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Combinations: DMT & LSD/Shrooms

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all Im am curious about a few things regarding the combos mentioned above. I know this varies greatly from person to person but when combining LSD or Shrooms with DMT does one give a better/greatly differently type of experience? I have not done shrooms and I already have some L on hand so I guess i'm wondering if I should go out of my way to procure Shrooms and do the combo with them instead.

Also curious how much/if the dosage of L/Shrooms will affect the intensity/nature of the combo experience eg 100ug VS 200/300ug or 2.5g vs 4g...... and if the dosage of DMT should be altered because of the other substances? Simplified More of L/Shrooms = "better" combo or just more intense "base" trip...

Many Thanks!!!
mixcloudcorniaV7 said:
Hello all Im am curious about a few things regarding the combos mentioned above. I know this varies greatly from person to person but when combining LSD or Shrooms with DMT does one give a better/greatly differently type of experience? I have not done shrooms and I already have some L on hand so I guess i'm wondering if I should go out of my way to procure Shrooms and do the combo with them instead.

Also curious how much/if the dosage of L/Shrooms will affect the intensity/nature of the combo experience eg 100ug VS 200/300ug or 2.5g vs 4g...... and if the dosage of DMT should be altered because of the other substances? Simplified More of L/Shrooms = "better" combo or just more intense "base" trip...

Many Thanks!!!

There is not right or wrong here.. its just us "westerners" that likes to have scales to put "things" in..

Its a matter of personal taste.. if you like the more deep "out of body" realms then "do not diddle the dose" - Terence Mckenna
4-5g shrooms and right after the peak go with a breakthrough dose of DMT.

If you like the more "baseline cognative enhancing functions" then play around with smaller dosages.. 1-2g of shrooms and maybe 10-15mg of DMT.

I do not have so much experience with LSD so there Im quite..
I've no experience with shrooms and DMT, but for me LSD and DMT is divine.

I normally take larger doses of LSD so I don't have the presence of mind (nor the visual acuity) to smoke DMT on the peak, but somewhere around hour 8 or 9 some part of me yells "hell yeah!" and I break out the changa. I can jump in again and again in a way that I would never do if I was jumping from baseline. There's some magic in the mist there.

Word of caution: There's more than one member here who has overdone the changa on LSD. It seems so moarish and you can kinda forget you are smoking DMT and not weed, but you are. If you smoalk a gram of changa you are gonna feel it for much longer than just the few hours you were chasing the dragon. That sort of journeying can play with you for quite a while.
Northerner said:
I've no experience with shrooms and DMT, but for me LSD and DMT is divine.

I normally take larger doses of LSD so I don't have the presence of mind (nor the visual acuity) to smoke DMT on the peak, but somewhere around hour 8 or 9 some part of me yells "hell yeah!" and I break out the changa. I can jump in again and again in a way that I would never do if I was jumping from baseline. There's some magic in the mist there.

Word of caution: There's more than one member here who has overdone the changa on LSD. It seems so moarish and you can kinda forget you are smoking DMT and not weed, but you are. If you smoalk a gram of changa you are gonna feel it for much longer than just the few hours you were chasing the dragon. That sort of journeying can play with you for quite a while.

This sound inspiring.. I have a couple of tabs LSD so need to try this someday:) Is 200ug enough?

Could you elaborate on the last "word of caution" part? A gram of Changa? In one night?:shock:
Eaglepath said:
Northerner said:
I've no experience with shrooms and DMT, but for me LSD and DMT is divine.

I normally take larger doses of LSD so I don't have the presence of mind (nor the visual acuity) to smoke DMT on the peak, but somewhere around hour 8 or 9 some part of me yells "hell yeah!" and I break out the changa. I can jump in again and again in a way that I would never do if I was jumping from baseline. There's some magic in the mist there.

Word of caution: There's more than one member here who has overdone the changa on LSD. It seems so moarish and you can kinda forget you are smoking DMT and not weed, but you are. If you smoalk a gram of changa you are gonna feel it for much longer than just the few hours you were chasing the dragon. That sort of journeying can play with you for quite a while.

This sound inspiring.. I have a couple of tabs LSD so need to try this someday:) Is 200ug enough?

Could you elaborate on the last "word of caution" part? A gram of Changa? In one night?:shock:

Apart from not knowing what I asked about I do know about lsd dosage. If you have experience (not even much) 200 is a great amount, not going to be insane but slightly more than average. The most I would want to do alone tbh personally. The thing with changa vs say freebase/enhanced leaf is that it contains MAOI's which also effects your cognitive ability. Especially with LSD its very easy to not realise you have just used 1 gram of your DMT in one sitting which IMO is more than one would use in one sitting.

Hope this helps
Eaglepath said:
This sound inspiring.. I have a couple of tabs LSD so need to try this someday:) Is 200ug enough?
Could you elaborate on the last "word of caution" part? A gram of Changa? In one night?:shock
200 is a pretty solid dose if your acid is good. 100 is still a full psychedelic experience.

I've burned through half a gram of changa on the tail end of a trip before, had to pull myself up and just take it easy. I was surprised how good it was and how much I wanted to do it again right from my very first LSDMT experience. It's just so seamless, it's not like being catapulted from a standstill, just moar like slipping between the dimensions.

