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Do you believe in spirit guides? Experienced?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Just thought I'd bring up a topic that's on my mind today from a book I've been reading. The idea that each human being has two spirit guides assigned to him/her, and the fact that when there's a major transition - such as on a spiritual transition, there could be an exchange of one or both guides with new guide(s). The transition approx. lasts 90 days, where one will have no connection with the spiritual world and thus becomes really depressed - the so called - dark night of the soul. It's both amazing and terrifying to contemplate on this.

I yet to have direct sense my guides, but I'm curious to know if anyone here has experienced or thoughts.
Intezam said:
Why would the transition (if any) take 90 days?

The book didn't elaborate why it's 90 days (at least so far I've read). It pretty much stresses it's a purification process, an adjustment and a transition that just is. (I understand this as a time akin to clear the space before new guides can take over.) It explains it's the transition from the two guides to three master guides. It also states it's (dark night of the soul) almost in all spiritual writings.
sbios said:
The idea that each human being has two spirit guides assigned to him/her
Some people have more, some people have less. Really depends on the path that soul is taking.
I've dabbled with a lot of things deemed "spiritual" or along those lines for the last couple decades. I did some of Howard Wimer's workshops and had some experiences with spirit guides or "angels". It's not something I actively seek out any more, but there was no real conclusion I could come to as to what exactly was happening and if it was "real" or not. Still, they were positive experiences that did help me move in a positive direction in my life.
Well that's quite interesting you immediately jump into conclusion that the book is BS. Where is your proof? May I ask on what ground or evidences you drew this conclusion about it as well as how'd it affect someone's mental health well-being?

@Metanoia -
Thanks for the info. I thought there'd be more people had experiences given that going into breakthrough/ hyperspaces, which I had yet experience.
sbios said:
Well that's quite interesting you immediately jump into conclusion that the book is BS. Where is your proof? May I ask on what ground or evidences you drew this conclusion about it as well as how'd it affect someone's mental health well-being?
Because many Nexicans had a direct experience of the inner/outer realities, hence we/they/them/us can now detect BS from the corner of the eye....😉 How does it work? Only one (1) way to find out....

I'm interested in the name of the book too, but given this excerpt of said book, there would be many which put forth clearer instructions on how to proceed on a spiritual path IMHO (if that even is your goal).

Before you even entertain thoughts about spirit guides, astral planes or your Holy Guardian Angel, you should develop a foundation of concentration, awareness and familiarity with deep meditation. I'm not saying it is impossible without, but it will sure help on this path. This is about taking full responsibility for who you are, and how you can improve certain aspects according to your intent.

Sooner or later, when you've cleansed your life of contraproductive mental barrage and rubble, the energy will flow where it must be itself :thumb_up: No need to worry about magical stuff at all! Just being happy in the eternity of every single moment, rediscovering what Oneness actually means.

It get's more funky as you progess - I'm refering to the blog in the link above. I'm sure you will find this information somewhat relevant.
For hyperspace travelers in general: On crossing the Abyss
Hope I could help.

You're right on the spot. I appreciate your response. I've decided to remove the book info I posted earlier due to some are not ready for the ideas. I believe you shall encounter the book if it's meant to be read by you.

I posted the question because I'm curious to see whether people went through hyperspace had any experience with their so called guardian(s). I personally have no experience, but that doesn't mean I reject the non-existence. All in all, like you said, it has little relevance to the daily life we're dealing with.
I have had a lot of experience with my guides, and yes, they are there. When people come to ayahuasca and san pedro ceremonies, I see all their guides around the ceremonial space nearby, as their guides are with them closely for this experience, to protect them from outside spirits that aren't there for their good, mainly.

Sometimes there is a specialist guide who is with you for a little while in your life to get you through a certain chapter, and then leaves, and other times there is a switch of the guides, but I disagree with the book about the 90 days. You are NEVER unaccompanied by a guardian. What I have seen is that you'll have both the new and old guardians for a while as they gently make the switch, so there isn't a shock to the human. It's a gentle and slow process, not abrupt and NEVER empty space as far as guides are concerned.

