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'Coatl's Apology

Migrated topic.
I think the problem was multiple violations. Most of us don't see them because mods remove/delete them as soon as they are caught.

I'm sorry this had to be dragged out into the public forum, but I've never seen The Traveler ban anyone without multiple warnings, multiple communications, and never without forethought (anyone remember imacheavel?).. If 'Coati repeatedly broke the rules then he/she should be banned, if only for a short time.

Saying that, Coatl has always been civil towards me and I’m glad that the ban was reduced.

Please Coatl, think before posting. It may be a good idea for you to type up a post in Word first. Read it aloud to yourself before posting. Also, please, follow the rules, they really are relaxed here at the Nexus.
I also want to add that after being banned Coatl, using two other screen names to continue posting and asking for a reconsideration is probably against the rules as well.

If you are banned Coatl, even for a bit, shouldn't that ban be from the entire forum?
I like Coatl. I like his enthusiasm and his energy I like the fact that he dose get into scrapes and sometimes annoys other posters. I have read some very hatefull, nasty and vile posts from him on other sites and was a bit nervous of him comming here. All my fears proved groundless. I think he is young and has been a bit stupid. I think he will grow up and still do the odd stupid thing. I am glad I am not in the Travelers shoes when having to deal with these sort of issues. Coatl is one of the most bizzare characters in the cyberdelic community, there is absolutely no concern in my mind that he may be government sponsored, to sugest such things without any specific knowledge is a very nasty and damageing thing. If people are doing that, I would prefer to see them banned.
Let me explain the part of the vendor ads and then we have to get over this.

Talking about some subject and then providing a link to a vendor related to that subject is not a big problem.

The problem starts when somebody places a link to a vendor when there is no direct cause for placing that link. The problem gets bigger when that ad is moderated and the same member as before replaces that moderation with an ad again. The problem is complete, when just after the previous incident, the same member starts a new thread with only an ad in it.

Again, a long history of warning PM's with that same member didn't help either, I'm not going into detail about the content of those PM's but I can say that (the cause to) some of them were really alarming to me. To the community, this ban may come as a shock but the worries and problems with 'Coatl were here long before.

The compromise is now that 'Coatl can think about this all for a month and hopefully we get a wiser 'Coatl back.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I've gotten the impression several times in my arguments with Coatl that he was definitely a sales guy trying to get people to purchase cacti. I don’t really mind people trying to sell things on forums that are legal, but they need to follow the rules provided by the forum. Cactus is perfectly legal to buy in most parts of the world, even cactus containing mescaline.

Other than the fact that I got the impression Coatl grows cactus for a living and is trying to get his products out there, I’ve enjoyed a lot of his posts, and became interested in cactus again because of him, which was a good thing. He just needs to follow the rules.
burnt said:
(anyone remember imacheavel?)

Hahahah! That guy was wacked. I'll never forget the amount of chemicals in human body thread.
If im not mistaken imacheavel and coatzl were friends.I think a ban for a year is a good start.Lets not forget this is not his/her first ban from a sight and after multiple bans he comes here and gets banned after repeated warnings.As far as the cop thing who knows she doesnt have to say anything.But the lack of knowledge and sales tactics seems right for a pig or a 19yo with poor judgement.Just my opinion.
burnt said:
(anyone remember imacheavel?)

Hahahah! That guy was wacked. I'll never forget the amount of chemicals in human body thread.

That GIRL was wacked (who coulda known?), but yeah...that thread is still going although in a much funnier direction.
I always thought that they were both male for some reason... and a lot of people seem to make that mistake... wonder why...
and it's funny because on the other hand some members have been mistaken as female when their profile says male...
I find that really interesting, psychologically speaking...
ohayoco said:
I always thought that they were both male for some reason... and a lot of people seem to make that mistake... wonder why...
and it's funny because on the other hand some members have been mistaken as female when their profile says male...
I find that really interesting, psychologically speaking...
One of the reasons why it's so practical that there are no more than just two sexes.
Big Inhale said:
burnt said:
(anyone remember imacheavel?)

