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disconnected with the world after psychedelics.

Migrated topic.
Running Bear said:
Have you ever felt emotional numbness? I feel so disconnected with the world around me. I feel like I have gone to far. I look at everyone around me and people seem lost. How do you keep going after you wake up? Am I the only one going through this?
These feelings may not have been caused by the use of psychedelics. Instead, your awareness of their (pre-existing) presence in you may have become more pronounced. If that is the case, then instead of blaming psychedelics, you might try to work a little on the homework that you have been given.

Not trying to be rude and too personal here, but I did notice your sometimes out of proportion consumption of a common solvent. Recently, you started a thread that caused a bit of a stir, only to be deleted after you confessed to writing much of it under the influence of the solvent. Perhaps this solvent abuse situation bears some kind of relation to your feelings of numbness and detachment.

I hope that you can work out the issues and find back the art to enjoy life as it is. Remember that you were born with a natural talent for this art and that it is always there for you to take up the practice again, mostly regardless of the external conditions of your existence.
syberdelic said:
I'm sorry, but this truly seems like awful advice. This is the kind of thinking that leads to things like radical extremism. We are all conscious human beings that came into this world naked and afraid. We are all in this together and despite some being at an obviously lower level of consciousness, we are better off being inclusive rather than exclusive. Being inclusive is advantageous to everyone involved. Being in an exclusive position might seem advantageous, but ultimately that is delusional and short sighted.

Swayambhu said:
It's also delusional because entertaining thoughts of superiority is surely just another way of making yourself appear superior to your competitors in the monkey troupe (if inly to yourself).

There actually is no way to de-primatize yourself. We're all very much cookie-cutter automatons programmed to compete and reproduce.

The best we can do is to enjoy the ensuing comedy, and to do our best to help others to enjoy it, too.

I agree with both of you even though that may seem contradictory.

We are hardwired as primates to have instincts and it is near impossible to be beyond that behavioral system without clearing out most of the way we perceive the world and ourselves in it. I would think monks and ascetics have done a good job of overriding the primitive in us and at the same time do away with notions that tie us to our primitive framework. This can be seen in the teachings of zen koans where logic & rationality don't apply anymore. Likewise though, these monks have a certain humility that isn't seen in ordinary man which is I think what syberdelic is referring to by seeing our species inclusively.
I just assume that everyone knows everything I've seen on psychedelics at the deepest level since we're all god and god knows everything. So I guess everyone is truly more awake than I am currently capable of realizing. Isn't it crazy that donald j trump knows the deepest levels and truths of psychedelic realities?
fathomlessness said:
pitubo said:
Recently, you started a thread that caused a bit of a stir, only to be deleted after you confessed to writing much of it under the influence of the solvent.

Was it acetone? :d

influence of the solvent? what in the world are you talking about haha
Running Bear said:
fathomlessness said:
pitubo said:
Recently, you started a thread that caused a bit of a stir, only to be deleted after you confessed to writing much of it under the influence of the solvent.

Was it acetone? :d

influence of the solvent? what in the world are you talking about haha

Well if you are stupid enough to get high off solvents then you are are stupid as someone sniffing acetone :sick:
fathomlessness said:
spacexplorer said:
Isn't it crazy that donald j trump knows the deepest levels and truths of psychedelic realities?


God this thing drives me crazy sometimes. Spaceexplorer obviously i wasn't talking to you. Never once said that i was getting high off solvents!
I think Pitubo meant the consumption of alcohol but was trying to put in a nicer way(which wasn't) so instead of telling you, you were getting drunk he said "out of proportion consumption of a common solvent" fathomlessness misunderstood just like i did and it's not our fault since what Pitubo said was confusing..
But now i remembered what Pitubo is taking about, cz a while ago you posted something and then apologized saying you were drunk when u posted it..
Sakkadelic said:
I think Pitubo meant the consumption of alcohol but was trying to put in a nicer way(which wasn't) so instead of telling you, you were getting drunk he said "out of proportion consumption of a common solvent" fathomlessness misunderstood just like i did and it's not our fault since what Pitubo said was confusing..
But now i remembered what Pitubo is taking about, cz a while ago you posted something and then apologized saying you were drunk when u posted it..