The dark night of the soul is something else completely. It's a time when old patterns are dissolving but the new ones aren't set up yet, and old realities go away, but new ones aren't here yet. Your guides are literally carrying you through that!
Christine Breese said:
I have had a lot of experience with my guides, and yes, they are there. When people come to ayahuasca and san pedro ceremonies, I see all their guides around the ceremonial space nearby, as their guides are with them closely for this experience, to protect them from outside spirits that aren't there for their good, mainly.

Sometimes there is a specialist guide who is with you for a little while in your life to get you through a certain chapter, and then leaves, and other times there is a switch of the guides, but I disagree with the book about the 90 days. You are NEVER unaccompanied by a guardian. What I have seen is that you'll have both the new and old guardians for a while as they gently make the switch, so there isn't a shock to the human. It's a gentle and slow process, not abrupt and NEVER empty space as far as guides are concerned.

The dark night of the soul is something else completely. It's a time when old patterns are dissolving but the new ones aren't set up yet, and old realities go away, but new ones aren't here yet. Your guides are literally carrying you through that!

You ever heard of two people sharing a guide? Like twin souls for example.
I Prefer Spirit M8s , yes they do exist

They exist in my experience. The plants are the perfect example since we're discussing it on the nexus. my main ones are caapi and toe, but there's others like yaupon, hawthorn and elder (and more). Kundalini is like a spirit guide as well. And I'd say you can have other people's higher selves on your team also, and like I said before I feel like two people can share a guide if they have a strong enough connection.
I know this probably won't be the most popular opinion on here, but I just thought I'd give fair warning from my personal experience. I do not really believe in "spirit guides" in the traditional sense... but I do believe spirits can guide YOUR soul/spirit when you are in an altered state, and once you take enough of "whatever" entheogen to be able to start seeing in the spirit realm, pretty quickly demons will come running from all directions trying to persuade you to follow them during the experience. Most of the time, demons will appear as a benevolent being, either through it's personality or visual appearance, but if you have enough spiritual discernment and see it for what it really is, then call it out on it's BS, you will suddenly see it's hideous, true form, and then it will leave, but sometimes only after harassing your mind or trying to visually scare you for a bit. But if you stand your ground they will leave.

Holy Angels from God will guide you and protect you during both altered and sober states if you ask them to (or ask God to send them to guide/protect you), but MOST of the time these can only be felt, and though they can speak audibly they mostly only speak telepathically (i.e., lengthy complex thought impressions, what Christians call "word of knowledge" where a detailed sentence or couple of sentences instantly downloads itself into your heart/mind and you get this impression of instantly knowing the whole message that the angel gave you).

I know somebody might pull the whole Terrance McKenna BS card on me for saying this stuff, I'm just sharing experiences from when I've been on DMT/other entheogens and experiences when I was sober.
I don't know what to think about guardians.
I never had a chat with one, so no real reason to believe in them.
On the other hand, I should have died a lot as a kid doing stupid things like putting compasses into electrical outlets and other dangerous things, so I think there might be at least some intervention to prevent people gameovering themselves too early:?.
Because many Nexicans had a direct experience of the inner/outer realities, hence we/they/them/us can now detect BS from the corner of the eye....Wink How does it work? Only one (1) way to find out....

Awesome video from Terrence Mckenna:thumb_up:

It's tough for us here in 'the waste',sometimes we need to wade through rivers of B.S. to get to the other side...

Mathematics demands exploration. Where direct experience is lacking open discussion is a perfectly valid preparatory step (i.e. testing theorem/hypothesis through thought experiment)

I know for sure that some force other than myself or at least complimentary to my fundamental self (or fundamental to my complimentary self?) has bailed me out of some tight situations. I've eaten it too on other ones but stayed alive (miraculously)....
That's interesting to hear so many different perspectives on this. IMO we're in this primitive evolution stage as well as the limitation of the 3D world that when anyone (mostly human) poses as someone who knows what BS is, is in fact BS-ing himself. Because we humans really don't know shitz at all. We're like ants scratching the surface and thinking we're intelligent enough to grasp the mysteries beyond what we perceive.
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