Hahahah! That guy was wacked. I'll never forget the amount of chemicals in human body thread.
If im not mistaken imacheavel and coatzl were friends.I think a ban for a year is a good start.Lets not forget this is not his/her first ban from a sight and after multiple bans he comes here and gets banned after repeated warnings.As far as the cop thing who knows she doesnt have to say anything.But the lack of knowledge and sales tactics seems right for a pig or a 19yo with poor judgement.Just my opinion.

I think Teo says to much weird, creative, and strange shit to be a cop. Like Teo's cactus thread, what cop would post up tripped out pictures of williamsii randomly.
VisualDistortion said:
Big Inhale said:
burnt said:
(anyone remember imacheavel?)

Hahahah! That guy was wacked. I'll never forget the amount of chemicals in human body thread.
If im not mistaken imacheavel and coatzl were friends.I think a ban for a year is a good start.Lets not forget this is not his/her first ban from a sight and after multiple bans he comes here and gets banned after repeated warnings.As far as the cop thing who knows she doesnt have to say anything.But the lack of knowledge and sales tactics seems right for a pig or a 19yo with poor judgement.Just my opinion.

I think Teo says to much weird, creative, and strange shit to be a cop. Like Teo's cactus thread, what cop would post up tripped out pictures of williamsii randomly.
If she would be a cop and would succesfully lure me into illegal activity's, than i could always defend myself that i really didn't want to commit all these evil, illegal deeds, but that this copgirl just kept pushing and pushing and pushing me with all these cactuspictures of her. What judge wouldn't fall for that?
obliguhl said:
Best reason: There are no chicks on the interwebs.
Mwahaha there are on Myspace/Facebook etc. Maybe not so much on drug-geek forums, more's the pity.
Are girls generally not so interested in entheogens? They certainly seem to like their recreationals, but I have noticed how sometimes they are in a unique position where often they don't have to actually buy them... perhaps they generally consider extraction a 'man's job', for example?
These are generalisations, I don't want to offend any girls, I am a feminist :) I expect Coatl is fuming at me right now :oops:
ohayoco said:
obliguhl said:
Best reason: There are no chicks on the interwebs.
Mwahaha there are on Myspace/Facebook etc. Maybe not so much on drug-geek forums, more's the pity.
Are girls generally not so interested in entheogens? They certainly seem to like their recreationals, but I have noticed how sometimes they are in a unique position where often they don't have to actually buy them... perhaps they generally consider extraction a 'man's job', for example?
These are generalisations, I don't want to offend any girls, I am a feminist :) I expect Coatl is fuming at me right now :oops:
I think basically; woman can have childeren. We man have to really look for things to give meaning to our little lives...That could explain it.
polytrip said:
ohayoco said:
obliguhl said:
Best reason: There are no chicks on the interwebs.
Mwahaha there are on Myspace/Facebook etc. Maybe not so much on drug-geek forums, more's the pity.
Are girls generally not so interested in entheogens? They certainly seem to like their recreationals, but I have noticed how sometimes they are in a unique position where often they don't have to actually buy them... perhaps they generally consider extraction a 'man's job', for example?
These are generalisations, I don't want to offend any girls, I am a feminist :) I expect Coatl is fuming at me right now :oops:
I think basically; woman can have childeren. We man have to really look for things to give meaning to our little lives...That could explain it.

I always thought the meaning behind our life was help women have kids. lol
VisualDistortion said:
polytrip said:
ohayoco said:
obliguhl said:
Best reason: There are no chicks on the interwebs.
Mwahaha there are on Myspace/Facebook etc. Maybe not so much on drug-geek forums, more's the pity.
Are girls generally not so interested in entheogens? They certainly seem to like their recreationals, but I have noticed how sometimes they are in a unique position where often they don't have to actually buy them... perhaps they generally consider extraction a 'man's job', for example?
These are generalisations, I don't want to offend any girls, I am a feminist :) I expect Coatl is fuming at me right now :oops:
I think basically; woman can have childeren. We man have to really look for things to give meaning to our little lives...That could explain it.

I always thought the meaning behind our life was help women have kids. lol
Men always are a little excluded from it all, after our little help is done.
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