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..Enough GOO questions! read this..

Migrated topic.


member for the trees
Senior Member
..in the 90s when the DMT extraction world was a little fresher, and more guided by experienced chemists, there was no obsession with the end-product being crystals..

in the ordinary world of phytochemical extraction, a simple A/B or STB as done by most nexians, would be said to result in the CRUDE ALKALOIDS..
crystalization requires either re-crystalization (up to several times) and/or separation of compounds in some cases..

BUT, the crude alkaloid is perfectly OK (if were talking mainly tryptamines/betacarbolines) and FINE..perhaps less convenient to handle, but most goo is mostly DMT..

the very first set of instructions i ever read for extracting DMT from plants (in Psychedelic Illuminations magazine) in 1991 said that, after evaporating the non-polar solvent, the resulting SOLID OR OIL is the DMT..

people need to get this imbedded in the psyche and save themselves a lot of un-needed worry, or worse still waste of perfectly good plant alkaloids..

in the Acacia Analysis Thread you will see an example of how a goo/paste is actually over 92% DMT..
[see image attached below]

remaining an oil form is due to either small amounts of beta-carbolines and/or NMT..
often such 'oils' will soldify eventually after a couple of weeks..

so, unless you like meticulous, fiddly lab techniques, just enjoy what the plants give you..sometimes you get crystals..
just be sure it's a species known to have had DMT demonstrated in it..

below 92%+ DMT with small amount NMT, betacarbolines and traces..


  • Acaciaobtusifolialeaf.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 27
i believe it is a number of factors, most notably plant fats.
some goo can at least partially crystallize when thoroughly dried, but most goo is just goo.

i have noticed one time i made REALLY potent changa (i didn't weigh it, but enough to turn the consistency from dry herbs to a resin-like ball), and as it thoroughly dried, i noticed some nice crystals (looked very much like the x-tals in captainfuture's avatar - though some where tinted yellow) coating both the changa and the inside of my container.

my guess is you might be able to re-dissolve and evap for crystal formations with no yield loss. but that is based on nothing other than making that aforementioned batch of changa.
it IS the plant fats - one should defat a few times, probally the wider range the better, i.e. heptane over n-heptane , and use warm solvent. Sodium bicarbonate washes after fb is in solvent helps much too. the fats are yellow !

it does suck though,when pulled out the freezer after trying to freeze precipitate, and most everything sublimates . I think something has to be hydroscopic in there. I don't think its any freebase oil that stays liquid at room temp or anything...

A few other ways... can way way oversaturate solvent when pulling (use way less then needed)and use NaCl saturated water (to the point of saturation, then some), and the crystals will start to fall out of the solvent(leave overnight) and can easily be filtered using a metallic reusable coffee filter. This way if you have solvent satured with oils/goo (yellow napth is a big sign of oils that wont crystallize, whitish opaque nath generally yields cleaner) you can get some beautiful crystals. My elves has some wonderful big fatty crystals fall out that were very clean. Like a half inch of sparkly crystals sitting on top of solvent layer in jars after NaCl saturating.

The simplest, cleanest , and nicest way my elves have found is simple taking everything that wont crystallize or freeze precipt right, dissolve in minimal solvent or perhaps even veggie oils , pull everything with vinegar (vinegar should get opaque) , and then precipate the base from that water/vinegar solution. Filter with coffee filter and you have much sparkly white crystals. (can ya tell my elves know how to work with harmalas and rue? :p)

I am getting so sick of working with solvents. Perhaps I will post a viable acacia solventless extract.
^..i'm sorry but there are no 'fats' (except the most minute traces of fatty acids, i.e less than 0.05%) known from acacia phytoanalysis..
it's already been demonstrated by GCMS (by endlessness) that 98%+ alkaloids (freebase) will (can) remain an oil or goo (depending on the ratio of alkaloids) ..

..so, while your method may be good for allowing solidification, unless you have information that we don't, there are no known fats in A. confusa..in multiple tests..
okay... we can say non-alkaloidal , non-polar soluble compounds...

I am starting to become convinced there is some sort of... sublimation going on when drying though,leading to product loss.
you are right ,I can't be sure its non-alkaloidal. next "de-fatting" wash will be evapped, or something to see if the de-fat took anything out. i'd wanna see if it was causing any loss I guess as well.
i have heard more than a couple reports of negligible yields after de-fatting.

my guess is that it is entirely possible to pull some alkaloids(maybe even DMT?) if your de-fat stage isn't acidified enough.

but that is only just that.. a guess.

e.g. if you do a limonene salting, would the resultant goo be indicative that it is alkaloidal?
or would plant fats be able to be salted as well?
Hello, nexians! I had just aquired my second batch of mhrb poweder. First was 225g, this time I went with 1000g. First time I produced nice white crystals (STB), but kind of low yields. This time I am trying cyb's salt tek (stb with salt). I'm getting uber oily product. It's good to know it is not a big deal. Thanks for this thread!
I haven't re'x this batch yet, will use naptha.
I've heard it was possibly to get a more pure product by doing a quick atb extraction with your oily product. Any comments non that?
Thanks again, this forum is very helpful.
kertez said:
Hello, nexians! I had just aquired my second batch of mhrb poweder. First was 225g, this time I went with 1000g. First time I produced nice white crystals (STB), but kind of low yields. This time I am trying cyb's salt tek (stb with salt). I'm getting uber oily product. It's good to know it is not a big deal. Thanks for this thread!
I haven't re'x this batch yet, will use naptha.
I've heard it was possibly to get a more pure product by doing a quick atb extraction with your oily product. Any comments non that?
Thanks again, this forum is very helpful.

