see both sides of the argument before concluding anything.
Again I'd like to add that this is my fault and the Traveler is doing a great job as Admin here at the Nexus! He was very nice to me even tho I was in the wrong and very politely explained to me why I was banned after I inquered.

Thanks Travler!
I will wait for a response from the Traveler before posting in any other threads... Techniqually I am currently banned.... So I will show my respect by only posting in this thread until I am told it is ok to do otherwise.

Cactus IDs will have to wait... sorry!
Coatl, a lot of the information you've posted on this site is really useful for a lot of us here. It's actually you personally that got me interested in cacti again. Thanks a lot for that. I know we argued a lot, but that’s just my personality. I argue with a lot of others here. I can be quite opinionated and touchy about certain subjects. I’m sure the others here can attest to that :)

You will be missed.
Hey I'm just glad I got to hang out with people as inteligent and as cool as you 69ron! Even if it was just for a little while!

It's actually you personally that got me interested in cacti again.

That makes all the hours I've spend typing up stuff to post here at the Nexus worth it!

That means alot to me!

Hopefully I will be able to continue posting interesting ethnobotanical info!

Did you hear about the new Peyote species recently discovered?! It's called Lophophora alberto-vojtechii, it's a miniture species... but you'll have to wait until I'm unbanned to hear the rest!
Hello all,

'Coatl broke several rules of this forum and not for the first time, broken rules include posting ads and potential dangerous information (both kind of posts were deleted/changed as soon as discovered). In the past I warned him that this unwanted behavior won't be tolerated, that he has to work on his attitude and to think before posting.

Most of the times that I warned him he did change, only to fall back after time.

I also seriously doubt his knowledge at times, I'm sure he knows a lot about botanics and has much experience with growing/using them but e.g. the warning from whiterasta NOT to just bioassay all cacti while 'Coatl said that was just fine was alarming. Also his fights with boomer2 on spiritplants.org showed some alarming lack of certain important knowledge.

I did not put the information of the ban in public since I think that's not the place to sort this kind of things out (unfortunately, we're doing it sort of now), I did inform all the moderators about this ban.

After seeing the responses from other members I'm beginning to doubt my decision. I'm now thinking about a compromise: Turn the 3 year suspension into one month ('Coatl REALLY has to learn not to break these rules since they can compromise the DMT-Nexus) and after the suspension is released 'Coatl will do his VERY best to behave and very important: think before clicking that post button.

Please let me know what you all think about this, you can also PM me if you don't want to talk about it in public.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I wouldn't mind a 3 month ban Traveler.

I did break the rules... so... how about a 3 month ban?

Or how about I can only post in this one thread for 3 months?

I'm just glad to have it reduced from 4 years!!!

Also his fights with boomer2 on spiritplants.org showed some alarming lack of certain important knowledge.

Could you PM and explain what you mean?

Boomer is about the only person that REALLY gets under my skin!

Maybe some of you know Mjshroomer? (He may be the only person who is hated more than I among the entheogenic community, he holds the record for most sites banned from... with me trailing a close 2nd)


BTW, Boomer2 = Mjshroomer

Type "MJshroomer" in Google and look what comes up!
I see now.

In that case, a few months ban would be the best compromise both for the moderators who wish to maintain the integrity of the site and the members who like reading coatl's posts. 1 month or 3 months does not really make a difference.

But I think it makes the point for coatl to comply with the said rules.
Teo, I like you and your enthusiasm. And because I like you and you've started this thread about it, I'm going to give an honest opinion...

Teotzlcoatl said:
Maybe some of you know Mjshroomer? (He may be the only person who is hated more than I among the entheogenic community, he holds the record for most sites banned from... with me trailing a close 2nd)
If you really are in this predicament, it's time to work on yourself to try to change whatever it is you're doing wrong... and by work I don't mean more aya. :lol: Change isn't hard, try that book I keep going on about (Feeling Good, Dr David D. Burns- it's simple cognitive behavioural therapy techniques).

One has to be so careful when talking about entheogens, because in a worst case scenario, incorrect advice might land someone in hospital. Don't give important advice confidently unless you know it as fact and can give a reference.

If you're banned should you be still posting, wouldn't you find that a bit cheeky if you were a mod? I probs need to read the rules myself now... look forward to seeing you when you're back from your holiday! :)
has it been verified by an ip address match that 'Coatl was the person advertising?

No it was me. I won't deny it. I broke the rules and I shouldn't have.

I posted a (legal) cactus vendor. I'm sorry.

he'd PM people before soliciting on the board.

I mostly try to do that... but sometimes when I really like a vendor and alot of people are asking me alot of the same questions I have posted vendor info before...

If you really are in this predicament, it's time to work on yourself to try to change whatever it is you're doing wrong... and by work I don't mean more aya. Change isn't hard, try that book I keep going on about (Feeling Good, Dr David D. Burns- it's simple cognitive behavioural therapy techniques).

You'd be suprised what one person calling you a cop/narc (and following you around to ALL the sites you go to calling you a cop/narc) can do for getting you banned.
dont know the full extent and details of the ban and such (adverts?) but coatl has really motivated and helped me to research various cacti, their propagation, and my favorite, consumption :)

the compromise sounds like a good plan, im sure it will all get worked out, this site is majical
Teotzlcoatl said:
You'd be suprised what one person calling you a cop/narc (and following you around to ALL the sites you go to calling you a cop/narc) can do for getting you banned.
Man, that sucks. But we can prove it... by asking "are you a cop?"... in the films they have to say yes if they are!
I think the best way to prove I'm not a cop is my age... I'm 19...

But I guess there are some 19 year olds that are cops... but surely not very many.

Then again... I could be lying about my age! Perhaps the best way to know I'm not a cop is my knowledge of entheogens and (direct knowledge) of their effects?

(Teo-haters counter with the theory that I am some kind of super-narcotics agent send to infiltrate the entheogenic community [Yes somebody has actually told me that before]) Another man was sure I was a "former Russia KGB drug officer"...


dont know the full extent and details of the ban and such (adverts?) but coatl has really motivated and helped me to research various cacti, their propagation, and my favorite, consumption

Thank you, that makes me really happy to hear that!

Remember.... Tis' more honorable to grow than to eat!
You didn't say you weren't a cop! You avoided answering the question :shock: ... you have to say, 'I am not a police officer nor do I work in law enforcement'... [EDIT I was kidding around but I'd quite like to hear it now 😉...]
The Traveler said:
Please let me know what you all think about this, you can also PM me if you don't want to talk about it in public.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Well I don't mind her, but to be honest some of her posts were bollocs.Her blaspheming in some posts was a bit irritating. She also was offensive to some members although not to me. Perhaps she need some time off, just to reconsider the way and meaning of her posting. Say 1 year. Best coatl's idea was drag Kada over
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