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..Enough GOO questions! read this..

Migrated topic.


member for the trees
Senior Member
..in the 90s when the DMT extraction world was a little fresher, and more guided by experienced chemists, there was no obsession with the end-product being crystals..

in the ordinary world of phytochemical extraction, a simple A/B or STB as done by most nexians, would be said to result in the CRUDE ALKALOIDS..
crystalization requires either re-crystalization (up to several times) and/or separation of compounds in some cases..

BUT, the crude alkaloid is perfectly OK (if were talking mainly tryptamines/betacarbolines) and FINE..perhaps less convenient to handle, but most goo is mostly DMT..

the very first set of instructions i ever read for extracting DMT from plants (in Psychedelic Illuminations magazine) in 1991 said that, after evaporating the non-polar solvent, the resulting SOLID OR OIL is the DMT..

people need to get this imbedded in the psyche and save themselves a lot of un-needed worry, or worse still waste of perfectly good plant alkaloids..

in the Acacia Analysis Thread you will see an example of how a goo/paste is actually over 92% DMT..
[see image attached below]

remaining an oil form is due to either small amounts of beta-carbolines and/or NMT..
often such 'oils' will soldify eventually after a couple of weeks..

so, unless you like meticulous, fiddly lab techniques, just enjoy what the plants give you..sometimes you get crystals..
just be sure it's a species known to have had DMT demonstrated in it..

below 92%+ DMT with small amount NMT, betacarbolines and traces..


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Tattvamasi said:
I've only done one extraction thus far on ACRB, 50g, shredded. 3x2 boils with a teaspoon of vinegar per boil. Based until jet black. Added 70ml room temp naphtha 5 times, separately. Combined all pulls, reduced under fan until it was roughly 1/4 of the volume. Stuck in freezer in an airtight pyrex container for 30-36 hours. Ended up with 1026mg of white-ish/off white-ish xtals, and very little goo, roughly 130mg worth.

Infused all in mullien and caapi leaf. Two deep lungfuls in a standard pipe and I was in the exact same space as mhrb dmt. I honestly couldn't tell much difference, except for the body feeling. A very euphoric/vibratory feeling. The experience was VERY strong yet it was VERY gentle. (if that makes any sense)

much love,

Thanks for the responses. SWIM has the left over naphta of 2nd pull freezing and actually has what looks like glorious white crystals coating sides and bottom of glass container. SWIM isn't sure if these will melt when taken out to dry or not or if it is even DMT.

After you pulled the naphta you set it to reduce then froze?

You sound like you had success with your ACRB mind sharing what you did in more detail if possible (pm perhaps). SWIM might have put too much lye in the ACRB and caused it to get to hot getting oils/fats since the naphta was very dark red and cloudy.
Dunghippy said:
Tattvamasi said:
I've only done one extraction thus far on ACRB, 50g, shredded. 3x2 boils with a teaspoon of vinegar per boil. Based until jet black. Added 70ml room temp naphtha 5 times, separately. Combined all pulls, reduced under fan until it was roughly 1/4 of the volume. Stuck in freezer in an airtight pyrex container for 30-36 hours. Ended up with 1026mg of white-ish/off white-ish xtals, and very little goo, roughly 130mg worth.

Infused all in mullien and caapi leaf. Two deep lungfuls in a standard pipe and I was in the exact same space as mhrb dmt. I honestly couldn't tell much difference, except for the body feeling. A very euphoric/vibratory feeling. The experience was VERY strong yet it was VERY gentle. (if that makes any sense)

much love,

Thanks for the responses. SWIM has the left over naphta of 2nd pull freezing and actually has what looks like glorious white crystals coating sides and bottom of glass container. SWIM isn't sure if these will melt when taken out to dry or not or if it is even DMT.

After you pulled the naphta you set it to reduce then froze?

You sound like you had success with your ACRB mind sharing what you did in more detail if possible (pm perhaps). SWIM might have put too much lye in the ACRB and caused it to get to hot getting oils/fats since the naphta was very dark red and cloudy.

I'll do my best to explain.

