[quote:4ade9cabc8="Noman"]Xeno - how many naptha pulls were done? And was heat used? And was the extract yellow and oily? I'm thinking that heating the solution and naptha might make a good bit of those red spices soluable in the naptha. Was any white recovered from washing the red? My friend just did a 50g STB and extracted 3X with toulene and got a fuck all yield. Acceptable amount of red, but what washed out with the heptane is way less than the 200mg he expected from this batch of bark. And - he just checked - it's oily yellow. The white he's washed out of red extractions done after a regular NP is white purity. Thats weird. I don't think the toluene pulled much of the white. I want to fly down to Antarctica now and kick his ass for not doing a naptha pull on that solution. Shit.[/quote:4ade9cabc8] Many naptha pulls were done prior to this, to the point that no more spice was being pulled. The original spice from that batch was very white. The solution was sitting for several weeks as "used" before the toluene pulls were done. They were done heated. Washing the red spice got SOME white, but nothing really worth weighing. It wasn't yellow or oily. It looked pretty nice. I'm going to add some more lye to the mix and then do another pull...i think sitting for so long had some ill effect.