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disconnected with the world after psychedelics.

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
Have you ever felt emotional numbness? I feel so disconnected with the world around me. I feel like I have gone to far. I look at everyone around me and people seem lost. How do you keep going after you wake up? Am I the only one going through this?
Accept everyone as they are, including yourself. It is ok to be lost. It is ok to be all the things we all are. People are mirrors. Maybe you are lost?

You are certainly not alone in your feelings. Aren't we all a little lost?

Going too far is your deal alone. Only you can know this.
As deep, vulnerable or profound reality can seem, keep going and don't forget your strengths/weaknesses. The darkest experiences have the potential to blossom. Emotions in particular can be temporary.. but can seem so real there and then. Maybe it's time to pick-up an underutilized skill, art or some aspect of yourself. One cannot know what everyone else is thinking or feeling, as a certain part of yourself may be of more importance.

You'll know your true being again, in time. :thumb_up:


Too far...to come back to the way you were? We all change, sometimes more rapidly than others. We turn around a certain corner and then there's no going back. You're faced with having to find a new mode of operating with this new knowledge and experience.

Fortunately there are places like this where we can turn for a little understanding, as you can't exactly talk too openly about some of this stuff to just anyone. You're definitely not alone in this, I would guess that pretty much anyone who goes far enough down the rabbit hole is then faced with having to integrate that new awareness into their daily lives. Not always so easy, but try not to cut yourself off. I have the same habit of disconnecting, and sometimes it's helpful, but obviously not for extended periods of time.

Like has been said, enjoy the circus, find the others. Maybe connect with nature or a pet and try not to focus as much on other people.
^ Haha, I agree with dreamer042's post... The only difference between you and the rest of those people is that you have had a few peculiar trips on psychedelics that have shown you an alternative way of thinking about life. Everything else is the same, you go to the toilet, you eat the same food, you desire the opposite sex in this same way, you both seek pleasurable states and not dissonant ones.

It is very easy to get caught up in a "holier than thou" attitude when you see you are "apparently" different from everyone else in behavioral attributes, mental or otherwise. I am guilty of it too! I can't tell you how many times I see how one-track minded people are with no interest in looking deeper or alternatively in any way, how boring there conversations are... BUT THEY ARE STILL MY PEOPLE BRUH! :d I am still so glad that I am around millions of humans in a city which are all supporting my physiological and emotional well being to some extent. THANK GOD that there is 7 billion of us so that my life is easier! Who cares if some people arn't as awakened as us yet or know as much as we do? I am trying to say you ought to try to find a way to love what you dislike in them, like when someone says something predictable you can laugh at that instead of shaming them or just critique them like you would a cute puppy dog "aww your so stupid and cute, there's a good boy" :p not sure about the last one, but I think you get the message ;)

I have struggled with a different sort of disconnection. A disconnection from emotions from perception and also feeling as if things aren't real or as if you can't put your finger on how things exist, a certain kind of shock and anxiety follows with this. This is apparently a psychological coping mechanism when humans encounter too stressful or strange an environment or circumstance than we know how to process and integrate. That is true, look it up if you don't believe me 😉
syberdelic are you making fun of me lol? This thing is just like shroomery.org :!: .... I must have been really depressed yesterday and went a little 2 deep. O well.
fathomlessness said:
It is very easy to get caught up in a "holier than thou" attitude when you see you are "apparently" different from everyone else in behavioral attributes, mental or otherwise. I am guilty of it too! I can't tell you how many times I see how one-track minded people are with no interest in looking deeper or alternatively in any way, how boring there conversations are...

I definitely got a holier than thou attitude problem haha. I need to work on it :lol: .......


Mahatma Ghandi said ‘What you do has very little importance and it’s very important that you do it’ and I think that’s how we have to act. We have to each choose a small area and then act in that limited area with all the existential commitment we can muster. But not with anxiety. Wei Po Yang, the Chinese Taoist alchemist said ‘Worry is perposterous. You don’t know enough to worry’…it’s just a complete waste of metabolic energy. The better thing is to function well in place and then to wonder. Wonder is sort of worry without animal anxiety, but it’s living in the light of non-closure. We’re not going to get this thing wrestled into a box.” -terence McKenna

I would just like to give my perspective on this issue, maybe it will help you out.

I struggle with social anxiety, this is been a problem for me for my whole life, pretty much. Most of my problem is caused by a fear of judgement by people(obviously) , but a certain part of it is caused by this feeling I have that I can't relate to people, that the subjects that I wanna talk about are not the ones that they wanna talk about. I've had this since I was young, it's just always been my worldview.

The only thing that has helped me is actually going out and talking to people. Of course, I haven't beaten this completely, but I try, and that's all you can do. IMO.