Re-x ought to help you, but it's unlikely that its NMT, considering that you have mimosa hostilus

Unrelated, but my friends most recent run with acacia confusa went spectacularly. It seems leaving the jars to sit overnight at room temp (8-14 hours) resulted in beautiful precipitations. He's never had spice this white, or crystals that large. It's as light as driven snow, and not dense at all. The larger crystals surprised me by only being 100 mg, yet being so large!
Didn't check everyone's replies, just the OP so forgive me if it's been stated BUT-

I think a lot of the obsession with getting crystal and not goo is motivated by profit. It's a lot easier to sell crystal drugs (DMT and others) than an oil or crude extract.

Without getting too personal I think this is really sad and just one example of how society tarnishes a lot of good things.

Just my .02

deathly hallows said:
Didn't check everyone's replies, just the OP so forgive me if it's been stated BUT-

I think a lot of the obsession with getting crystal and not goo is motivated by profit. It's a lot easier to sell crystal drugs (DMT and others) than an oil or crude extract.

Without getting too personal I think this is really sad and just one example of how society tarnishes a lot of good things.

Just my .02

..if profit is the motivation then, yes, that is sad..

thank you for your observations deathly hallows...
nen888 said:
deathly hallows said:
Didn't check everyone's replies, just the OP so forgive me if it's been stated BUT-

I think a lot of the obsession with getting crystal and not goo is motivated by profit. It's a lot easier to sell crystal drugs (DMT and others) than an oil or crude extract.

Without getting too personal I think this is really sad and just one example of how society tarnishes a lot of good things.

Just my .02

..if profit is the motivation then, yes, that is sad..

thank you for your observations deathly hallows...

Thanks for listening. For me and my family of friends, people are just more comfortable with crystal than the goo. I guess we make it mean what we want?

deathly hallows said:
For me and my family of friends, people are just more comfortable with crystal than the goo. I guess we make it mean what we want?

People seem to equate a white crystal or powder to purity. Full spectrum extract like a nice orangey-red sparkly goo can provide very rewarding experiences :)

I find people are even more comfortable with changa or enhanced leaf, which the goo is great for ;)
Tropical-moss said:
goo is good, but think especially for new people, it is not an accurate way of dosing because people really dont know how much they have. this may cause unrest within and may be amplified by the fact they are already new to DMT and its not exactly a soft ride all the time as it is. For reasons of accuracy and peace of mind, crystals might be the goal for some.

In my experience dipping a razor blade in the goo and letting one drop fall will be about 0.025 to 0.03 grams. So, two drops will be enough to get the recommended break through dose of between 0.05 to 0.06 grams. That's been more than enough to break through for my co-pilots and myself 8)
SWIM have already hit on this here https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=149&p=91

However since it relates to goo SWIM wanted to ask about how to actually smoke the goo.

SWIM did a 50g ACRB extraction and got orange goo after 2 pulls. The second pull produced "cleaner" looking goo and a very small amount (a few mg maybe).

Anyway SWIM has been letting it dry on a coffee filter for hours. So far it smells of flowers/rubber. SWIM is letting the left over naphta freeze to see what happens. Does the naphta even evaporate out of the goo completely?

Can it be smoked? If so how? Can SWIM just use tobacco and coat it with the goo and vaporize it? SWIM doesn't smoke, and doesn't even know how to but wants to experience it for the first time.
well it can be smoked in the machine as you would crystalline freebase.

or you can infuse it onto herbs (for more info on this, check out the changa subforum).

Parshvik Chintan said:
i have found the easiest/best way to handle goo is to dissolve and evaporate it in a solvent(doesn't matter which - i use minimal isopropyl). its much easier to deal with the solution than the goo.

to weigh it, simply weigh a light container, then pour your dissolved goo in and re-evap it. weigh that container with the goo in it, and just subtract the weight of the container.

you can scrape with a knife for quick transfer, but i highly recommend making changa/infused leaf, as it is much easier to handle.
I've only done one extraction thus far on ACRB, 50g, shredded. 3x2 boils with a teaspoon of vinegar per boil. Based until jet black. Added 70ml room temp naphtha 5 times, separately. Combined all pulls, reduced under fan until it was roughly 1/4 of the volume. Stuck in freezer in an airtight pyrex container for 30-36 hours. Ended up with 1026mg of white-ish/off white-ish xtals, and very little goo, roughly 130mg worth.

Infused all in mullien and caapi leaf. Two deep lungfuls in a standard pipe and I was in the exact same space as mhrb dmt. I honestly couldn't tell much difference, except for the body feeling. A very euphoric/vibratory feeling. The experience was VERY strong yet it was VERY gentle. (if that makes any sense)

much love,
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