-50g ACRB Shredded
-1.5L Glass Wine Jug http://vinumvita.com/wp-content/uploads/image/2011/07/Carlo-Rossi-Paisano-Table-210x263.jpg
-Distilled Water
-Pyrex dish with airtight snap lid (rectangular)
-Lye Beads
-Good sized pots

Take shredded ACRB, put in pot. Fill pot with 1000ml of distilled water. Add a dash of vinegar. Bring to a boil and then turn down to med-high heat to a slow rolling boil. Let it simmer/boil for 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours. Pour off first boil into separate pot. Fill the first pot with 1000ml water again and repeat this step 2 more times.

After all 3 boils are collected put them into the glass wine jug. Then mix up 300ml water with 65g lye in a separate glass container, slowly adding the lye beads to the water, stirring ever so gently. When the lye is dissolved in the water, then add the saturated lye water to the glass wine jug with the ACRB boils. The color in the jug should turn jet black. Let sit for an hour or so.

You'll notice after adding the ACRB boils to the wine jug and adding the lye water to the wine jug that there is still about 200=300ml of open space in the top of the jug until you get to the very neck of the jug. Take some distilled water and add it to the wine jug until the ACRB/Lye mix is up to the bottom of the neck of the jug. (you'll see why in a sec)

Now that your based ACRB mix is up to the bottom of the neck of the wine jug, you have about 50-75ml of space in the neck of the jug.

Add 50-60ml of room temp naphtha to the jug. Mix end over end and roll jug around on the floor fast but gently. Just DONT SHAKE IT. Do this for 10 minutes. Let the naphtha make it's way to the top of the jug. You'll notice the naphtha has made it's way right up into the neck of the wine jug, so you'll have a very easy time collecting the naphtha from the top! (that's why i use these jugs). Do this step 5-6 times. (IF THE NAPHTHA ISN'T SETTLING PROPERLY THEN STICK IN A HOT WATER BATH AND THINGS SHOULD SEPARATE)

After you collect your 5 to 6 pulls of naphtha in the pyrex plate, stick in front of a fan and let the naptha evap down to a 1/3 or 1/4 of it's original volume. Then after it has evaporated down, snap on airtight lid and stick in the freezer for 36 hours.

Take out pyrex dish after 36 hours, take lid off and decant naphtha into glass. Take the pyrex dish and put it flat against the wall with the xtals/open part of the dish facing the fan. Turn fan on high and let xtals dry.

This was my method. Not sure what factor led to me getting white crystals, but i hope in light of my experience with ACRB, that this helps you or someone else.

much love,
Wow thanks a lot Tat! Will refer to that if this didn't work out for SWIM.


SWIM has separated the goo that was at the bottom and white crystals on the sides/bottom onto two separate lids to sit. Amount is almost 50/50 what looks like dmt/ dmt saturated nmt goo. The dmt looks very white and clean with some yellow areas of the goo in it possibly.

SWIM might post pics soon if that is ok to do.
After pulling several grams of crystal white spice from a kilogram of ACRB, and after reading so much about it, I finally got some goo! 😁 At first it had an oily consistency, but when scraped it hardened into a light-yellow wax. I am excited to see the similarities and differences between the crystal-porn spice and the beeswax/ goo spice. My only dilemma is how I want to store it. From what I have read, it seems like the easiest way to store the legendary goo is to dissolve in solvent, then use it to enhance some leaf matter or pour the solvent into a vial and let it evaporate. Would dry acetone be the best solvent to use for this? I figured it would do well since it evaporates very quickly, but will the goo dissolve completely in a small amount of it? What solvents have my fellow Nexians had luck with for this purpose?

I apologize for the low resolution, but the only camera I have access to is my poor-quality cell phone camera.


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Would dry acetone be the best solvent to use for this?

Yeah, dry acetone is ideal for moving your product from where it is now into a storage container. It is also good for making enhanced leaf.

