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DMT Dry Tek: FASW, FASA, or Vinegar?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello again!

After struggling with Vovin's tek, I realized that wet teks just aren't my style. The DMT dry tek sounds AMAZING, it's just the mescaline tek I had so much success with, but with two more steps.

I was wondering if there are any established preferences for the salting step? They each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Vinegar is food-safe and requires no preparation, and acetic acid is volatile meaning no need to wash out extra fumaric (I will be freebasing). The disadvantage is the smell. Also, the gooiness of the acetate if I were aiming for a DMT salt (I'm not)

FASW is also food grade, but requires some prep, and the reaction will leave behind some fumaric which may or may not need to be washed with acetone (do I have to wash it if I will be freebasing and extracting into D-Limo). No smell.

FASA breaks the food grade "pact." It smells, requires preparation. But at least it evaps FAST, or can just be filtered (am I correct on this?).

Right now I'm leaning towards vinegar, unless I don't have to evaporate the acetone, at which point I may be willing to overlook the whole not food-safe aspect of it. I'd really rather not make my apartment smell as my GF is sensitive, but at least vinegar is "passable." Anyone know if any of these methods gives better/worse yields?

Also, what happens if I let the d-limo drawn from the dry basified MHRB evaporate? How much non-DMT stuff will there be? Does it make it easier/harder to salt the freebase DMT? I figure what's left may be smokeable off the bat and if not at least it would salt more readily, but I trust your knowledge over my speculation.

Thanks in advance!
From what I hear, people aren't having much luck on mimosa h. using dryteks, myself included.

I think the fool-proof DMT extraction is to do an STB and leave it to soak for 2-4 days before pulling, then using as little solvent as possible for the pull and freeze precipitating.

I never went wrong with that.
Bleh! Fine! I'll just follow Jorkest's tek to a T then, I really don't want to use naptha, and I won't wind the "peanut n\buttery" goop.

NEXT TIME though, dry tek all up in this bizzy! It worked well enough for mescaline, don't know why it wouldn't work for mimosa, it probably just takes a little extra patience. Here's my gameplan: start the dry tek off like normal except add an excess of water so that there are still puddles. Mix this for at least one full day, maybe two. By then it should be as dry as the dry tek calls for, if not evap lightly in an oven. Hopefully by then the consistence will be like that of CaOH cactus. Then it's just a matter of mixing in the limo WELL, which just takes elbow grease and a lot of care.
Dryteks are so useful for mescaline because mescaline is very water soluble.

As DMT doesn't have this problem, the water serves to get all the molecule out and away from the hard matter where it will jump very quickly to pretty much whatever solvent it comes into contact with.

Jorkests tek is bullet proof btw :)
Do you recommend anhydrous ISO or Acetone for the freebase solvent? I have both solvents at high purity, and have the epsom salts to make them fully anhydrous(ish), and have yet to see a definitive winner. As A test I will evap some acetone and see if it leaves behind a residue (which would make ISO the winner), but if it's clean, I just want the one that will be the best solvent, and evaporate quicker, which SHOULD be acetone...
Just for others to know, SWIM has done the MHRB drytek that is used with mescaline with amazing results. Mix Powdered MHRB with hydrated lime, then add just enough water to make pasty. Add D-limo and stir for a day, and then FASW or FASIPA. Easy as hell no joke, and yields are amazing! Never tried vinegar but SWIM likes FASW or FASIPA so much he just uses those two exclusively.
Dryteks (household base, acetone, magnesium sulfate) haven't proven well for mimosa, which doesn't mean they don't work--they're just difficult. Limteks (lime and limonene, same as 69ron's cactus extraction), on the other hand, work very well and aren't that difficult as long as a few factors are kept in mind (SWIM finds it much less difficult, as he doesn't like big ole wet-teks either, though he's been plenty successful with them).

Excuse my being a nomenclature-nazi, but SWIM coined drytek some time ago and mistakenly applied it to 69ron's mescaline extraction, but it has a number of key differences that set it apart from drytek--differences characterized by the unique use of lime and limonene; thus, 'limtek' was coined to set them apart. Drytek has only been proven effective for bufo extraction, limteks (in many variations, sometimes with use of a different NPS than limonene) have been proven effective for mescaline and DMT--notably, in terms of MHRB.

This worked very well for SWIM and has plenty of leeway for adjustment if necessary. Of course, SWIM would also suggest the use of FASW for salting, and the fumarate can be purified with nothing more than water. Do not evaporate limonene, its too expensive and results in too much goo for that to ever be effective.
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