Hello to all,
what do you think about the color of this backwash?
It's yellow - green - ish.
It's 150 ml of demineralized water + some glacial acetic acid, so pretty clear in its own nature.
Because it is a backwash I presume the yellow/green in no plant fats at all (those remaining in the pulls) right?
It came of 75 gr mimo that was first HCL'ed and then NaOH'ed, the mimo soup got pretty warm-to-hot when dumping in the NaOH.
Then pulled few times with a coincidental mix of 50% light naphta + 50% toluene.
The mimo soup pulls were done at aprox 40 - 50 deg C (100 to 125 deg F).
Then these pulls were washed with sod carb before being backwashed with the acetic A.
Experience tells: When basing this backwash + pulling with naphta (now the naphta will turn yellow and the BW will become clear) + freezing it's gonna be yellow fluffs for sure, and a tiny oily layer at the surface. Potency is no prob at all but it calls for Re-X few times to separate the wax from the whiter fest.
- are your backwashes anything like this color?
- is the color an indicator of something that can or cannot be tweaked by changes in the protocol?
- can the green/yellow be simply oxidized deems? Motive for some zink dust reduction of the backwash?
- This color is strictly mimo source material dependent?
- wondering if the hot mimo soup is factor to the color by dumping the NaOH in all at once, in that stage the FB deems got warmer than the regular pull temp. Going gentler next time?
Any hints are welcome,
may the force be with you,

what do you think about the color of this backwash?
It's yellow - green - ish.
It's 150 ml of demineralized water + some glacial acetic acid, so pretty clear in its own nature.
Because it is a backwash I presume the yellow/green in no plant fats at all (those remaining in the pulls) right?
It came of 75 gr mimo that was first HCL'ed and then NaOH'ed, the mimo soup got pretty warm-to-hot when dumping in the NaOH.
Then pulled few times with a coincidental mix of 50% light naphta + 50% toluene.
The mimo soup pulls were done at aprox 40 - 50 deg C (100 to 125 deg F).
Then these pulls were washed with sod carb before being backwashed with the acetic A.
Experience tells: When basing this backwash + pulling with naphta (now the naphta will turn yellow and the BW will become clear) + freezing it's gonna be yellow fluffs for sure, and a tiny oily layer at the surface. Potency is no prob at all but it calls for Re-X few times to separate the wax from the whiter fest.
- are your backwashes anything like this color?
- is the color an indicator of something that can or cannot be tweaked by changes in the protocol?
- can the green/yellow be simply oxidized deems? Motive for some zink dust reduction of the backwash?
- This color is strictly mimo source material dependent?
- wondering if the hot mimo soup is factor to the color by dumping the NaOH in all at once, in that stage the FB deems got warmer than the regular pull temp. Going gentler next time?
Any hints are welcome,
may the force be with you,