I've been caught before. Realised I was tripping but didn't know how I got to that point, so smoked changa because it's great while tripping... only to realise that I had already smoked (which was how I was tripping in the first place) but it was that strong I didn't remember doing it. Meltdown situation. :p
Dont get me wrong here.. I have extensive experience with Changa.. mainly together with Aya and pure spice.
I was just curious how you can smoke a gram(333mg spice,333mg harmala,333mg plant) on the top of an lsd trip as well haha... but now when I think a little bit is not so unusual for me either.. its about 10 strong doses which in a couple of hours or four should be doable..

alright so at 200ug things starts to get interesting? Will try this soon.
100ug in my sense is just a very good fun time you can laugh your ass of during a day with a good friend and some good weed. not so much psychadelic in my sense, but yeah of course psychadelic!:)

I can relate to same phenomena if combining Ayahuasca with Changa and spice. You just surf around the hyperspace with the Changa and spice as sort of thrust rockets:) and you can just go on and on.. its never this "panic blast off" feeling...you can just relax into the experience more.. playing with different lights music.. eye open.. eyes closed.. sitting standing laying down etc etc..

"Puff puff, do not pass! just drop the pipe and flyyyy" ;)
Northerner said:
.. I was tripping but didn't know how I got to that point, so smoked changa because it's great while tripping... only to realise that I had already smoked (which was how I was tripping in the first place) but it was that strong I didn't remember doing it. Meltdown situation.

Eaglepath said:
"Puff puff, do not pass! just drop the pipe and flyyyy" ;)

Northerner said:
.. That sort of journeying can play with you for quite a while.
Beautiful, guys. :lol: :love:

I am not so much experienced with LSDMT and to me, mushies and dmt (changa) are like one, a great ally.

@mixcloudcorniaV7; Best find your own sweetspots. To me, the long lasting agent is more like the mothership, which is still in transformation, compared to a solo trip, along the journey because of the combination with the short acting N,N-DMT, which can be seen like a space glider to go on (enhance) further "explorations" (alterations), and especially the MAOI from the harmala! LOVELY <3


"If you go out far", keep on breathing, have a sip of water now and then and give yourself some time to reenter human experience.

All the best, happy and safe travels, tseuq

[Edit: Haha.. and also some "eso-stuff" right after, I just saw, that the colours of the "lovely <3" I wrote above do match the chakra colouring. :p Whatever, full power, sisters and brothers!]
Just some more ideas out of my self-reflection, which came up while I was reminiscing about my experiences and thinking about the words I read and wrote. Especially this phrase ..

Northerner said:
.. I was surprised how good it was and how much I wanted to do it again right from my very first LSDMT experience.

.. just triggered a certain memory. I experienced a "desire" of endless blasting off and the need to go back again and again. This evoked a thought in some previous experiences with the question, if I am feeling bored of my daily life? Where does the need to blast off again and again comes from? If I don't want to go back, why do I want to keep on living? .. and more important, if I want to live on, how do I want to encounter life?

Blasting off on changa (dmt), especially when high on mushies, feels super natural and self-evident to me but something has changed. Now, I experience the feeling of being grounded in some way, I really really appreciate life, my "sober" state, this all. I love to get totally puzzled, fully blown through, and also love to come back and be here and now. This is all just soooo unbelieveably amazing that my words just cover and distort its beauty.

The effects of this groundedness or maturity clearly show up in my daily consumption behaviour, which was dominated by f.e. smoking THC heavily. I still love THC but use it in a different manner.

Love, tseuq :twisted: :love:
LSD+shrooms as a combination is well worth a look too - the other side of the triangle, one might say. Highly satisfying, one might also say.
Use in a good nature setting.
I can't possibly imagine what a breakthrough dose of DMT at the peak of a 300ug+ dose of LSD would be like. But Terrence (who else, really) was asked about it and this is what he had to say.

Needless to say, if you're going for it, make sure you're in a physically safe space with absolutely no potential distractions or foreign noise.
Just tried 30mg vaped DMT on a 200ug acid peak.

It was something different! Completely unlike each substance on its own.

Unlike pure DMT there was no urge to close my eyes. I saw the whole room being deconstructed and rebuild in front of me over and over again. Frame after frame, complete reality breakdown, matrix doesn't even come close. In the end I also felt my mind being put back together. When I tried speaking initially it was pure gibberish ;-)

The only thing that was constant was my partner's face as she was sitting next to me, smiling and being supportive.

This is the most powerful combo that I have had so far. It completely reset my brain.
I ate some mushrooms yesterday and smoked some full spectrum goo infused into herbs right after the peak.
Very beautiful synergy, as described above they are highly complementing eachother and creating some unique experience.

I was not as deep as atomu235 are describing with his combo, more in the room but still with closed eyes and open visuals, and it creates a beautiful mind state with pure focus.
atomu235 said:
I saw the whole room being deconstructed and rebuild in front of me over and over again. Frame after frame, complete reality breakdown, matrix doesn't even come close. In the end I also felt my mind being put back together. When I tried speaking initially it was pure gibberish ;-)
Intensely beautiful! It is great, that you have a fellow who supports you and with whom you can enjoy your trippy adventures. I am very thankful for my girl and her accepting, laid-back and supportive attitude, spiked with some crazyness and endless love. :love:

@Eaglepath; I also do really enjoy low to mid enhanced DMT experiences! To me, it doens't have to be earth-shattering each time when flying with these tryptamines. This stuff is beautiful, each on its own! Your posting sounds like a great experience.

Much love, tseuq
Yes before I was always the one that searched for the crazy high dosage experiences.. But the last 6 months Ive learned to use the medicines differently, and they can indeed create very unique beautiful "on earth" experiences. And you can be more creative in set and settings. I mean if to smoke 50mg of dmt or eating 5g mushrooms its just best that you lay down in a dark room, and maybe not so good to go the waterland for example:) But this is highy doable on 1g of shrooms, some sips of San Pedro or a little bit of LSD, and you can roll a little Changa joint and take with you:)

Much love, kisses and hugs!
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