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Different forms of ingestion and dosages (smoked dmt, jurema/mimosa, syrian rue, ayahuasca, etc)

Migrated topic.
ok this all is getting a bit off topic but I feel I have to respond to some comments..

strychnine in lsd is a myth AFAIK.. check this link out for example

Puking is a result of many things.. It is caused by the plants themselves and the reaction of the stomach to them. In special, the tannins in the plants cause this (mimosa for example contains loads of tannins). In fact, all of the plants you mentioned (caapi, rue AND mimosa) are known for causing people to vomit).

Puking is also caused by serotonin signaling in the guts, so this is due to the pharmacological action of the substances.. (and this can possibly be diminished by ginger as I suggest below)

Lastly, specially in the indigenous context, puking is seen as a necessary part of the experience for some people, like a kind of cleansing. Some people puke, others have diarrhea, others have runny noses, etc.. I have observed that there is indeed a certain pattern in how people make this cleansing. It is not a rule but I´ve been noticing that people that eat bad have a much bigger chance of having diarrhea as part of their cleansing.

I had also aversion to vomiting, but after participating in indigenous rituals, I see it in a totally different way.

In any case, if you really really want to diminish the chance of vomiting, there´s some things you should do:

1- eat fresh, healthy and light for a couple of days before the experience, and stay at least a couple of hours without eating before ingesting anything
2- You can make the ´egg white tek´ for removing tannins.. You can do this for mimosa and also for caapi. Run a search here on the forum and you´ll find how to..
3-In the case of rue, dont chew/eat the seeds. Do an acidified water acqueous extract of the grinded seeds and drink this with honey.
4- Make yourself some ginger tea before taking the maois/mimosa/ayahuasca/whatever .. Ginger is known for being antihemetic, it prevents or at least reduces nausea and vomiting.
How do you do an acidified water acqueous extract of ground Syrian rye seeds
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