obliguhl said:
Does it alter the mescaline experience to a degree where the spirit of mescaline is lost? My friend from peru doesn't want nausea nor a false first look at mescal.
It changes the experience, making it more LSD-like, more visual, stronger, blocks the nausea, but it still feels primarily like mescaline. Mescaline is definitely the dominant force in the experience. 1-3 Datura stramonium seeds on their own do almost nothing, at most maybe you’ll feel a little stimulated from the seeds. In combination with mescaline, they seem to expand the effects of mescaline not just make it stronger.
The main difference is in the visuals. They look more LSD like and more colorful. The feeling tone of the experience is like that of mescaline with more mescaline style euphoria. There’s a little more mescaline style insight effects. It’s like it boosts all the psychedelic effects of mescaline but blocks all the bodily effects of it. As you increase the mescaline dosage, it becomes more and more mescaline like as the effects of the seeds get overpowered by the mescaline.
It’s an extremely beautiful experience. It feels like mescaline, but with all the positives of mescaline enhanced and all the negatives of it suppressed.
I recommend trying the seeds on their own first. Some people are very sensitive to Datura stramonium seeds and should use just 1 seed. SWIM can take up to 10 seeds before getting any sensation of dry mouth. He usually uses 3 seeds. When taking the seeds on their own, you should NOT feel dry mouth, you should only feel slight stimulation and slight euphoria and an usual feeling in the stomach for the first 20 minutes. If you feel dry mouth, the dose is too high.
Kannamate said:
Dagger said:
I tried one seed of datura stramonium 1 hour before bedtime a few days back. Only thing I noticed was slight cotton mouth. I did not fall asleep any faster or sleep better. I think I may have woken up more than usual, although I cannot say for sure that was because of the seed or not. Will have to try again some day.
If I get slight cotton mouth from 1 seed, how would 2 or 3 seeds be?
well hyoscyamine 69ron said is a slight stimulant so that might explain waking up although he did say they cause lucid dreams too.
Dagger, you’re extra sensitive to the seeds. 1 seed doesn’t cause dry mouth in most people. SWIM needs 10 seeds before he feels dry mouth. Maybe your seed was an extra large seed? How much did it weigh? 1 seed usually weighs about 6-8 mg only.
If 1 seed causes dry mouth, don’t use more than 1 seed.
Kannamate, they are said to work for causing lucid dreams, but SWIM hasn’t experienced that. Datura inoxia however seems to work really well for inducing dreams. I don’t know about lucid dreams, but man, it’s the best sleeping aid SWIM ever used.
Datura inoxia seeds are totally different from Datura stramonium seeds. For one, 3 Datura inoxia seeds have very noticeable sedative effects, very mild psychedelic effects, and definite dream enhancing effects for SWIM. And also, they are larger and cream colored rather than black like Datura stramonium. They look totally different. 3 Datura stramonium seeds produce mild stimulation for SWIM, and no effects on the mind at all. He hasn’t noticed any effects on dreaming from them. But others claim Datura stramonium seeds do induce lucid dreams, but SWIM has never experienced that. It seems like their stimulant effects would be counterproductive.
SWIM has taken 3 Datura inoxia seeds before bed several times now. They are very effective dream inducers and sleep aids. He takes them 15 minutes before bed and as soon as he lies down and closes his eyes he immediately starts dreaming. No kidding. That are that good. They work better than anything else SWIM has tried. With 3 Datura stramonium seeds, SWIM doesn’t feel like sleeping at all and actually finds it hard to drift off into a dream.