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..Enough GOO questions! read this..

Migrated topic.


member for the trees
Senior Member
..in the 90s when the DMT extraction world was a little fresher, and more guided by experienced chemists, there was no obsession with the end-product being crystals..

in the ordinary world of phytochemical extraction, a simple A/B or STB as done by most nexians, would be said to result in the CRUDE ALKALOIDS..
crystalization requires either re-crystalization (up to several times) and/or separation of compounds in some cases..

BUT, the crude alkaloid is perfectly OK (if were talking mainly tryptamines/betacarbolines) and FINE..perhaps less convenient to handle, but most goo is mostly DMT..

the very first set of instructions i ever read for extracting DMT from plants (in Psychedelic Illuminations magazine) in 1991 said that, after evaporating the non-polar solvent, the resulting SOLID OR OIL is the DMT..

people need to get this imbedded in the psyche and save themselves a lot of un-needed worry, or worse still waste of perfectly good plant alkaloids..

in the Acacia Analysis Thread you will see an example of how a goo/paste is actually over 92% DMT..
[see image attached below]

remaining an oil form is due to either small amounts of beta-carbolines and/or NMT..
often such 'oils' will soldify eventually after a couple of weeks..

so, unless you like meticulous, fiddly lab techniques, just enjoy what the plants give you..sometimes you get crystals..
just be sure it's a species known to have had DMT demonstrated in it..

below 92%+ DMT with small amount NMT, betacarbolines and traces..


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KillaNoodles said:
Not all goos are created equal, though.
I had 40mg of goo yield only a level 1 experience.
Talk about low in DMT. Plant fats. Damn you ACRB!

Weak goo is just as good as potent goo if you have harmalas.

Make enhanced leaf with your goo. You may want to make it a bit weaker than 1:1 dmt:herb ratio.

Dose oral harmalas & start with a very LOW dose of enhanced leaf once the harmalas have kicked in.

Oral harmalas have a way of turning what was a mild vaped dose of DMT/NMT into a harrowing hour+ long journey.

This can really stretch your supply of DMT out if done correctly.
i have not attempted any re-x on my red goo since it has been awesome. i have the most indescribable OEVs and CEVs with it. Have a good 2kg of this acrb and dont think i am missing a thing. i think people are missing out by working to refine excessively when i would challenge anyone on here to hit my loaded lightbulb n straw more than twice...BOOM:shock:
KillaNoodles said:
Not all goos are created equal, though.
I had 40mg of goo yield only a level 1 experience.
Talk about low in DMT. Plant fats. Damn you ACRB!

It's worth pointing out that while by mass, goo is less potent than crystals, but by volume, goo can be far more potent than crystals. I would recommend against just eyeballing goo and smoalking it.
mrdandman said:
One of my friends has an oil rig for smoking herbal oils, which he DABS into his oil rig. I am reading up on acacia extractions, which commonly result in goo, and I was wondering if the oil rig and vaporization of the goo would be an effective form of administrations? Any comments?
it the best way to smoke the spice one hitter quitter
Great thread!

I've recently finished my second extraction using something like Noman's tek (found a similar technique on a Swedish forum, before I realized where the true expertise reside). For practical reasons I reused the naptha several times, which resulted in quite dark brown/yellowish product. Trying to be more careful than my usual self, I recrystallized it and performed a sodium carbonate wash but never really managed to get clear white crystals.

Got me a bit confused, was googling a bit and most of the crystals I've seen look so picture perfect that I almost lost confidence in what I had produced. And reading Noman's tek I also got the impression that white fluff or crystals was the norm.

I did my first extraction earlier this summer, and have since been a frequent guest here troubleshooting and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong when things don't work out as I expect. Every time I visit here, I find new bits of information that is precisely what I need to know to learn and evolve.

It's made me a bit hesitant to post here too, since I feel most of what I can offer are questions that have already been answered over and over.

The spice on top is what I got most of, I've recrystallized it 3 times I believe. The spice on the bottom right was originally just goo, but recrystallized and I feel comfortable smoking that. On stuff on the left I'm more hesitant off, there's quite a bit of dark in there which I figure is oils, so I'll recrystallize again and make change, is what I'm thinking.


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I'm slowly learning now that the oil and crystal combo is quite ok. SWIM has a batch right that been sitting in the freezer for many hours now. SWIM batch when returned to room temperature noticed a lot of the white has turned to a clear oil. SWIM is just happy to see results following tek to a T. Cleaning is the next step after some more research today. How does one use Zinc to clean up product?
CannabisAR said:
I'm slowly learning now that the oil and crystal combo is quite ok. SWIM has a batch right that been sitting in the freezer for many hours now. SWIM batch when returned to room temperature noticed a lot of the white has turned to a clear oil. SWIM is just happy to see results following tek to a T. Cleaning is the next step after some more research today. How does one use Zinc to clean up product?
Love yer avatar!
What is all this SWIM business though? It makes YOUR post hard to read.

Also, the search function on the site bites, it's well known. However, by visiting your favorite google, performing your query and adding DMT nexus to it will surely net some results.

Welcome to the Nexus, have a good time, learn much, peace and be good to ya.
null24 said:
CannabisAR said:
I'm slowly learning now that the oil and crystal combo is quite ok. SWIM has a batch right that been sitting in the freezer for many hours now. SWIM batch when returned to room temperature noticed a lot of the white has turned to a clear oil. SWIM is just happy to see results following tek to a T. Cleaning is the next step after some more research today. How does one use Zinc to clean up product?
Love yer avatar!
What is all this SWIM business though? It makes YOUR post hard to read.

