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Effective combined LD/OBE method, 3 simple steps

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Rising Star
In the following three simple steps I describe a method of inducing LDs/OBEs that I practice. It proved to be very efficient to me.

1. Go to bed for your nightly sleep. Let's assume you go to bed at 0:00. Sleeping first is obligatory! Without that you will fail. If you lead a secluded life and practice meditation for years, you may have other options - but you don't!

2. Set an alarm to wake you up after about 3 sleep cycles (1 sleep cycle = 70 - 90 minutes). In our example this would be 4:30. If you practice this regularly for a while, you most likely will automatically wake at the defined time before the alarm starts. This is better, because the last sleep cycle will be completed then.

I usually use a multiple alarm that wakes me at 4:30, 6:00 and 7:30 so I can repeat induction in case I fail.

3. No need for relaxation techniques. By sleeping previously you are already relaxed. Get back to your preferred sleeping position and repeat the following sentence in your mind, steady and slowly:

"The next time that I dream I will notice that I'm dreaming and do a reality check."

Only concentrate on repeating this sentence, do not let your mind digress, but don't force it but mean it. It is not only an anchor to preserve awareness but also a "program" for your prospective memory to remind you that you are dreaming. This is a fallback function in case you lose awareness falling asleep.

It is also important not to have any expectations. As long as you wait for anything to happen - for example the vibrations you may have read about - you will fail. When I tell you to only concentrate on repeating the sentence, I do mean that literally. Whatever happens, just wait. You don't need techniques like "rolling out of your body", etc. Just wait and the exit will happen automatically.

That's it. It's as easy as it sounds and works for beginners and advanced oneironauts.



1. Your dream recall should be well trained. A dream diary is the most effective method that I know.

2. Your prospective memory should be well trained. This can be done by setting specific actions to be done at a certain moment in the future, for example doing a reality check whenever you see a red car, etc. The trigger should be something else each day, you can also use several triggers at a time.

3. You should do reality checks regularly during the day. My favorite reality check is holding my nose and trying to breathe. It is discreet and very reliable. When you do the reality check, expect if to produce a positive result - using the breathing check, expect to be able to breathe. If the check fails, do not conclude that you are awake. Conclude that you could be still dreaming instead. The meaning of waking time reality checks is not to check your state but to keep up an awareness of your state and your environment.

Don't think you can just skip those steps. Without developing certain skills, you won't be able to induce lucid dreams reliably. Your general state of mind takes great influence as well. Challenge whatever you believe to be your reality - at best do this all the time. "Am I dreaming?" *reality check* "Hmm, I could still be dreaming." Even with this easy method presented here it takes dedication and discipline to master lucid dreaming.


Further explanation:

This method combines two major techniques, WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) and MILD (Mnemonically Induced Lucid Dreaming). Using WILD you are likely to have out-of-body experiences (I do about half of the time), MILD serves as a fallback in case WILD fails and you lose awareness. The latter produces DILDs (Dream Induced Lucid Dreams) which are usually "stranger" than WILDs, because you become aware during an already ongoing dream. By the combination of the two methods, this technique is very reliable.

By first sleeping you achieve three things:
1. Your body is relaxed.
2. It is easy to let your body fall back to sleep.
3. You can directly slip into REM sleep.
thanks for that...its interesting though because ive been doing exactly that for awhile now..but it just happened naturally(the waking up after about 4-5 hours) and now ive got to remember to try to keep my awareness intact through the transition
Thanx for the info :D
I've never heard about this technique to sleep first and it's brilliant. Really makes sense and I'm going to try this out.

And about the OBE. Many times I've had this very strong vibration and this buzzing sound and I feel I'm starting to float somewhere but it's like I never get out. I've tried so many times just to relax and make it happen but it always fails. It just stops before I get out. But I've never been able to induce this state. It just happens once in a while.
Do you have any tips about that for me. You seem to have quite a lot of experience.
DMTripper said:
Thanx for the info :D
I've never heard about this technique to sleep first and it's brilliant. Really makes sense and I'm going to try this out.

