Rising Star
Hello all Im am curious about a few things regarding the combos mentioned above. I know this varies greatly from person to person but when combining LSD or Shrooms with DMT does one give a better/greatly differently type of experience? I have not done shrooms and I already have some L on hand so I guess i'm wondering if I should go out of my way to procure Shrooms and do the combo with them instead.
Also curious how much/if the dosage of L/Shrooms will affect the intensity/nature of the combo experience eg 100ug VS 200/300ug or 2.5g vs 4g...... and if the dosage of DMT should be altered because of the other substances? Simplified More of L/Shrooms = "better" combo or just more intense "base" trip...
Many Thanks!!!
Also curious how much/if the dosage of L/Shrooms will affect the intensity/nature of the combo experience eg 100ug VS 200/300ug or 2.5g vs 4g...... and if the dosage of DMT should be altered because of the other substances? Simplified More of L/Shrooms = "better" combo or just more intense "base" trip...
Many Thanks!!!