Also, the search function on the site bites, it's well known. However, by visiting your favorite google, performing your query and adding DMT nexus to it will surely net some results.

Welcome to the Nexus, have a good time, learn much, peace and be good to ya.

Someone told me I should use code on here when referring to myself just in case SWIM = Someone who isn't me.
nen888 said:
..interesting jamie..
DeMenTed said:
The best smoke ive had was crystallised orange goo, tasted amazing and sent me very deep!
..once upon a time orange wax was the stuff of legend!

I'm a cannabis expert in extractions, The other day I extracted my first batch of DMT and got goo. Whats funny is if you compare cannabis concentrate to what I got you couldn't tell the difference ill try to post a picture later. :thumb_up:


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CannabisAR said:
Someone told me I should use code on here when referring to myself just in case SWIM = Someone who isn't me.

For real though, this is kind of old slang. Maybe 5-10 years ago or so, everyone used SWIM. Now people poke fun at it instead. No particular reason why, social norms just change over time.

Enjoy your goo! I've never extracted anything else, and once properly processed, it is every bit as potent as you could possibly desire.
For real though, this is kind of old slang. Maybe 5-10 years ago or so, everyone used SWIM. Now people poke fun at it instead. No particular reason why, social norms just change over time.
I don't think its changing social customs, I think it's the realization that SWIM is utterly useless and redundant,if one is using any real anonymizing techniques, and that it makes things confoundingly difficult to read.

People make fun of me and my goo, always talking up white crystals, but for efficacy, ease of prep and use ( with enhanced leaf) , I'm a goo lover. :thumb_up:
Enjoy your goo, love your goo, always respect your goo, and your goo will love you back. Or something. :thumb_up:

That said, one of the rewarding challenges,esp as I understand it in working with acacias, is refining your process and developing your relationship with the plant and learning how to make pretty xtals. It is worth the extra time, patience and work it takes.

I don't have much experience working with canna extracts, but fwiu, you should have a decent working knowledge of chemical safety with solvents, etc. You mentioned being wary of lye. Honestly, it is easy to work with safely, and is more effective than the base you used.
Thank you much appreciated. Yeah its not that I'm afraid of lye ive just never had to use it for anything, maybe the movie Fight Club has always branded an image in my mind and is why I'm iffy on it. lol.... I'm very safe with solvent's especially Butane, the work room is very scientific, ventilated, Safety. I have two trays in the freezer now I'm just experimenting at this point now. Without doing any extensive research I'm taking the Naphtha after draining most of the dmt goo particles in frozen form, then reheating the naphtha in a indirect bath and refreezing for 8-12 hours. I'm just curious to see if any actual refined crystals can form. I get pure enjoyment out of this. ill post pics next post:)


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Pics posted of the reheat then refreeze of same naphtha on its 3rd refreeze. I'm still able to collect goo. might as well do another reheat and refreeze its def a lot more finer then the original.
null24 said:
For real though, this is kind of old slang. Maybe 5-10 years ago or so, everyone used SWIM. Now people poke fun at it instead. No particular reason why, social norms just change over time.
I don't think its changing social customs, I think it's the realization that SWIM is utterly useless and redundant,if one is using any real anonymizing techniques, and that it makes things confoundingly difficult to read.

I think we're talking about the same thing -- you're just describing in detail the rationale of the current custom. SWIM was always a bit tongue-in-cheek, and it's not difficult to read if that's what you're used to. Back then, you would barely even notice it. Syntactically it's no more complex than any other pronoun, and drug forums wouldn't have been much use if everyone was confounded all the time.

It's also no more redundant or useless than disclaimer sigs that say "All of my posts are fictional and for entertainment purposes only." It hasn't (yet) become custom to poke fun at those, so no one jumps in to say "Whoah, don't listen to this guy, his posts are just for entertainment purposes!" with a wink and nudge.

Just trying to give the new guy a bit of context for the joke. If he's done his due diligence on reading historical FAQ threads as recommended, he will have seen SWIM all over the place, so cheeky "SWIM? What's that??" posts are likely to be more confusing than just letting him know that people don't really say that anymore.
Ok, so this can happen with MHRB? Normally, like 95% of the time, when I extract MHRB it comes out as crystals, but this last time it came out as a clear-yellow goo.. this happened both times I tried freeze-precipitating and both times they intially came out as white or yellow crystals but as they dried they melted into a goo which is slightly yellow... I redissolved the goo once and froze it again but the same thing happened.
I'm thinking this is the somewhat common "disappearing xtals" issue, as it is very warm and humid at the moment ( I don;t have A/C) and I think the warming naphtha is melting them before they can dry... but the consensus is that this goo should be a-ok? Since it's MHRB, and they initially came out as crystals that it should be far and away mostly DMT?
Crystals rarely last in that for more than half an hour where I am AFR, normally much less. It's really hot and humid here most of the year round. I've never been able to keep xtals, not even in the coolest and driest part of winter. I feel your pain.

I even acquired a baggie of crystals once that were made by someone else. After only dipping in there one time the next time I went back it was all melted goo in the baggie.
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