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Cybs 'MAX ION' tek

Migrated topic.
Cyb two more question....

My glass vessel have 1 litre. I cant put 1 litre of salt solution.. i ll put less... what do you think?

And how much NPS do you mean with minimal amount? 50 ml?
lobo said:
My glass vessel have 1 litre. I cant put 1 litre of salt solution.. i ll put less... what do you think?
And how much NPS do you mean with minimal amount? 50 ml?
Please read the original tek HERE for pics and more info.
The entire aqueous solution plus solvent will fit in a 1 litre bottle. (not 1 litre of salt solution)

Between 30 and 50ml of solvent is sufficient.
what kind of extra % yield are people getting from this tek compared to the origional?

I've just run my first attempt at this tek but while im awaiting the results I just wondered if anyone had hit the possible 3%.
I am a little confused right now. Are we aiming for a negative or positive ionic strength?

"Ionic strength is essentially a measure of how much charge is present in a solution. It has a value that is calculated by taking the concentration of every solute in solution, raising that concentration to its charge, and then adding these all together. This means that molecules with more than one unit of charge have a much greater effect on the ionic strength.
Calcium and Magnesium both have a charge of +2, while sulphate and phosphate ions have varying charges based on the pH of the solution, but at the high pH's that we run the extractions at they carry a charge of -2 and -3 respectively.
pH plays an important role in ionic strength for reasons we will get into momentarily."

I used phosphoric acid in the acid soak so that would add more of a negative charge as I understand.
THAnks cYB! From 50g MHRB i have now almost 1 gram of Pure white spice (i dont havve a scale right now). This is my first extraction !!! Now re-x !!!

Love and light people from south-america!!!:thumb_up:
Some questions..

I used Ascorbic acid instead of vinegar and i think i added way to much.
I checked PH but it didnt go lower than about 3 even if i added more ascorbic acid.
Is this going to be a problem later on in the procedure?

When i defatted i got very much things in the naptha layer.
I did several defats and still gets this things in the naphta layer.
Can this be due to my excessive ascorbic acid amount?
I did 2 defats with 50ml naphta and 1 with 100ml.

Now when i add the salt solution i get something falling out and sits as a top layer.
Is this normal and should i just continue to the basification step?
Or should i try separate out this stuff forming?

This is happening right now.
If anyone can advice me on these matters i would be happy.
Its my first extraction, i use 50gram pulverized ACRB.
Something i really realized is that my new gear is really very useful.
I have a hotplate/stirrer, a 1L sep. funnel, a 100mm buchner funnel with vacuum filtration gear and much glassware.
The sep. funnel and the vacuum filtration gear is especially handy, i dont know how i would have done without this wonderful stuff.

I'm really in doubt if i should filter out the stuff forming after i added the salt.
As it still is in low PH stage (but after adding salt) it shouldn't be any useful stuff, right?
I think i put it in my buchner funnel and vacuum filter it.
I guess i find out later if it was anything useful.
Also i worry it will interfere with later stages and make it more hard to go on.
Any ideas?

I finished my run and I got 2.35%, so I'm a happy camper:d

However, I pull a from a hot bark solution and I end up with yellow/golden magic so this was not the yield of pure white crystals, but who wants that anyway:roll: .

If I decide to re-x it I will post what I get.

Cheers cyb:thumb_up:
Thank you for putting this together friend. Long time since we last spoke but you followed through while I was gone from the forum. I'm so grateful to you for spreading this knowledge. PM me when you have a chance. We have some catching up to do.
Thanks for this great tek Cyb. I just managed a 1.8% yield after re-x. I used phosphoric acid to acidify, and did 6 pulls total using 50ml naphtha each time. Other than that, I pretty much followed everything else to the T. I think the freeze/thaw prep might make a big difference over boiling for example. You get the water in there by heating the mix, then freezing causes the water to expand, thus really breaking up those cell walls and releasing those alks. Anyways, thanks again. :)
So i finished my first extraction using this tek.
I did only 50 grams of ACRB powder to see what results i get and i now have 1 gram of highly active stuff.
Some questions did come up during the procedure:

1. When i added the salt something precipitated.
I vacuum filtered the solution and got a pale, tan powder on the filter disc.
Is this something worth saving and what is it?
Can it be that AC contains not only DMT and this is some other active compound?

2. I got about 1 gram from my 50 grams of ACRB witch should be 2%.
Is this an OK yield taking into account that i have not re-x at all.
If it is an OK yield i will go ahead and try a larger amount of ACRB next time.

3. I'm thinking about using 30% vinegar instead of ascorbic acid next time.
Is it any thing special i must think about when using this stronger vinegar and will i get down to PH 3 easily?

I did try my product, just a tiny piece and WOW, <REMOVED, NOT NEEDED> this is potent stuff.
It was first time trying DMT and it was a very positive experience.
Thanks for this tek and all help from you Nexians.

3rdI said:
id be more than happy with a 2% yield of highly active stuff
^^ What he said...

1. Acacia has NMT onboard as well...see Here
2. 2% is Very good for Acacia bark
3. Vinegar is fine and will do the job adequately (some would say the preferred choice)
Thank you very much.
So 2% is a very good yield, that is very nice results i did get then.
It is probably because the very good tek you wrote Cyb and also all good advice i have got from all you Nexians.
I don't have a scale that can measure mg or even 10mg, the only one i have measures gram with one decimal.
So it is kind of hard to estimate weight for single doses.
My test was a fluffy piece about 3x3x2mm and ohboy, it does work very good.

Now i will try 24% vinegar instead of ascorbic acid and also increase batch size from 50 to 250 grams of ACRB powder.
I will also try some re-crystallization even though it isn't really necessary for quality, but i want to see if i can get some eye-candy like crystals.
I will share my results when finished.
Thanks for a great tek and all advice.
:thumb_up: :) :) :)
Pulled 1.5% with this tek! The best I ever got with that MHRB in the past was 1%, so 50% increase is fine by me! I bought this bark over a year and a half ago, too. Glad to see it's still good stuff. 😁

I'm gonna do some xylene pulls now, to see if there's any more in there.

Thanks for the great tek!
I got some questions using this tek.

1. When adding the salt solution i get something precipitating that is really hard to filter out even using vacuum filtration.
Do you guys get this too and what is it?
Is there any easier way to get it out?

2. SEcond time i did this tek i didn't get crystals when evapping the naphta but a clear oily, sticky substance that smells strongly of DMT when vaporized.
Can this be because i have rather high temperatures inside?
I will now try dissolving this clear oily thing in warm naphta and do some freeze precipitation and hope this will give me crystals.
Anyone got this clear oily output of this tek?

Thank you for answers.
Grower said:
I got some questions using this tek
1. Preciptates could just be excess salt (NaCl) crashing out.
2. Post from nen888 Here

nen888 said:
it's already been demonstrated by GCMS (by endlessness) that 98%+ alkaloids (freebase) will (can) remain an oil or goo (depending on the ratio of alkaloids) ..
Sticky clear oil is DMT that hasn't crystalized yet.
Just let it dry. No need to freeze. After I've felt completely comfortable I've completely froze everything out of my naptha and have reused it many times I end up just letting it completely dry. It stays an oil for a while but it you just let it sit long enough it dries up and gets crunchy, I assume pure spice oils will too, if plant oils+spice do. Lol.

Newb question, what is the difference in a/b and atb? Also was curious why this was in the stb section and not the a/b section. Sorry for semantics.
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