Why didn't he just say alcohol. I come on here to thank people for there posts then i see that lol. No i'm not a alcoholic but im sure it doesn't help.
Running Bear said:
I come on here to thank people for there posts then i see that lol.

Expect the unexpected on the DMT Nexus, friend. You're not going to like everyone you run into on here, or anywhere in this lifetime for that matter. And vice versa. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with others posts but don't disregard your ability to mindfully and intelligently rationalize with what you see as incorrect, and to state it as such. Especially if you are the OP. 😉

Otherwise, this is just a thread on the long, silly, tumble down-hill.. if it hasn't already.
Running Bear said:
Have you ever felt emotional numbness? I feel so disconnected with the world around me. I feel like I have gone to far. I look at everyone around me and people seem lost. How do you keep going after you wake up? Am I the only one going through this?

lol its awesome isnt it,, looking at these apes walking about . Ascend past the notions n concept =s of humane and life, walk as a God, Lord Master w/e you wana call it amongst these zoo animals .

get some Confidence in ya m8, almost every post ive read after my reply seems like emo paradise.
Final Incarnate said:
Running Bear said:
Have you ever felt emotional numbness? I feel so disconnected with the world around me. I feel like I have gone to far. I look at everyone around me and people seem lost. How do you keep going after you wake up? Am I the only one going through this?

lol its awesome isnt it,, looking at these apes walking about . Ascend past the notions n concept =s of humane and life, walk as a God, Lord Master w/e you wana call it amongst these zoo animals .

Look in the water, humanoid, and realize the call of the needy ego, turning in circles about the question of who/what am I. It is all your creation. If all previous identifications break off, there is one last attempt before you die, ego-god-identification.

Infintiy is it all and only love transcends realities.

Namaste, tseuq
Final Incarnate said:
Running Bear said:
Have you ever felt emotional numbness? I feel so disconnected with the world around me. I feel like I have gone to far. I look at everyone around me and people seem lost. How do you keep going after you wake up? Am I the only one going through this?

lol its awesome isnt it,, looking at these apes walking about . Ascend past the notions n concept =s of humane and life, walk as a God, Lord Master w/e you wana call it amongst these zoo animals .

get some Confidence in ya m8, almost every post ive read after my reply seems like emo paradise.


I am curious as to why you feel the need to post the exact same thing twice? Two people responded to the first time that you stated this and yet you've chosen not to participate in a meaningful discussion with the opposing views. In my opinion, calling your fellow humans "zoo animals" because they haven't "woken up" is disrespectful and low. Having a sense of humility towards your fellow man goes a long way.

Here are the posts from earlier in case you overlooked them:

syberdelic said:
I'm sorry, but this truly seems like awful advice. This is the kind of thinking that leads to things like radical extremism. We are all conscious human beings that came into this world naked and afraid. We are all in this together and despite some being at an obviously lower level of consciousness, we are better off being inclusive rather than exclusive. Being inclusive is advantageous to everyone involved. Being in an exclusive position might seem advantageous, but ultimately that is delusional and short sighted.
Swayambhu said:
It's also delusional because entertaining thoughts of superiority is surely just another way of making yourself appear superior to your competitors in the monkey troupe (if inly to yourself).

There actually is no way to de-primatize yourself. We're all very much cookie-cutter automatons programmed to compete and reproduce.

The best we can do is to enjoy the ensuing comedy, and to do our best to help others to enjoy it, too.
Cognitive Heart said:
Running Bear said:
I come on here to thank people for there posts then i see that lol.

Expect the unexpected on the DMT Nexus, friend. You're not going to like everyone you run into on here, or anywhere in this lifetime for that matter. And vice versa. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with others posts but don't disregard your ability to mindfully and intelligently rationalize with what you see as incorrect, and to state it as such. Especially if you are the OP. 😉

Otherwise, this is just a thread on the long, silly, tumble down-hill.. if it hasn't already.

I understand that. There's a lot of intelligent, deep thinking people on the nexus. The problem is that some of these people only have that one good trait, so they constantly argue and debate due to having a low self esteem. Honestly though most of the people on the nexus have a good heart.

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