I feel that you can connect with people on a deeper level, even if you feel like they are on a different page. It might not work with everyone, but I feel that if you really put yourself out there, you will find people that you can relate to.

And, as I'm sure you're well aware, you have this beautiful, loving community of folks here at the Nexus. Make use of it!

Just my two cents.😁

Good luck to you, my friend!:thumb_up:
Running Bear said:
syberdelic are you making fun of me lol? This thing is just like shroomery.org :!: .... I must have been really depressed yesterday and went a little 2 deep. O well.
My intention isn't so much making fun as just poking at an issue that I'm sure most of us have experienced at one time or another. I definitely empathize with much of what you feel as I've been there a few times. Even before doing any kind of entheogen or recreational drugs, I would have the tendency to look at people like mindless cattle. Although this is wonderful for boosting the ego, it can be very damaging to the rest of mental health. I once had some severe depression issues and this attitude didn't help much.

This is why integration is so important. I like to view psychedelics as tools. And as many tools go, you need a set of tools to complete the job. Without incorporating integration into the job, you risk leaving a lot of sharp edges on your work (mind) that can do harm to yourself and those around you.

This is exactly one of the reasons I joined the Nexus. My ayahuasca tour in Peru included some integration aspects, but I found their tools to be severely lacking and contrary in respect to my cultural and scientific background.

My suggestion is as my first post on this thread suggests, approach this obviously dysfunctional society with a vein of humor. If you take society (or yourself) too seriously, you risk going down a very dark path. Dysforia, anxiety, depression, anger, and many other dark elements can be quelled or eliminated with a touch of humor. Humor can put things in perspective and make the world around you much more tolerable. It can help one relate to others and bring empathy to your thoughts. I even find it a great tool for recovering myself from trips that begin to go south.

I truly believe that humor is one of the most underutilized tools for approaching spiritual crisis whether it be traditional religion, shamanism, or whatever people use to participate in the world around them.
syberdelic said:

Ugh:? ! Please, somebody, anybody, everybody stop!:!:
If you know anybody using it, for goodness' sake, help them stop saying "woke"!
Why is it even a term? How did it pass the term-coining phase?
Isn't it supposed to mean oh-so-aware, yet doesn't even use proper syntax? Oh my god it bugs me enough to rant.:p
The only time i hear it used is by folks who have self-determined themselves to be highly enlightened, usually only because they've read TMk and taken lots of drugs.

I'm (not really) sorry.
syberdelic said:
My suggestion is as my first post on this thread suggests, approach this obviously dysfunctional society with a vein of humor. If you take society (or yourself) too seriously, you risk going down a very dark path. Dysforia, anxiety, depression, anger, and many other dark elements can be quelled or eliminated with a touch of humor. Humor can put things in perspective and make the world around you much more tolerable. It can help one relate to others and bring empathy to your thoughts. I even find it a great tool for recovering myself from trips that begin to go south.

I truly believe that humor is one of the most underutilized tools for approaching spiritual crisis whether it be traditional religion, shamanism, or whatever people use to participate in the world around them.

This all day.
tatt said:
syberdelic said:
My suggestion is as my first post on this thread suggests, approach this obviously dysfunctional society with a vein of humor. If you take society (or yourself) too seriously, you risk going down a very dark path. Dysforia, anxiety, depression, anger, and many other dark elements can be quelled or eliminated with a touch of humor. Humor can put things in perspective and make the world around you much more tolerable. It can help one relate to others and bring empathy to your thoughts. I even find it a great tool for recovering myself from trips that begin to go south.

I truly believe that humor is one of the most underutilized tools for approaching spiritual crisis whether it be traditional religion, shamanism, or whatever people use to participate in the world around them.

This all day.

Agreed. Especially this part: "Although this is wonderful for boosting the ego, it can be very damaging to the rest of mental health."
null24 said:
syberdelic said:

Ugh:? ! Please, somebody, anybody, everybody stop!:!:
If you know anybody using it, for goodness' sake, help them stop saying "woke"!
Why is it even a term? How did it pass the term-coining phase?
Isn't it supposed to mean oh-so-aware, yet doesn't even use proper syntax? Oh my god it bugs me enough to rant.:p
The only time i hear it used is by folks who have self-determined themselves to be highly enlightened, usually only because they've read TMk and taken lots of drugs.

I'm (not really) sorry.

Only those that aren't WOKE complain about it's terminology 😁 Seriously though, we need meme words like this to show the serious problems that invade our spiritual/newage/hippie bullshit culture. We need to see they exist and words like WOKE help us with that so that maybe we can just move to a better psychology. I would be willing to put my money on the line that you yourself have at one time 'involuntarily' felt similar thoughts/feelings as the OP describes even if you weren't aware that you were doing it, it is part of dealing with our egos.
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