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Easiest way to smoke DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been vaping my nndmt for the past few months using a Crafty vaporizer. It works perfect. It took me a month or two to figure out the correct temperature but once I figured it out I cannot think of an easier way to vape DMT.

1) Weigh your preferred dose.
2) Place the metal cilinder (or liquid pad as they call it on their site) on the chamber of the vape.
3) Put your dose on top of the chamber, close the chamber.
4) Use your crafty app in your celphone to put the temperature of the vaporizer at 185C or 365F.
5) Press the orange power button, wait for the red light to change to green.
6) Wait a milisecond or a second, and toke away.

I don't know if it's just me, but dmt never feels harsh or tastes disgusting to me. I've heard a lot of people talking about the harshness and the foul taste, but I don't get any of that using the Crafty. I would recommend playing around with the doses and temp until you find a dose and temperature range that gives you what you want, but between 15-30mg is usually fine for me, and temps between 183-193C could be fine, even though I prefer 185C. Take into account that I'm very skinny and short though so the amount that I use isn't what would necessarily work for other people.
I can second this. I read about it on a few other posts and tried it for the first time today (first time with dmt in general as well). I started with 10mg and I was blown away after the first hit. It turned off by itself at some point during the trip, which is a nice safety measure.

I wasn't sure if I got it all so I turned it on again in attempt to finish up whatever residual dmt was left and felt very little effect, so I'm assuming it cleared most of it out in one hit.

I had it set to 180c, but I've read accounts of people using down to 150c, and slowly working into the experience in 4 or five hits. The same person said they didn't use above 160 because of the harshness.

Yet another account read here on the forum said that it would be best to use around 190 because the boiling point of freebase is around 180.

Still some experimenting to do I guess, before any concrete consensus can be drawn. Either way, although I have zero experience with other methods, the crafty seems great! Albeit a little pricy.
For smoking - changa. 1:1 DMT:herb. Also, per each gram of DMT used I usually add anywhere from 250-300mg freebase caapi alks.

Throw that in a small stationary bong [1ft tall], ice cold water. OR some sort of handheld/stationary bubbler. :)

One massive toke, barely feel it in the throat, hits hard and fast.
Sore said:
Yeah just had a quick look $450 for the Crafty!

I suppose nothing is cheap from Storz and Bickle :(

Damn I remember buying it for $300 something, maybe the price went up somehow. But I bought mine about 2 years ago for vaping cannabis.
tatt said:
For smoking - changa. 1:1 DMT:herb. Also, per each gram of DMT used I usually add anywhere from 250-300mg freebase caapi alks.

Throw that in a small stationary bong [1ft tall], ice cold water. OR some sort of handheld/stationary bubbler. :)

One massive toke, barely feel it in the throat, hits hard and fast.

I forgot to mention that I am currently vaping an acacia confusa freebase in my crafty, I haven't tried changa in it.
You can use an ecig vape pen, but far better is a proper variable mod like below



With a sub-ohm tank (important) or an RDA which allows you to drip vape juice directly onto the coils. SMOK do a quad coil tank that produces insane amounts of hit.

So anyway you get your dmt and you get some vape juice (0MG nicotine) and you put the dmt inside, stir it, then put the bottle into a saucepan of hot water, this mixes the dmt with the juice properly.

This way you can have any flavor you want. If you wanted to go to a rave or something on DMT then no one would be any wiser.

40W on a 0.2-0.5ohm tank = tons of vape per hit = tons of dmt per hit!
I got a Crafty because of the info here. I humbly have to give you my deepest thanks.

I took one long hit at 185C after preloading with 30mg of homemade spice. The LED went from Green to red (signifying a temp drop from my draw) and I kept on inhaling for 10 more seconds after that. Green geometric patterns formed in front of me and rushed towards me after wich I was gone. I had taken ground rue and mushrooms beforehand.

I liked not fiddling with a glass pipe/lighter, especially since I could feel the mushrooms. Also the green LED light from the crafty is cool looking and I've come to associate it with dmt space. The way the black patterned hard plastic vaporizer vibrates, flashes, and changes colors fits well with DMT in a way I cannot explain.

Next I'm going to try to measure the liquid pad Delta weight for different temperature settings and inhalation strategies. Will post if I find anything interesting.
The elves spoke to me in a dream and said cooooome to ussssss! And in the fog I seen a image!!!!


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Loveall said:
I got a Crafty because of the info here. I humbly have to give you my deepest thanks.

I took one long hit at 185C after preloading with 30mg of homemade spice. The LED went from Green to red (signifying a temp drop from my draw) and I kept on inhaling for 10 more seconds after that. Green geometric patterns formed in front of me and rushed towards me after wich I was gone. I had taken ground rue and mushrooms beforehand.

I liked not fiddling with a glass pipe/lighter, especially since I could feel the mushrooms. Also the green LED light from the crafty is cool looking and I've come to associate it with dmt space. The way the black patterned hard plastic vaporizer vibrates, flashes, and changes colors fits well with DMT in a way I cannot explain.

Next I'm going to try to measure the liquid pad Delta weight for different temperature settings and inhalation strategies. Will post if I find anything interesting.

It's cool that someone saw what I wrote about and my info actually helped. It's so easy to vape dmt this way, and you also don't have to worry about dropping a glass pipe/bong, or lighting while you're under the influence. My vape sometimes looks huge as does my hand, sometimes it looks snake/reptilian like, other times it looks alienlike, sometimes it looks normal.
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