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Daily ayahuasca microdosing disturbs sleep

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was microdosing syrian rue for some months as antidepresent and was very satisfied.
I then added some mimosa.
So 1 gr. syrian rue + 0.3 gr mimosa powder in the morning taken with water.
I felt more alive.
Problem was after some time I found that my sleep became very light, and I would wake up in the night a few times. I was very tired.
I stopped the mimosa and keep the syrian rue.
Sleep return to be heavy and deep as it was.
MAOI- Monoamine Oxidsase inhibitor causes an increase in monoamine transmiters like dopamine and norepeniphrine which end up keeping you awake at night.

I was SOOOO disapointed when I found this out, but maybe there is a reason for it (not to abuse it by taking eveyrday)

Trying first thing in the morning, that way the harmalas will clear by bed time ;)
Maybe your sleep is disturbing your daily ayahuasca microdosing! :p


I think Iboga lends itself better to microdosing--it doesn't shy away from the tired feelingz.
I think what was causing the dsturbance was adding mimosa to the microdosing.
So now I just take syrian rue first thing in the morning and don´t get the sleep disturbance.
jivangilad said:
I was microdosing syrian rue for some months as antidepresent and was very satisfied.
I then added some mimosa.
So 1 gr. syrian rue + 0.3 gr mimosa powder in the morning taken with water.
I felt more alive.
Problem was after some time I found that my sleep became very light, and I would wake up in the night a few times. I was very tired.
I stopped the mimosa and keep the syrian rue.
Sleep return to be heavy and deep as it was.

Microdosing usually means using sub-perceptable amounts. 0.3 grams Mimosa, might just have been too much!

I personally am against the idea of doing something like that if you are trying to treat depression. I think the aim is to treat it effectively and in as short a time as possible and not be 'dependant' on maintanence medication: A few ceremonies should be enough, then leave it alone. I though that was the whole POINT, for people wanting to treat depression, to come OFF daily medications!

The Syrian rue dosing is like an Entheogenic version of an MAOI anti depressant (with sedative effects)
I think a few ceremonies is a bit optimistic for people with deeply rooted depression.
My method is combining daily microdosing with full trips, and this help me out of some serious issues including deeply rooted depression. Takes time though. (experimented microdosing with different plants)
So I see microdosing not only as relieve of depression but helpful in curing it.
Anyway I don't feel depressed anymore.
I did think it is grounding and raising the mood.
I think I can see your point.
Maybe it is time to stop microdosing with syrian rue.
It is about a year and a half microdosing with syrian rue.
jivangilad said:
I think a few ceremonies is a bit optimistic for people with deeply rooted depression.

I'm talking about strong ceremonies. The healing comes with the integration, and it should depend on your efforts rather than microdosing. i firmly believe. It could take months to properly integrate and work with the insights of 1 decent ceremony!

If you're looking for an antidepressant, than Rue, would work well, but like all antidepressants, they are like a crutch. The real healing and self empowerment stuff comes from liking yourself as a person, and doing more of what works for you and less of what doesn't.

Been there, worn the T shirt.
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