Exactly. I found this confirmed later by Mr. Monroe:
My deliberate inducement of the second state also became tedious because
I had found a simpler way to achieve it. I would wake up after two
or possibly three sleep cycles, or approximately after three or four hours,
and find myself already relaxed physically, rested, and completely wide
awake. In that state, I found it ridiculously easy to "unhook" and flow
freely out of the body.

DMTripper said:
And about the OBE. Many times I've had this very strong vibration and this buzzing sound and I feel I'm starting to float somewhere but it's like I never get out. I've tried so many times just to relax and make it happen but it always fails. It just stops before I get out. But I've never been able to induce this state. It just happens once in a while.
Do you have any tips about that for me. You seem to have quite a lot of experience.

I just wait. Sooner or later I exit without doing anything. If I keep doing nothing, I even start to travel and act, but am able to observe it consciously. At any time I can take control then.

One problem that may occur is having no sight. If that happens and sight does not come within a few moments, I simply let myself fall asleep and have a false awakening. Usually I can see then. If not, I simply repeat that. If you have a floating sensation, you may already be out but unable to see.
I've never had a lucid dream that I can recall. My room mate has them so I hear him do research on it and what not so I picked up a few pieces of info. Twice in the last month I have been dreaming and said, "wait, this can't really be happening, this has to be a dream." Both times I have woken up in a frightened panic. Weird.
This happens to most beginners. It's the excitement that wakes you up. Having sex in a dream will often do the same. Too much excitement is a dream killer. If you can't recall you dreams, write a dream diary. Besides, are you sure you've waken up? False awakenings are very common when lucid dreaming. It's worth the effort of always doing a reality check when waking up.
I just started writing a dream diary and just last night and I haven't had so much dreams for months :) My attention is obviously on my dreams now :) Let's see where this heads. Hopefully I will manage soon to notice that I'm dreaming.

I think it's time for me to dive into this 'cause lately I've felt psychedelics are not doing anything more for me. It's time for something else.

I've been doing Tai chi and now lucid dreaming sound good to me too :)
Yeah, lucid dreaming (and OBEs) have the advantage of being in control... mostly at least. Entheogens can teach you a lot, but lucid dreaming seems even more extensive. Besides I wouldn't want to use entheogens every day, but LDing every night does not pose a problem I'm aware of.
This is really interesting. I'll have to try it.

Now, what I'm curious about is. I've been taking my melatonin at different dosages (because some seem to work better than others for me personally.) But what I've noticed is that, whenever I lay down and first try to sleep, whatever I think about before I sleep, is exactly what I dream about. All though its manipulated, and a lot more colorful, its normally the same thing I thought about.

I should tie this experiment in with both a dream journal and my dream boosters!
Thanx for all the info, i'm definately going to incorperate these exercizes.

You're absolutely right about excitement being a hinderence.When ever i LD, it's usually some "other worldy" type of place i find myself in, then i awake within the dream and when i get excited about it...thats when i wake up.

Do you practice AP or RV aswell?
Dwhitty76 said:
Do you practice AP or RV aswell?

I don't know what "RV" is but Astral Projection is technically the same as applying the WILD method. I prefer rather neutral terms.
Ah, yes, I tried that once with a photo. I just followed a scheme in a book step by step. The end result came pretty close to what the photo showed.
This thread has kind of inspired me to keep a dream journal. I just had a really intense, detailed, long and drawn out, end of humanity dream last night that was so real I thought it was real for a second. I woke myself up somehow, "I think I realized it was a dream", and then repeated the details of the dream back to myself until I fell asleep. When back asleep a dreamt the same dream and upon wakening this morning I was able to remember most of my dream. I just finished writing it down.
Third night in a row I have remembered my dream. In all of them I have been cased or attacked. I think there is something that is really bothering me in my sub-concious. It's just wierd because there has never been a tme in my life where I remember dreams like this in this kind of detail, or had dreams where I was the one being chased.
dont worry about it dude...SWIM has found that since he started smoking spice..and doing other entheogens..hes dreams have been rather violent...just last night SWIM was helping aliens destroy a city..

SWIM has been remembering all his dreams lately..for almost two weeks now..hes started a journal..and its really helped him
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