Hello, first of all i wanna thank all of you for the time and effort you have put into this site. I truly believe these substances are the key to unlocking our full potential as human beings and waking the world from its slumber.
Ok, so i am a 36 yr old male on the east coast of the US. I started using drugs at around 16. Weed and alcohol quickly escalated to everything in between and finally i met heroin. Heroin sent me on a long and hard journey. For 15ish years i was heavily addicted to some type of opiate. The last 5 or 6 mostly the governments "cure" which in truth is almost as bad as the heroin. Worse in the aspect that its nearly impossible to get help with detox unless you have the cash to pay. So getting off is nigh impossible. Luckily (lol) i went to prison and while i was there i found books on ameditation and yoga and it profoundly changed my life. Thanks to meditation and yoga im free of my addiction. I take kratom daily but not habitually and somewhat for pain. Not gonna lie though i do enjoy its effects. Its so weird how i arrived here on this site. Its truly like the universe said here this is your next step. I had a bad trip on acid a loooong time ago so i have hardly done any psych drugs since. So im alittle apprehensive about DMT but i truly feel i NEED to do it. Its so strange that i have a strong feeling that this is a path to what ive been searching for my entire life.
I followed the Q21 lime tek. Currently on my 3rd pull of 50g ACRB and have yielded almost a gram.
So yesterday wasnt the best day imo to try dmt. I have been thinking about it so much lately though now that i have some extracted i just couldnt wait any longer lol. I made a makeshift pipe but the scale i have doesnt measure mg properly so i ordered one last nite after. I got what i figured to be around 20mg. I was thinking as i lit the lighter, ok hit it slow, dont burn it, hold as long... and bam it hit me mid hit. I barely got the pipe put down. I saw a swirl of that psychadelic field almost like a tunnel. Patterns in the carpet. I have one of those textured ceilings (which i had never really noticed until this point lol) and it looked so awesome! I was too nervous to gleam any kind of significant spiritual effects but i do notice i feel different today. The day almost feels special for some reason. Im gonna continue acclimating myself till i feel its time to leap into hyperspace. I already feel more confident having done it mildly once and im still (technically) sane lol. If you made it this far thanks for reading!
Ok, so i am a 36 yr old male on the east coast of the US. I started using drugs at around 16. Weed and alcohol quickly escalated to everything in between and finally i met heroin. Heroin sent me on a long and hard journey. For 15ish years i was heavily addicted to some type of opiate. The last 5 or 6 mostly the governments "cure" which in truth is almost as bad as the heroin. Worse in the aspect that its nearly impossible to get help with detox unless you have the cash to pay. So getting off is nigh impossible. Luckily (lol) i went to prison and while i was there i found books on ameditation and yoga and it profoundly changed my life. Thanks to meditation and yoga im free of my addiction. I take kratom daily but not habitually and somewhat for pain. Not gonna lie though i do enjoy its effects. Its so weird how i arrived here on this site. Its truly like the universe said here this is your next step. I had a bad trip on acid a loooong time ago so i have hardly done any psych drugs since. So im alittle apprehensive about DMT but i truly feel i NEED to do it. Its so strange that i have a strong feeling that this is a path to what ive been searching for my entire life.
I followed the Q21 lime tek. Currently on my 3rd pull of 50g ACRB and have yielded almost a gram.
So yesterday wasnt the best day imo to try dmt. I have been thinking about it so much lately though now that i have some extracted i just couldnt wait any longer lol. I made a makeshift pipe but the scale i have doesnt measure mg properly so i ordered one last nite after. I got what i figured to be around 20mg. I was thinking as i lit the lighter, ok hit it slow, dont burn it, hold as long... and bam it hit me mid hit. I barely got the pipe put down. I saw a swirl of that psychadelic field almost like a tunnel. Patterns in the carpet. I have one of those textured ceilings (which i had never really noticed until this point lol) and it looked so awesome! I was too nervous to gleam any kind of significant spiritual effects but i do notice i feel different today. The day almost feels special for some reason. Im gonna continue acclimating myself till i feel its time to leap into hyperspace. I already feel more confident having done it mildly once and im still (technically) sane lol. If you made it this far thanks for reading!