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Dmt fumerates and nmt fumerates?

Migrated topic.
I've heard that should work, not sure though.

Sometimes if I saturate hot naphtha and leave it in a cupboard the dmt falls out at room temp leaving the gooeys behind for a freeze pecip or evap.
Yes, nmt would form a fumerate, giving you a mixture.

The simplest method of separation is fractional crystallisation, as kloudQ7 has suggested.
This doesn't always work though as the solubility of nmt in aliphatic hydrocarbons is poorer than dmt, meaning that nmt should drop out of solution first.

If you are looking for a chemical means of separation, then two methods have been discussed here,
Acetylation with aspirin or carbamic acid formation with carbon dioxide.
Acetylation is more likely to be successful, I suspect.
Yes, the fractional crystallization usually only works that way for me when the bark contains more dmt than nmt then the crystals come out first. Slow cooling is the key.
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