If you want to make changa (enhanced leaf + harmalas) you would be better off using 91+% isopropyl alcohol or 95% ethanol. Acetone isn't the best solvent for dissolving freebase harmalas.
alert said:
Yeah, dry acetone is ideal for moving your product from where it is now into a storage container. It is also good for making enhanced leaf.

If you want to make changa (enhanced leaf + harmalas) you would be better off using 91+% isopropyl alcohol or 95% ethanol. Acetone isn't the best solvent for dissolving freebase harmalas.

I dissolved some clear goo (freeze precipitated) in 91% IPA last night and today it has dried as a yellowish wax with crystalline structure noticeable in some parts. Not quite sure why the alcohol changed the consistency/color so much but the resulting solid is easier to handle/store that is for sure.
I have a question.

I used Q21Q21 white tek on ACRB. No defatting step, so obviously I got goo/Jungle.

I scooped up a fair bit of it and was going to re-x with some hexane I have but I had trouble getting it off the razors blades. Since they're stainless steel I just dropped them in a shot glass and added boiling hexane (~77C). I let that sit a bit and then removed the blades with some steel tweezers but I noticed some goo still on the blades.

My question is this. D melts at 40C and the goal with Heptane/Hexane re-x is to basically only pull the D out. Can I assume that the goo no longer contains any D and that its just other unwanted alkalines? Just in case I've saved the blades and left the goo on.
there might still be some magic trapped inside the goo, I would work out a way to get the goo into solvent and give it a good stir about just to make sure
So I'm a little confused. I used the hexane and I didn't question it at first cause I thought maybe it was a slow process, but the goo didn't disolve in the hexane. I put it in the freezer and it clouded up like it had crystals floating in it. So I left it alone for 12-14 hours. I came home after work and poured the solvent off because it was clear finally. There were 2-3 white crystal like things sitting on the glass bottom but they looked suspiciously like ice. I also noticed the goo on the glass bottom hadn't disolved after all. I attached a pick showing it.

Sure enough once the glass came to room temp the white things melted, you can see the place where they were from the rings near the goo.

Did I not get and crystals because the goo didn't dissolve? Or what? Do I need to heat the goo up more to get it to dissolve? maybe place the glass in my double boiler and boil the hexane in that?


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So just to put my two cents out there, i did my first ever X on ACRB. My glass pan showed white puffs all over after freeze precip, along with swaths of white milkyness in the solvent floating around. I decanted the solvent into a second pan for continued freeze precip. I dried the first pan only to find it had turned clear. I scraped this up which then turned into red jimjam goo.

I then took this jimjam and did a sodium bicarb + water / naphtha wash. freeze precip'd this naphtha in a pan again. Next day i had 100% all white puffs of crystal.

The second pan was evap'd and scrapped. At first it was a yellowish clear oil. after scraping it suddenly and quickly turned waxy and offwhite, with maybe a tinge of yellow.

a third pan was also involved. this pan was a result of a previous ACRB naphtha decant. it yeilded a bright yellow goo that i have yet to wash. smells very much of indole.

So, as a newb i can now confirm ACRB can yield white crystal even for the newbs like me. Just gota follow directions.
Just to confirm. You put the goo in the water+bicarb and then added the naphtha to pull it out? Did you have to heat the water+bicarb solution in order to fully dissolve the goo into the solution?
I dissolved the goo first in warm/hot naphtha, then once its mixed well i let it cool a bit to room temp.

Edit: then mix sodium bicard + water(warm/heated) separately.

then combined into a 50ml glass vial with cap, shook hard, waited for separation, then decanted the naphtha.
magic9 said:
then combined into a 50ml glass vial with cap, shook hard, waited for separation, then decanted the naphtha.

Don't forget to re-heat your naptha during this process, as combining the sodium bicarb and water will cool it, and we all know what happens when hot saturated naptha cools.
true that makes sense.

I just used the average used supplies (as i understood them):

half gallon BALL jar
natural sea salt
citric acid
filtered water (spring water)
Cybs Max ION tek.

Note: I heated naphtha to 115F for pulls. just a guess temp to use based on "ok that was hot" when touching it and cybs tek said warm/hot.
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